Haha! I know. I was too lazy with the background, as usual. I meant to draw some toons and ponies on the other side of the mall. Maybe I'll update it someday.
Haha! I know. I was too lazy with the background, as usual. I meant to draw some toons and ponies
Well, the Sonic stories had plenty of peop' in the backgrounds. It got so that every story was a crowd scene. Also these characters were not being developed or their own story-arcs had been discontinued due to lack of room and/or opportunity. It was one of the reasons why I cancelled my sub back at ~134. Any validity to the rumor that they are going to reboot the series soon ?
Well, the Sonic stories had plenty of peop' in the backgrounds. It got so that every story was a cro
Pierced navel. I've seen many people with pierced this or that. It started with pierced earings, and pierced noses. I even worked with a man who had a pierced lip. The 'net mentions pierced navels, tongues, foreskins, just about anything and everything. Some are so pierced and /or elaborately tattooed that they no longer look human or even terrestrial, and may have some sort of mental aberration ! I've seen monsters that I hope never to see again - on the street or in the shops where I get my necessities !
Pierced navel. I've seen many people with pierced this or that. It started with pierced earings, and