Time for another old sketch of mine; this comes from sometime around 2002 (hence the year under my signature), when I was working for Universal Studios Florida (the theme park, not the actual studios), where I had my "illustrious" job as a Vacation Planner (basically, at the time, when one got an Annual Pass, it was my job to file the person's information into our database, take their old paper pass, take an awful picture, and then print out a new, plastic pass with all the information on it and hand it back). While I was working on the USF side of the park, we had (back when I was still working for them) the same song stuck on loop being played over the front area of the theme park. Sure, there were around twelve or thirteen variations, but it was still the. Same. Song.. Stuff like that makes employees go Something Something. "Crazy?" Don't mind if I do!
10 years, 4 months ago
18 Nov 2014 00:39 CET
Initial: 7d2506c9fa39cecba72df52cb24a31a4
Full Size: 8716265f0243f4842d37476e1d5dd88a
Large: 8716265f0243f4842d37476e1d5dd88a
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