This is a map of Mason Island (originally created in 1992 as a part of a school project). This is where most of the stories that I write take place (unless otherwise stated).
Large Red Dots with city names = Cities with 10,000,000+ residents
Smaller Red Dots with three letter labels = Cities with between 1M and 10M residents.
These cities are...
MPLS = Minneapolis
BCH = Beachside
BCY = Beach City
WLY = Wiley
FVC = Fox Valley City
MCK = McKnight
ADA = Adams
GRC = Green City
DBY = Dolphin Bay
Key to land mass features...
Light green areas = Mostly grassland
Yellowish green areas = Agricultural land (also mostly grassland)
Dark Green areas = Forest areas (shaded areas represent denser forests)
Brown areas = Hills and Mountains of between 2,000 and 5,279' in height.
White areas = Mountains of 5,280' or higher
Light Blue areas = Major rivers and lakes
Tan areas = Beaches
Gold "X" = Where Familia will be located (more on that later)
9 years, 6 months ago
05 Jul 2015 22:43 CEST
Initial: 23ea2936175459cc01f12491f2b9353f
Full Size: 2a7b468c761dacc7b8b70e76ebf28a16
Large: 7ee8d95bcc4c1b740b11351151f04115
Small: 61c4ab0c9a5dad1e78a87096f39b6590
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