Kovu is my main character right now. She is what is known as a kerin. They are a race of creatures that do basic elemental abilities and can look completely different from one another. She is about the size of a panther with red orange fur, like the sun before it sets. She has a mane or mo-hawk of dark red hair that goes down to her mid back that she keeps in a braid behind her left ear. She has green eyes that turn red when angered and a red flame on the end of her tail. She can control flames, including hot bright and how hot they are. She has a red birthmark on her left eye as well.
Cheshire is a half eastern dragon half Cheshire cat. She is dark fuchsia with dark purple stripes, a silver under belly and a pink mohawk that goes almost to the tip of her tail. She had black claws, eerie green eyes, and a tuft of fuchsia and purple fur on the end of her tail. From nose to tail she is about 12 feet long with 6 of it just being her tail. She is insane, but loves to make people laugh.
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