I recently (and by recently I mean I completed it day off) did this picture for Randy Fox for his birthday, which also happens to fall on the 4th of July. Now, what better excuse to have pyrotechnics to celebrate with than that?
Of course, due to delays, I barely got this done in time to hand off to him before he left the party (which went on for several hours, anyways, after that), so the image is a little on the rushed side. Also, I was experimenting with the style of coloration a bit after talking to another friend of mine, so... there are things I could definitely stand to work on, but Randy seemed to like the image, anyhow, and frankly, that's what matters in the end.
This image was entirely digital in creation, started in Corel Painter IX and finished with some final effects and word balloon placement in Adobe Photoshop CS.
The "Yappy Fox" character is the creation of Randy Fox.
The "Terry Mouse" character is the creation of Terry Sender
Image (c) 2006 Terry Sender.
10 years, 4 months ago
25 Nov 2014 21:29 CET
Initial: 9b59b205f0d06548e8e092a1de68d5fb
Full Size: 9b59b205f0d06548e8e092a1de68d5fb
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