Heya, the name's Champ, but I also go by Mike! I'm a dragon-fox that enjoys spending time with others and always willing to welcome new friends!
I'm also a gamer at heart, I was practically born with a controller in my paws hehe! I generally play different genres of games, like strategy rpgs, action rpgs, platformers, adventure, hack n' slash beat 'em ups, and fighting, my favorite fighting game being Super Smash Bros. (pick your favorite cause I play 'em all!). Unfortunately I don't create any content for it, streaming and youtube videos, ya know? I have my reasons, but at some point I plan on giving it a shot!
For the kind of content you're gonna see on here from me, I'm not exactly an artist, per say. I spent more time on games growing up than any other kind of hobby so while I can work on improving my drawing skills, they're definitely nothing to write home about XD So most of the work I DO upload on this site is gonna be things like fanfictions and original stories, at least once I start actually getting them out of the beginning stages and actually written stories >.> I have a very fast paced mind at times, one week I'll be thinking of a really cool idea and then the week after I'll have moved onto something else! But, I digress.
I hope you all enjoy what I bring to the table in the future!
Oh, before I forget, I also RP!! If you wanna rp with me, shoot me a message and I'll reply as soon as I can and we can talk about how to go about it!
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