I'm really enjoying this comic, too. Your/Twi's writing and composition skills have really come a long way in the year or so that I've noticed your stuff. This story is both really cute and emotionally charged. :D
Just one question, how come it seems like Twi has completely deleted her gallery?
I'm really enjoying this comic, too. Your/Twi's writing and composition skills have really come a lo
i haven't written any prose i'm proud of in a long time... only -some- yiffy commissions, and those are technically incomplete. i've had some really good stories planned for yeeeeeears now, but i never get around to them. = ( i feel pretty bad about it... =< ...but clearly not bad enough to actually write them! XD; tell you what, just for you, i'll look into uploading those commission stories!
I love the pudgy Spike so cute and hugable anyway i have a feeling what is Soike is thinking about what he is going to do with Rarity, i cant wait for the next chapter well done you two.
I love the pudgy Spike so cute and hugable anyway i have a feeling what is Soike is thinking about w