This is a tech drawing of the kind of cruiser a family of Civoras from Planet Niyo (Sirius 7) arrived to Earth in when they visited Nico Civet and Pancho Meerkat.
The SR-7 is a twin engine, Beta class, ultra high performance, lite craft for non-military use.
Creatures in the part of our galaxy where Star Sirius is, often refer to an SR-7 as a "cosmic hot rod".
The SR-7 is to the creatures of those worlds is what Ferraris, Vipers and 'Vettes are to Planet Earth.
In fact, there are mothers who will not let their adolescent cubs have one...Mamma thinks they are to fast and dangerous for a youngster to have...concerned about her cub speeding one of them into an asteroid or something (An impact against an asteroid @ warp 27,000 would pulverize anything into micro-dust).
Can't blame a concerned mother.
Some adolescent cubs who get them have been known to race each other with them in a reckless manner.
Some youths would keep the engines at wide open throttle until they approached warp one million...which is extremely dangerous as the cruiser's debris scanner can not see ahead of those speeds. It's like flying blind. Stars become invisible even at well below that speed.
Not to mention that holding it at full throttle for the full minute it takes to reach warp one million runs a risk of doing damage to the engines.
But they'd brag about the star systems they've been to, and how fast they got there and back, the next day at school.
Giving an SR-7 to a cub is kind of like giving a Ferrari to a wild 16 year old here on Earth.
A common phrase moms have told their adolescent cubs who want one is, "OH YEA RIGHT, BABE! You need an SR-7 like you need a hole in your head! You're NOT getting an SR-7!"
An SR-7 is definitely meant for mature, grown up, responsible operators. They are high powered, high performance, interstellar cruisers, and not to be regarded as cub's toys.
10 years, 1 month ago
22 Jan 2015 06:19 CET
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