I watched a lot of Care Bears stuff during my convalescence from a broken hand a few summers ago, largely due to my friendship with Relee She's a squirrel whose fondness for rainbow ursines is pretty darn contagious. I remember liking the cartoon as a kid, but not much else about it. Upon reflection, the show's considerably less brain-destroying than is commonly accepted. There's something to be said for accepting the ideas of helping others, being selfless, being happy and enjoying cute stuff. Being ironic, detached and emotionless all the time ain't good for you. (It turns you into a /b/tard eventually!) If nothing else, a show with this much androgyny, mind-control and sissy-fetish potential shouldn't be dismissed out of hand. ;)
So here's Alex & Fifi infiltrating Care-A-Lot as Care Bear Cousins, undoubtedly about to completely take over the place, eat all the Care Bears, turn them into creamy chocolate pudding poop, resurrect them with snuffie magic and have a massive cuddleriffic orgy. (Though they'll have to grow some genitals first!)