I've made over 103 Tribal Mightyena at this point, Spurn is the tip of the iceberg. Her character sheet comes with 4 voice lines and a song she sings with Scorn.
I created this to keep track of all characters I've made so far. https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbw0AXzHfsxEcOgoXVN1fnzwfCl-T1L3mS6kmiA1xYlNEInqDSHnu-8iXLsLs9GU6AExew/exec
I think I'll post the *Lash's Journey* here, though it will take time to find all the ai prompts so it will be sorta slow. Entire story up till now can be found here https://www.deviantart.com/scorpia...
Having fun creating AI porn and sharing it around, I'm thinking of creating a Patreon where the porn is still free but you can pay to vote for what i make.I finished creating the Patreon can't be bothered to post most things to Patreon, and most non-furry art is on Deviantart. Check out the human and goblin girls on Deviantart!
Getting hate from artists for using AI Tools is kind of messed up, especially with all the work that went into learning how to use them. Weeks and weeks of trial and error. "Diamonds will always have their value, lab grown ones may not be worth as much but people still like them."
Getting hate from artists for using AI Tools is kind of messed up, especially with all the work that