For some time I have a Patreon which is related to what I publish on Twitter. Or maybe you will like it and will support me with a small payment or a larger one for which it offers content that is no...
I invite you to visit my YouTube channel, maybe you are interested in eg VRChat :) Zapraszam na odwiedzenie mojego kanału na YouTube może coś was za ciekawi np. VRChat :)
Głównym moim zajęciem jest tłumaczenie komiksów na j. Polski. My main job is translating comic books into Polish.
Sometimes it takes up, coloring comics, well-known and lesser-known artists. Czasami zajmuje się, kolorowaniem komiksów, znanych i mniej znanych artystów.
Cooperation. If you are the creator of a comic book and you want it to be available in a language other than English and to extend your readership. Then write to me.