... lo siento Angel no he podido contactar antes contigo porke he estao muuuy ocupada y se me ha acumulao todo de repente, entre la uni y esto! aunke seguramente estarías de acuerdo cn nosotras, no?^^) we agree and choose Slice! sooo thanks a lot
Oh myyyy--- goooood!!! He is soo....so....sexy!!! His gaze ewww *-* Wonderful~ That's perfect >u <)) And he looks really sexy in your style >u <)) I'm so glad!! Thanks a lot Mimy!! And no problem, it was really fun!! ^^
Oh myyyy--- goooood!!! He is soo....so....sexy!!! His gaze ewww *-* Wonderful~ That's perfect >u <)
hahahah thank you so much for create him!!!^^ and thanks! I´m very glad that you like it!!! Your characther is awesome, well the other characters are very very good too, but Slice has something, I don´t know what, but is him what I want for the comic!^^
hahahah thank you so much for create him!!!^^ and thanks! I´m very glad that you like it!!! Your cha
Wow so effin hot!!!!! *Drools and nosebleeds* 0///0 XD and like I said before I'm not surprised Slice won! He definitely was the perfect Choice!!! So hot and sexy!!! =////D
Wow so effin hot!!!!! *Drools and nosebleeds* 0///0 XD and like I said before I'm not surprised Slic
Ya no me hablen TT . TT jajaja, esta bien, comprendo pero me alegra que hayan tenido tiempo se ve bien y con esas rayas parece tigre je, yo tambien he estado muuy ocupada chica, pero siempre al pendiente de lo que haces n_n
Ya no me hablen TT . TT jajaja, esta bien, comprendo pero me alegra que hayan tenido tiempo se ve
hahahaha Sip!! definitivamente este es le bueno! xD ademas con tu estilo qeda de P madre en tu comic!!!! solo espero q no haga sufrir demasiado a sonic....... vale!! si !!! lo espero con todas mis ansias!!!!!! WAJAJA A ver qe cosita tienes pensado para este tioo fumataa!! luego ya le quitare el mono XDD Pero en serio, el acabado final es inmejorable!! x3 para mi gusto perfecto!!! x3 ese toqe de rebeldia qe le da un aire salvaje y to "malote" mola cantidubi!!! ME ENCATA COMO DIBUJAS Y PINTAS MIMY!! ^_^
hahahaha Sip!! definitivamente este es le bueno! xD ademas con tu estilo qeda de P madre en tu comic
MUCHAS GRACIAS SAAARAAA!!!^^ *abrazooooo*!!!! me alegro de ke te gusteee!! bfff aún no tengo muy claro lo ke pasará, creo ke hará sufrir más a Shadow o Shadow le seducirá... no sée!!! pero ya irá saliendo ehehehe... y gracias otra vez!!!!!^^
MUCHAS GRACIAS SAAARAAA!!!^^ *abrazooooo*!!!! me alegro de ke te gusteee!! bfff aún no tengo muy cla
por que mas a Shadow!!! joee!! a Sonic SONIC!!! Dx quero que sufra en sus carmes!!! jajaajajaja que pida clemencia como el uke que es!! xD Y no problem, pal! ^_^
por que mas a Shadow!!! joee!! a Sonic SONIC!!! Dx quero que sufra en sus carmes!!! jajaajajaja que
Well... I knew she would win. I am happy that you choose her character for the comic. Slice seemed to fit the comic prefect. I did congratulate her for it. I do got to admit that Slice is one hell of a sexy hedgehog. You drow him so beautifully and detailed oh and those colours on him gorgeous. I love te way you made blood and dirt on the chair of his. I am still very excited for this comic (for like months now) and still have alot of questions in my head the most important is are Sonic and Shadow going to be together again?. I guess you can say why this replay was so late is because.... to be truthful here I guess I got disapointed and atlittle sad that my Draco didn't win the contest and won't be featured in my all time favorite comic..... (took me a couple of days to try to get over the contest. Don't worry i'll get over it soon maybe...). I'm sorry I guess i'm not prefect. But we need to enjoy life even if it has it's ups and downs right?
Well... I knew she would win. I am happy that you choose her character for the comic. Slice seemed t
man I can't wait to see Slice in this comic XD. Man Mimy you got me even more excited for the comic now :P. I don't how much more excitement I can take. Any more surprises I should know about? XD.
man I can't wait to see Slice in this comic XD. Man Mimy you got me even more excited for the comic
haha thanks!! Well, first I want to finish the Silvaze comic (that is being a little longer bfff... XD) and nooo I don´t say anything about the new comic... it will be a surpriseeee... XP
haha thanks!! Well, first I want to finish the Silvaze comic (that is being a little longer bfff...
Oh don't try to kill yourself tiring to finish your awesome Silvaze comic. So what if it's taking longer than you thought :P it's just TOO awesome to finish you just can't rush Silver into finishing his sex with Blaze (he just started to like it :P) and Blaze waited along time to wait for her to have sex with him :P.You just got to let him enjoy it loooooonnnng and slow ;D. LOL it would be funny if Sonic was kissing Shadow hard right behind the bedroom door where Silver and Blaze are having sex LOL and then the door breaks down how and interrupts Silver and Blaze LOL . Silver would get mad and kick their ass LOL( now that would be funny). Awww but but can't you give me alittle hint for what's going to be in the comic? xP. It's just killing me on what's going to happen in the comic :P. But I know that their be HOT sexy Sonadow sex in it just like are of your others comics LOL :P and maybe a more pervy Sonic lol.
Oh don't try to kill yourself tiring to finish your awesome Silvaze comic. So what if it's taking lo
............................................................................................................................Oh ! Sorry! I just had a massive eye-gasm that nearly caused me a REAL orgasm. This is so freak if sexy !!! I was staring for a whole 10 minutes!!!!