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Ginger Reference Sheet
Keywords diaper 78442, transformation 43459, magic 25421, diapers 22039, messy 17451, inanimate 1859, poopy 1248, diaper pail 209, fate 182, altered 89
Daddy Pail

Our story begins with a young couple arguing in the middle of the day. Yukon was a 27 year old Ferret male that came from a long line of sorcerer’s starting from his great grandfather that founded the mages guild. All throughout his childhood Yukon trained in everything magical from simple air spells to giant magma titlewaves, all in preparation for his eventual succession to become the Grand Master Wizard of the guild. During his magic training, Yukon met a young Kangaroo apprentice named Arora. Arora was 24 and had only recently discovered her ability with magic. Almost instantly the two fell in love as the love birds saw each other every day for the next two years. By this time Arora was now a competent spellcaster who specialized in Sun magic: Yukon was almost nearing the end of his training and his promotion to Grand Master Wizard after his father stepped down. Before he could accept the position there was one thing Yukon had to do, so on the night of Arora’s and his date, Yukon got down on his knee’s and presented Arora with a ring. “This ring belonged to my great grandfather which has been passed down to his son and so fourth. My father told me that this ring increases the wearer’s own magic while also protecting them from other spells. I love you Arora and I want you to have it as a token of our love and as your answer to my question: Will you marry me?” Without even another thought Arora tackled Yukon to the ground and starting kissing him “YES YES, I WANT TO BE YOUR WIFE” Arora said and within a year the two were married and had there first child: a boy named Yue

Even though Yukon was now the Grand Master and Arora was a stay at home mother, they were still a young married couple with all the stress and arguments that young parents have. As the Grand Master, Yukon was busy nearly all the time with work and barely spent time with Arora or Yue. All the while Arora was stuck at home taking care of a baby with no help from Yukon. What little time Yukon had off was either spent resting or arguing with Arora over how he didn’t take care of their child enough.

The topic of their latest argument had been the usual topic. “I TAKE CARE OF OUR SON ALL THE TIME AND YOU BARELY SHOW YOUR FACE IN THIS HOUSE, CAN YOU EVEN RECALL THE LAST TIME YOU CHANGED YUE’S DIAPER!?” Arora yelled at her husband. “WELL I’M SORRY ARORA BUT MY DUTIES AS THE GRAND MASTER CONSUME MOST OF MY TIME!” Yukon shouted back. As the couple continued to bicker back and forth Yue was waling background, adding an extra level of loudness to the conversation. “SO YOUR SAYING YOUR STUPID JOB IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR FAMILY!?” said Arora with some tears in her eyes. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? Yukon responded as Arora screamed “I WANT YOU TO BE A FATHER TO YOUR SON!”. Without another word, Yukon turned and stomped off towards Yue’s room.

Even after the two had stopped shouting at each other the cries of the baby ferret could still be heard throughout the house. Still angry, Yukon violently opened the door to his son’s room. “What do you want!” Yukon said in an angry tone as he entered the room and approached the crib. Yue was extremely scared at this point, since he saw very little of his father he saw the man entering his room as a stranger. In fear, Yue’s eyes started to glow white as he let out a beam of energy from his paws right at Yukon.

Yukon’s father never mentioned the real purpose for the family ring. It wasn’t to amplify or protect him from just any enemy magician; its real purpose was to shield him from his child’s magic. All the mages failed to mention to Yukon that baby magic was powerful and unpredictable. Most of the time the mother was safe from this magic because they shared a bond, it was usually the father that had to be cautious of the magic until the baby was at least 1 year old. Since Yukon had given Arora the ring to her for their engagement, he was now taking the full blast of baby magic.

Yukon was surrounded with a bright light, instantly removing all of his clothes. He tried to run away but with every struggle it got harder and harder for him to move. All his limbs were starting to fuse to his body as Yukon kept getting shorter and shorter. The next thing to go was all his fur as it just vaporized off his body to reveal his new plastic looking skin. After his limbs all fused together, his neck slowly shrank into his torso as his head was forced to look straight up into the air. Internally, Yukon slowly felt hollow inside as his mouth seemed to be forced open and stretched wider. His thick penis started to shrink into his body, becoming more plastic like and flat. The light finally died down and where Yukon once stood was now a diaper pail with the same fur colors as him.

The light had left Yukon’s vision distorted and blurred. “What happened?” Yukon thought to himself trying to see what was going on. While Yukon was trying to regain his sight, Yue’s crying had changed to bubbly, giggling laughter and he stood in his crib. “What’s so funny Yue?” said Yukon as he tried to move over to his son. Yukon quickly found that he couldn’t move at all, he couldn’t even feel any of his limbs. “Ok, whats going on?” he said to himself in a worried tone. Yukon’s vision started to return to him as he noticed that he was able to make out the full length mirror that was in front of him. Yukon found that he wasn’t able to move his head around either as his gaze was forcefully focused on the mirror. Slowly the blurriness cleared as he was able to make out a shape “What is that?” Yukon thought as he focused harder and eventually clearly saw the diaper pail that was staring back at him. “O…Oh god……MY SON TURNED ME INTO A DIAPER PAIL!” said Yukon as he tried to run to find help. As he quickly discovered he had no control over his own movement. Yue continued to laugh louder and louder over Yukon’s panic’d inner thoughts: this was enough to draw Arora into Yue’s room. “Sounds like somebody’s finally playing with their son.” She said in a sing song voice. As she entered the room, Arora saw her son pawing to be picked up by her but yet her husband was nowhere to be found. “Yukon, where did you go?” Arora said as she looked around the room for him. “I’M RIGHT HERE ARORA!” Yukon screamed in vain hoping that she would be able to hear him. Not feeling like wondering all over to find her husband, Arora decided to use a location spell. “Solar magic help me find my husband” said Arora as her body glowed with light. The light was quickly shot out as Arora looked down to follow the glowing trail. She found it odd as it trail didn’t head out of the door of Yue’s room but instead lead behind her. She turned around expecting to see her husband behind her, but instead a diaper pail was glowing with the energy from her spell. “YUKON?!” Arora screamed as she ran over to Yukon’s diaper pail from and hugged it. “WHAT HAPPENED, HOW DID YOU BECOME A DIAPER PAIL!” she said in a hysterical fit. “OUR SON, THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED!” Yukon responded; the only sounds that were made in the room were of Arora crying and Yue giggling in his crib. “I KNOW” Arora said “Lets see if the guild can do anything” she said to Yukon and Yue. “NO, ARORA, Don’t tell the guild, I don’t want them finding out what happened!” pleaded Yukon. His cried fell on deaf ears though as Arora frantically put Yue into her pouch and grabbed her husband. “Come on, lets go” she said as Yukon frantically begged her not to go “NONONONONOOOOOOOO”.

The entire mages guild was filled with laughter as Arora explained the situation to the highest mages. “ITS NOT FUNNY!” Arora said with tears coming out of her eyes. Most of the other mages either to busy laughing  or trying to keep their tails from falling off to respond to her “Our best magician, bested by a child still in diapers”, “Maybe we should make the baby the new Grand Master” were some of the responses the others said. All this time Yukon just stood right beside Arora, taking the full blast of the embarrassment and shame he felt. After everyone had recovered from the laughing fit, Yukon was brought into an incantation circle. All the mages gathered around him as he was placed in the middle. “If this doesn’t help the master than I don’t know what will” a mage said as the ritual had begun. Each of the mages starting speaking in an unknown language: while having a glowing blue aura around them. One by one each of the mage’s aura jumped to Yukon, while also levitating him in the air. By the time the last aura went to Yukon the chanting stopped: this was followed by a blinding blue light. “Ahh I can smell again, and I can feel my tongue back” Yukon said as he took a deep breath through his nose.

“Well did anything happen?” said Arora. “I’m right here.” responded Yukon. As he gazed around the room Yukon noticed a lot of the mages whispering to each other. “Whats a matter guys?” he said while trying to move. While trying to move he found that nothing responded; slowly but surely the truth dawned on Yukon. “Oh my god…..IT DIDN’T WORK” he screamed to himself. After debating for a while each mage slowly started to leave the room with a grim expression on their face. “Well isn’t there anything else you could try?” Arora said to one of the mages. “I’m sorry but that was the most powerful ritual we could perform. It seems that only Yue has the ability to break the spell.” Hearing this news Arora started to cry. Her son hugged her tummy lovingly from her pouch “I….what should I..d..do?” she said through her crying. “Go home, take your husband with you. Use him for what he is right now: he shouldn’t be able to taste”. Hearing this Yukon shouted the loudest he could “DON’T, I CAN TASTE NOW, I CAN SMELL NOW, PLEASE DON’T USE ME AS A DIAPER PAIL!!!” he screamed but just like the many other times, fell on deaf ears. “What about my family, what about Yue” Arora responded “Your family has a right to know what happened. As for your son, train him to be the next Grand Master. The only chance your husband has for returning to normal is him.” the mage said. Arora sniffed a few times trying to regain her composure “Well, this way Yukon could help the family more” she said with a smile slowly forming on her face. “Its late, you 3 should go back home and get some rest” the mage said for a final time before exiting.

It had been a long day for Arora but now she was finally home. Yue was gently sleeping in her pouch as she entered his room. With Yukon underneath her arm, she placed him beside the changing table. She prepared him for his new job by opening him up and placing a plastic liner inside of his hollow body. “I’m sorry Yukon but hopefully you won’t be stuck like this forever” Arora said. By the time she had finished preparing Yukon, both him and Arora smelt something foul. Arora sniffed around a bit before sniffing down her belly “Smells like somebody needs a diaper change”. Yue was promptly placed onto the changing table “Phew looks like somebody was holding it in for a while” she stated while she proceeded to clean her son’s poopy butt. As the wiping was finished and Arora powdered Yue, Yukon was shivering in fear of what was coming next. The sounds of a diaper being taped echoed throughout the room as Arora placed her son in his crib. The last step was the step Yukon dreaded: the poopy diaper was lowered down to him. This was the first time Yukon had really smelt one of his son’s poopy diapers and it was safe to say he was disgusted. “Hope your hungry” Arora said with a wink as the diaper was slid past his mouth opening and into his plastic liner stomach. “EWWWW DISGUSTING I CAN TASTE IT EVERYWHERE” Yukon said in extreme disgust. Since his tongue had been restored the blue flaps around the opening to the pail acted as them so technically Yukon was unwillingly licking the diaper all the way around. As the diaper hit the bottom of him it made a disgusting squish sound. “Goodnight, Yukon” Arora said before kissing the side of him. The lights were turned off and Yue was sleeping in bed; Yukon was constantly reminded of what laid inside of him as the fowl fumes from the diaper constantly let Yukon have an aftertaste to it. As the day came to a close and his career as the Grand Master ended, his new career as a diaper pail was just beginning.

First in pool
Daddy Pail: Chapter 2
Daddy Pail: Chapter 2
Diapered Housepets!: Grape
This is a birthday present that I wrote for https://inkbunny.net/yourfurnovo birthday.

It features the backstory of his father and how during one argument with his wife changed his life forever.

Check the tags below. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

diaper 78,442, transformation 43,459, magic 25,421, diapers 22,039, messy 17,451, inanimate 1,859, poopy 1,248, diaper pail 209, fate 182, altered 89
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 10 years, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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10 years, 8 months ago
interesting owo I like it xD
10 years, 8 months ago
Thanks, let me know if there's anyway I could improve it
10 years ago
I really enjoyed this. I love diaper pail tf's myself, would love to see a sequel to find out what happened to Yukon, does he eventually lose his mind? DOes he get to become animate again? So many possibilities hehe.
10 years ago
Thanks. When I do make a sequel it won't have Yukon getting an ending right away if you know what I mean :p. I just wish I wasn't so lazy cause I have so many more story ideas that I want to write.
9 years, 9 months ago
Well I look forward to seeing something when ya get crinkle butt up and running, cause it will be awesome I'm sure! Ooo more story ideas hehe? More diapery tf'ery stuff I hope hehe
8 months, 2 weeks ago
I don't know what to think of this story
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