panel 1 "Everything started few days ago... Annie came home with a friend from school.. which was strange since she's never done something like that before, and classes have already ended some time ago."
Panel 2 "Annie told me she didn't want to see anyone from school, and was pretty understandable after what happened to her... So obviously April (that's her name) was someone special..."
Panel 3 "They came over to see a movie together, so since I had nothing to do I decided to join in with them."
Panel 4 "She was an extrovert and she talked a lot, but she was easy to scare (obviously the movie was a very scary one)."
Here's some help with translation. panel 1 "Everything started few days ago... Annie came home with
panel 1 "Everything started a few days ago. Annie came back home with a friend from school... which was strange since she had never done something like that before, and classes had ended some time ago
Panel 2 Annie told me she didn't want to see anyone from school, and that was understable after what had happened to her. Obviously April (that's her name) was someone special.
Panel 3 They came to watch a movie together. Since I had nothing to do I decided to join them.
Panel 4 She was extrovert and talked a lot, but she was easy to scare (obviously the movie was a very scary one).
panel 1 "Everything started a few days ago. Annie came back home with a friend from school... which
panel 1 "Everything started few days ago. Annie came home with a friend from school, which was strange since she had never done it before, and classes ended a while ago." I made it more fluid and easy to read
Panel 2 "Annie told me she didn't want to see anyone from school. That was understandable after what happened to her... Obviously, April was someone special." A tense change and some fluidity fixes.
Panel 3 "They watched a movie together, and since I had nothing to do I decided to join them."
Panel 4 "She was extrovert and talked a lot, but was easy to scare." I removed an unnecessary word
panel 1 "Everything started few days ago. Annie came home with a friend from school, which was stran
panel 1 "it all started a few days ago.. Annie came back to home with a friend from the school.. which was strange because the classes ended months ago
Panel 2 and Annie told me she didn't wanted to see anyone from school after what happened to her... obviously April (that's her name) was special..
Panel 3 They Came to see a movie together, since i had nothing to do i decided to join them
Panel 4 She was extroverted and talked a lot, it looks she scares easily (oviously the movie was of terror)
panel 1 "it all started a few days ago.. Annie came back to home with a friend from the school.. whi
panel 1 "It all started a few days ago... Annie came home with a friend from school, which was strange. She had never done something like that before, and classes had already ended a while ago."
Panel 2 "Annie had told me she didn't want to see anyone from school, which was understandable given what happened to her... Obviously, April (her friend's name) was someone special..."
Panel 3 "They came to watch a movie together and, since I had nothing better to do, I decided to join them."
Panel 4 "She was friendly, and talked a lot, but she was easily frightened (we were watching a really scary movie)."
panel 1 "It all started a few days ago... Annie came home with a friend from school, which was stran
panel 1 "Everything started a few days ago... Annie came back home with a friend from school. This was strange, since she never did something like that before, and classes already ended some time ago.
Panel 2 Annie told me she didn't want to see anyone from school, and that was understandable after what happened to her... Obviously April (that's the name of her friend) was someone special.
Panel 3 They went to see a movie together. since I had nothing to do, I decided to join them
Panel 4 She was extroverted and talked a lot, but she was easy to scare (obviously the movie was a very scary one).
panel 1 "Everything started a few days ago... Annie came back home with a friend from school. This w
One surefire trick to scare a viewer of a clip - A quiet bucolic scene (like a truck trundling down a mountain road, seen from across a river) and suddenly a zombie face shoots into view and YELLS at you !
One surefire trick to scare a viewer of a clip - A quiet bucolic scene (like a truck trundling down