Josephine Takumi is a main protagonist of The Ichnomans Part 5A: Josephine the Vaquita. Josephine Takumi is a female vaquita porpoise Ichnoman who lives in Hokkaido, Japan.
Xander Josen Galiver (Born in the birth of the earth), also known as xxjjoosengx3xx Galiver (xj3 Galiver for short), the Anthropomorphic Femboy Minion from Minions, he is a Sexy Metal Guitarist.
Aris Greez is a main protagonist of The Ichnomans Part 1: Aris the Grizzly Bear. Aris is a grizzly bear Ichnoman who lives with a friend, Wilbur Butashima at a house in Western Japan.
我是山德加利佛。 I Create fursonas like porpoises, vaquitas and minions-human hybrids. My Anthropomorphic Characters wear only sports bras or tank tops! They need to be Bottomless!!! Rules: Anyone caught drawing of my characters getting killed or dying (Gore) will be blocked! Link: Multiple Links: