Behold, the devourer of desks! The whale of wacoms. The immense Intuos! And it ate my desk and old tablet for breakfast! Nooooooo!
LOL ^^ Okay, it's an Intuos A3 12"x19". It showed up a week early. Still in it's orginal box with it's driver cd and instruction manual and a wierd loop mouse. It was meant to be used for drafting and didn't come with any stylus. Luckily, I already have 2 styluses for the Intuos3 model ^^ I snagged this one for $390 when these mostly go for $500. This thing has never been used, there wasn't a mark on it. Think I got a pretty good deal here. Later, I'll get a screen for it and MacGyver it into a cintiq ^^
9 years, 11 months ago
10 Apr 2015 09:09 CEST
Initial: 41975b4df0ae2eed96e10f7827fc12b5
Full Size: 41975b4df0ae2eed96e10f7827fc12b5
Large: 2ef4ae8109f250a19ef9af16fe6ae51b
Small: 30e4e896cb638c082e129e67e701534a
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