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Euphoria YCH by DuoTheas
Euphoria YCH
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Euphoria YCH by DuoTheas
Euphoria YCH
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Duo Theus- Portrait
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Character profile and information:

Duo Theus is a dragon as well as a god of love. A god character who chooses to spend his free time enjoying life and dwelling around with the mortals. He also loves to slap butts as he is the butt slapping dragon god of love. His butt slaps are a friendly gesture, not sexual. They are also not painful. "Everyone gets at least one" Is his philosophy on butt slaps, which means everyone should at least get one butt slap, or meet him.

"I have been called the supreme master of butts by many due to my love for butts. I find the title amusing." quote by Duo.

He is very kind, playful, and can act very lustful when he desires, though that is not his core feature. Duo can be sensitive at times, but often keeps his emotions to himself unless he needs to vent.

The dragon has had a traumatic childhood experience which still haunts him today and he does not prefer to talk about it unless you become close to him. This event makes it difficult for him to get close to someone at times, and also reminds him of the hatred of who he is.

He is a sweetheart and has his own sense of romance, often used to entertain, but he loves the well being of those he would call his friends. He does not like to hurt, he does not like pain, so he will often avoid those situations unless it cannot be avoided.

Duo Theus is not some push over, though he is very kind.He does not like to be used to taken advantage of.

The dragon is very silly and loves humor. He gets along best with those who have a sense of humor and are as open minded as himself. He has a sense of personal space which he ignores due to his title. He can be very child like at times, but still be sharp and cunning if the situation calls for it.

Duo is a friend who knows love and will help anyone who wishes assistance in that area, after all he is a god of love. He enjoys time with those he would call friend.

In a sense of his personality, Duo is the type of character that would enjoy entertaining his friends or guests.

He would also tend to do odd things to catch an eye or make others looks, not for attention, but to entertain and make someone laugh. Often he will ride around a seemingly invisible bike, or quote movies. Keep an eye out for such actions.

Duo always floats in the air. He may be wingless (in his love form), but he can easily fly and does so most of the time.

Duo is always naked. There is a reason for this, which he keeps secret, though tends to say "I simply do not enjoy the restriction of clothing."


Duo has four forms, or bodies. His most common used one is what he calls his love form.

Love Form- The love form ( https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=673483 ) is the form he is in the most. He calls it the love form as he developed the body to be easy to be intimate with. He has no ears and has hanging genitalia. His scales are similar to skin and feels very close to skin, though still tough enough to endure sharp objects or other things.

In this form, Duo has a lot of power associated with him. It is a side he does not wish to show since he can hurt a lot of others. The purpose of this form is to make him approachable as well as an eye catcher. He does not want others to fear him because he is a god.

His height is roughly six feet tall, his horns are long, and his scales are gold and black inner scales. He has a long tail that can stretch out as far as 90 feet.

Battle Form- The battle form ( https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=963824 ) was created for when there was a force powerful enough that he would have to transform. This body allows Duo to have more power to use, but the body itself is very lethal. Warning: Adult Content

He is much bigger, weighing a few tons to a few suns. His scales emit venom, poisons, other toxins, and are very lethal to touch. Very few can actually touch him when he is in this form.

His scale colors have switched since the gold will distract and attract foes to strike certain areas, allowing him to counter quickly.

Tail is much shorter and does not stretch out, but the tip opens up. Back scales conceal spikes down his spine. He has no testicles or outside genitalia for obvious reasons.

Chibi Form- https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=498492 he appears as a small chibi winged dragon that can rest on your shoulder. The purpose of this form is to draw away from his love form. Feeling that many keep bothering him for lust, he will often transform to this tiny form to get his point across.

He still loves to slap butts in this smaller form and it is much more fun for him since he is roughly the size of one cheek. His scales are the same colors and pattern as his love form, though with the addition of two wings.

He is much more cute, and lacks outside genitalia.

Divine/god form-Duo at his most powerful ( https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=510038 ). This form is strictly forbidden unless there is such a force that would have to call upon such power for him to transform into his divine state. There have been very few battles that Duo had to use his divine form, but when he is in this state, beware and prepare to die since the threat must be big enough for him to call upon such power.

This form, he can change his size (as with all his forms if need be), but keeps himself very large. A mountain range would be dwarfed by the size of his feet.

He looks more like a feral dragon, large,scales all gold and emitting light, though now his horns have a slight upward curve in them and his eyes look more fierce, he looks pretty much the same.
He has no outside genitalia, nor is it known if this form even has genitalia.

Other Forms

Femboy body: (adult content) he can alter his love form into that of a femboy

Lore: (To long to fit here, note me)

Sexual Stats

Duo Theus is omnisexual

Duo loves butts very very much. "Being a dragon, I am naturally attracted to large pieces of meat, so I like butts." It could be said he has a butt fetish, though not so much anal sex. He simply likes butts, big or small.

Other info

Common things he says "Everyone gets at least one." and "No worries mate" and "I'm gonna break your butt!"

He is also know as Duo the dragon, butt dragon, butt slapper, snuggle dragon.

Story Theme: A Divine Chronicle ( https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=642645 )

Appearance theme: Nates Draco Ferientes ( https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=596754 )

Divine theme: Love God's Requiem ( https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=510031 ) badass song, but also the song that plays at the time of his final death, hence the title

Duo loves to cuddle. Duo Theus is not his original name, but the name he gave himself upon becoming a god of love.

When he is embarrassed, he tends to shrink.

There is a second Duo, DuoThema (revealed soon)

Duo does not poop or pee "Such actions are not something a god should ever do."

Duo's favorite foods are pizza, bacon, kittens, Surge, and many forms of junk food. "Junk food is the food of the gods. Mortals cannot process such divine taste, hence why their bodies go to shambles."

He smokes cigs using a cigarette holder. This is because he simply likes the flavor of smoke, being a dragon, it's pleasant to him.

Often he makes random noises

Duo has a triple pointed tongue that can separate for a few inches.

Duo Theus hates his birthday, it is the saddest day for him and that is the day he needs someone the most, but never has anyone.

(Remember I tend to stay IN CHARACTER most of the time. Don't make me out to be an emo or drama llama, its in character, he's hyper sensitive to his emotions).

Mate:Fake (Duo's husband)

Bestest friend ever dead-void Bestie forever and most super awesome person ever! Love to death <3



There is a lot more to Duo then what is told here, such as his life story. One must ask him about that and be close enough for him to share it. His issues is no one ever really wishes to know him for him.

Note: DO NOT make any images or animations of any of my characters without my consent or written permission. I am telling all artists that they must have my written permission to draw or make any submission to my characters. Artists DO NOT have my permission to draw my characters, any artist doing so will be asked to remove the image since they are using my characters without my permission. Just ask me first if you want my characters in an image or if you want Duo in a picture. All my characters, including Duo Theus, are copyright to me. Any physical image of my creation must have a physical written document drafted by me, not a copy of an internet conversation that was printed, but a draft typed and signed by me or hand written by me, that states they are they owner and that I have given them rights to the physical image. Under federal law, I am the author of images and I do NOT consent to any destruction or alterations to my images. If you claim to own any of my physical artwork and are in the United States of America, then you must show me physical documentation of your ownership and under a federal act, you are not allowed to destroy, alter, sell, exchange, or deform my artwork without my permission in the form of a written statement. If you have purchased a physical artwork from me, then the rights to the image are indeed yours as I am subject to artist for hire and then the image will be yours since you paid for them and you own the rights. If you did not pay me and had no authorship or say in the creation of my image, then you do NOT have any rights or ownership to them unless you can provide a physical legal document from me stating that you do. If you have in your possession my physical artwork and refuse to return it, then I will reserve my right to sue. If you get rid of or sell my artwork, destroy, defame, damage, or alter it without my written permission, then I retain my right to sue for damages that I see fit.
Links and Contact Details
No contact details added.
5 months ago
You're very welcome!
2 years, 10 months ago
My pleasure
3 years ago
No probs. I'm just about to fave another
3 years, 4 months ago
yo welcum! n thanks fo dat buttslap, lol~
4 years ago
*blushes* It's a pleasure ;)
4 years, 1 month ago
You're welcome!
4 years, 2 months ago
You're welcome. c:
4 years, 5 months ago
You're welcome and enjoy watching this man going a gun rant while playing new vegas:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbB-6LMF788 (Congratulations, you have now gained the Gun Fetish Perk from watching that video)
5 years, 11 months ago
u r just the cutest lil draggo trio ever saw x
6 years, 1 month ago
I say let's leave that for the next special occasion that may require a.. drumroll, of sorts XD
Not tomorrow, though, tomorrow has already being reserved ^^
6 years, 1 month ago
6 years, 1 month ago
:D In the rhythm of the happy birthday song, I assume? :D
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