Full name: Akuto Sai
General info:
I am a 12 year old white, 3 tailed kitsune. I have a red marking on my forhead, and under each eye.
My eyes are teal, with slits for pupils.
I live out in the country surrounding Kyoto japan with my family. For countless generations, my family has watched over, and protected an ancient shrine. The shrine was built to entomb an ancient demon that once terrorized all of japan. My father, a 2 tailed kitsune, and his grandfather, a 4 tailed kitsune, are the current priests, and protectors of the shrine. My family had been tasked with making sure the demon would never be revived. One day it would be my turn to take over the family business.
But for now, I am just in junior high school. I am quite intelligent, generally getting A's and B's on my report card. And every day after school, my father, and grandfather put , me through rigorous martial arts, and spiritual training.
My family lives in a large edo era mansion, at the front of the temple grounds. My mother, a two tailed kitsune like my father, was in charge of the house hold. She took care of the cooking and cleaning, along with the family butler.
((Work in progress))
Normally he wears a pair of white cotton panties, under blue jeans. And a tie dyed shirt.
He is a very shy, and timid little bunny. He is always rather submissive. Although, he is also very curious, and more then willing to learn all that he can.
Links and Contact Details
Kasumi Tōketsu#9701