I won a Kiriban from SadoraNortica on DA and its about my lil OC Snow. Here is what Sadora wrote for my story.
"This uses her OC Snow who is a genetic creation from Bishop using Leatherhead’s, Raph’s, and Don’s DNA. This does not go along with any of my other stories. As far as I know, there is no Sea World in New York but for the point of the story, let’s say that there is. I am also going to add a personal note that I do not like Sea World.
Snow watched with rapt attention as her favorite show, The Wild Kratts played on the television. Donatello couldn’t help but smile as his seven year old daughter laughed at the antics of the brothers.
“She should be watching sports or something,” Raph grumbled as he emerged from the dojo.
Donny glared up at Raph. “She likes the show.”
“Yeah,” Raph huffed as he sat down on the sofa next to Snow. “With two nerd parents she was bound to have some nerd show from time to time. It’s a good thing that my awesomeness is a dominant gene and comes out when she fights.”
Donatello snorted in response and went back to work.
He lost himself in his work only to be pulled from it when Snow gasped. Like any parent would, Donatello at first thought the worst but quickly realized that she was only reacting to the commercial on the television.
The Sea World advertisement showed rides and attractions with the large sea creatures. The newly built facilities were closer to the farm out in Northampton than they were to the city.
Snow bounced in her seat, excited by what she saw. “I wanna go!”
“Sweetie, we can’t,” Donny replied. “We’ll be seen.”
Snow’s excitement quickly faded into one of sorrow. “It’s not fair.”
“I know,” Raph soothed. “It’s just the way it is for us. I remember feeling the same way you do growing up. You’ll learn to accept it in time.”
That night Don did some research on the park and managed to hack into their systems. After a long discussion with Leatherhead and Raph, they decided that they could sneak into the park at night. It wouldn’t be as fun but at least Snow would be able to see some of the animals. It was the best that they could do. Of course Don would pay for their time in the park.
After about a month of prep work, Donatello decided that they were as ready as they could be.
The park was scheduled to close at twenty one hundred hours and, through his hacks in the park’s systems, Don knew that the employees usually checked out about an hour after closing. So he scheduled it for them to show up after twenty three hundred hours, just in case.
Snow had no idea where they were going as Don helped her get dressed. “Where are we going?” she asked as they entered the Shell-Raiser with Raph and Leatherhead.
“You’ll see when we get there,” Raph replied. “Buckle your seatbelt.”
With a slight chuckle at Snow’s huffing sigh, Don started the truck.
Thirty minutes into the drive Snow was asleep, snoring softly, which was a good thing since they wouldn’t be able to go inside right away.
They pulled into the parking lot and Don did his best to stick to the shadows. He found a spot close to the entrance but still away from the lights. Pulling out his computer, he got to work hacking into the systems.
It was a good thing that the establishment had a state of the art security system. It meant that it was all done digitally and it was easy for a genius like Donny to break into. First he made sure that all the employees had clocked out for the night and then he hacked into the security cameras. He altered the footage of them entering the parking lot and then set all the cameras in the park to loop for the next few hours.
Once he was sure that they would not be discovered, Donatello closed his computer and turned to the others. “We’re good to go.”
Nodding his head, Raph undid the buckles on Snow’s car seat and lifted her into his arms. He carried her from the truck and then Donny assisted Raph in tying Snow to his back. With Snow secure on Raph’s back, they made their way into the park
With flashlights to light their way they walked down the paths, passing shops and attractions that were off for the night. Donatello had memorized the park’s map and led the way to the first place he wanted to take Snow.
Once they reached their destination, Leatherhead helped to remove Snow from Raph’s back and then he gently woke her. “Snow?” the large crocodile said softly. “Wake up, my precious little one.”
With a slight yawn, Snow woke up. “I wanna sleep,” she wined.
“If you stay asleep, you’re going to miss the penguins,” Raph stated.
Snow’s eyes popped open and she looked around. “Penguins!” she shouted, pointing down into the enclosure. She had a bright smile on her face as she waved down at the half-awake creatures. “Hello, penguins!” Then she looked up at Leatherhead. “Are we at the zoo?”
“No,” Leatherhead chuckled. “Donatello figured out how to break into Sea World.”
“We’re at Sea World?” Snow exclaimed.
“We won’t be able to ride any of the rides but… we can see the animals and maybe get a few toys,” Donny explained. “I have already calculated the costs of a few things and since I have hacked my way into the system I can pay for whatever we decide to take. Within reason, of course.”
“Can I go down and pet them?” Snow asked, once again looking down at the penguins.
“That wouldn’t be a good idea,” Donny replied. “We don’t want to disturb them too much. Okay?”
“Fine,” Snow huffed.
They continued to look around the park, visiting the different animals. They stayed in with the turtles a little longer than any of the others, for obvious reasons.
“Maybe we could mutate more,” Snow declared, throwing her hands up in the air. “But they could all be girl turtles so you can each have a girlfriend. And then we can find a crocodile for daddy Leatherhead.”
“We couldn’t do that to them,” Raph chuckled as he patted Snow’s head.
“That one’s cool,” Snow said, pointing to one of the turtles, the other conversation already forgotten. “I didn’t know that there were turtles that were all black.”
Donatello looked down at the turtle and nodded. “It is a rare condition known as Melanism and is the opposite of Albinism. It’s amazing that you could see him in the dark like that.”
“Yeah,” Snow replied and looked up at Donny. “But that one’s a girl.”
“Oh really?” Donny chuckled. “How would you know?”
“She told me,” Snow answered flatly.
“She told you?” Donny asked, lifting an eye ridge.
“Yeah,” Snow said as she turned to head out of the turtle display. “Let’s move on to something else. I wanna see the whales.”
“We’re going to the gift shop first,” Donny stated, following after his daughter, brushing off her earlier statement as childhood imagination. “We will go see the whales last and then head home.”
“Okay,” Snow moaned as she dragged her feet on the way to the gift shop.
Raph picked the lock to the store and held the door open for the others. “You can have a total of two things, kid,” Raph said to Snow. “Don’t get carried away. Don busts his ass working for the money, don’t squander it.”
“Language,” Donny chided Raph.
“What?” Raph shrugged. “Like she’s going to go to a public school? We don’t have to worry about her saying things around other people, Don.”
“I just don’t want her to think that it’s okay to have a foul mouth like you,” Don shot back.
Raph scoffed, “Whatever.” He looked around the store. “See anything you like, Snow?” When there was no answer he looked around for his daughter. “Snow? Where did she…?”
Raph’s eyes met with Don’s and they both said, “The whales.”
Rushing from the gift shop, they ran towards where the orcas were kept. On their way to the large stadium they saw some men in the shadows. Afraid that they had been caught the trio ducked into the shadows. It didn’t take them long to realize that the men they saw was Hun and some of his thugs.
“The turtle enclosure is this way,” Hun argued, his gruff voice echoing in the empty park.
“Are you sure?” one of his men asked.
“I got a buyer willing to pay top dollar for that black turtle in there and I’m not going to miss out on it because you guys looked at the wrong park map,” Hun bellowed. “Get me that turtle or I’ll feed you to the sharks.”
“Actually, sharks don’t like the taste of human,” Donatello stated as he jumped from his hiding spot. “The only reason they attack humans is because they mistake them for something they usually eat. As soon as they get a taste, they let go.”
The moment of surprise quickly faded from Hun’s face. He cracked his knuckles and smiled. “Well then, I’m sure they will enjoy turtle.”
Raph came out of the shadows and landed a solid kick to Hun’s back while Leatherhead rushed out to clip the legs out from under him. Despite his attempts to catch himself, Hun fell on his face with a hard smack.
“You ain’t getting that turtle,” Raph rumbled, standing ready to fight. “You might as well leave.”
“Why are you freaks even here,” Hun complained as he got to his feet.
“We don’t have time for this,” Leatherhead stated, standing at his full height. “Leave now before I snap you in half.” To emphasize his point, Leatherhead snapped his jaw closed.
“Or we could just tie them up for the authorities to find in the morning,” Donny suggested.
“We don’t need to get it tonight,” Hun scoffed as he backed away. “You guys won’t be here every night to protect it.” With that he turned and ran.
“I’ll make sure to leave some kind of warning,” Donny said as he tucked his bo away.
“Later. For now we need to find Snow.” Leatherhead said, running off in the direction of the orca enclosure.
When they entered the building they could hear the shouting. “Of all the luck,” Raph grumbled.
They all feared the worst. The inner wall looked into the large tank and inside they could see Snow with the killer whales. Panic filled them as they ran up the stairs to the stadium.
When they reached the top they saw Bishop ordering his men to go in after Snow but the whales were protecting her. “I am growing tired of this.” Bishop pulled his gun from its holster. “I don’t care if there is evidence of us being here. I’ll take care of the orca, you get the girl.”
With a roar of anger, both Leatherhead and Raph rushed forward to collide with Bishop. Donatello had no idea how the agent knew that they were there but it wasn’t the first time he had tried to take Snow. He was obsessed with having his perfect soldier. Don suspected that he had them watched somehow.
One of the orca managed to grab the foot of one of the agents and pulled him under water. It seemed that the whale didn’t care if there was any evidence of the agents being there either. Looking out into the water, Donny saw that Snow was alright, back out of the way and swimming next to a baby whale.
Raph managed to land a few solid punches, knocking Bishops glasses off while Leatherhead tore into a nearby agent.
Bishop backed off, putting his glasses back on. “I will get her one day.” As Raph prepared himself to attack again, Bishop turned and ran. The remaining agents managed to follow after. The whales had even allowed the one that was pulled into the water to escape.
When Donny turned once again to check on Snow, he saw that the orcas were nuzzling up against her. Pulling out his camera, Don took a few pictures. With a soft smile he watched as Snow continued to play with them and occasionally talk to them. It was worth all the trouble"