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Daddy Pail: Chapter 2

Irreversible Damage
Keywords transformation 43460, wet 31465, diapers 22040, messy 17451, humiliation 12822, punishment 4668, inanimate 1859, pull-ups 726, potty training 665, personal torture 1
Daddy Pail: Chapter 2

It was 7 in the morning in the Novo household and everyone inside was sound asleep, except for Yukon who was wide awake tasting the foul fumes from a weeks worth of used diapers. It had been 2 years since he was forced to start his new career as a diaper pail, and he hated every second of it. Everyday used diapers would be shoved in his mouth and he would involuntarily taste every part of each diaper that went into his plastic liner stomach. Wet, messy, wet and messy, Yukon had tasted all these types of diapers and even though he wasn’t proud to admit it he knew exactly what piss and shit tasted like thanks to his son. The absolute worst part, besides being a diaper pail, was the fact that the flavor always varied from the diapers. Yukon quickly found out that the different foods his son ate changed the flavors of what ended up in his diaper. Diapers themselves also had an affect on the taste as the cheaper diaper brands allowed Yukon to “enjoy” their contents more clearly due to the fact they were thinner. The only time he ever got a break from diapers was on trash night where he got emptied and for a few hours was free from the horrible stench and flavors. He hated his new life, he hated knowing what diapers tasted like, he hated that the only thing he was good for was to store his son’s used diapers. “WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!” Yukon screamed and, like always, his cries fell on deaf ears.

As Yukon looked at the clock in the room he saw it was 8 in the morning. Aurora would be coming in at any moment to change the diaper that Yue most likely soaked during the night. Another thing that Yukon quickly learned about his new body was that it didn’t need sleep, so he got to taste all the diaper fumes 24/7. The door soon creaked open as Yukon saw his wife enter “looks like mommy’s little man soaked his pull-up again” she said promptly picking up Yue up from his crib and carrying him to the changing table. If there was one thing to look forward to about his new life, its that Yue was finally at the potty training age. Although Yukon didn’t like that Aurora had waited so long to start training him, he was happy to see the site of pull-ups. She had even placed Yue’s new potty chair right across from the changing table so Yukon got a good view of his son’s progress. For weeks now his son kicked and screamed when put on the potty begging to be put back in diapers, but Yukon could care less about what his son wanted, he was just looking forward to an early retirement from his new career. Lost in thought Yukon didn’t notice the soaked pull-up coming for him and with a *shlorp* Yukon ate his breakfast. “*BLECK* Disgusting” said Yukon to himself. Although one thing Yukon hadn’t counted on was that training pants tasted 3 times worse than regular diapers; but if it meant giving up diapers all-together he would suck it up. “Yew gave daddy pail his bweakfast” Yue said giggling. “Yup, daddy pail got his num nums and now its your turn” said Aurora who started to tickle her son. As Yue waddled downstairs in his puppy themed Pullup Yukon let out a sigh. He hated the new nickname Aurora had given him and now that’s all he was called: Daddy Pail.

The next few weeks were pretty much the same, dozens of wet and messy pull-ups were shoved into Yukon’s mouth, Yue kicking and screaming every time he was placed on his potty chair, and the occasional playtime Yue’s room where Aurora would play with him. It was now night time and the smells of dinner wafted through the household. It was taco night in the house and this made Yukon yearn for the days when he could actually eat food before it was digested. Normally taco night sent shivers through Yukon as taco diapers were hands down the worst tasting, but tonight was different. Tonight was the first taco night since Yue started his potty training; which meant this time he would be spared the rancid flavors via his potty chair. Too top thing off tonight was also trash night which meant Yukon was now enjoying his break from diapers. “NO WANT POTTY” Yukon heard as he saw the shadows of both his wife and son in the hallway. Aurora came into the room pulling her kicking and screaming son behind her. “NO WANT POTTY MOMMY, WANT DIAPERS” Yue screamed to his mom “I know honey but you have to learn how to use the potty like a big boy” she responded.

Yukon watched the scene unfold in front of him. Aurora kept ordering to Yue to get on his plastic potty and Yue just cried and stood still. The ensuing battle of the potty chair raged for a few minutes while Yukon watched every minute of it. “Just get on the chair and get out of diapers already” muttered Yukon. He couldn’t believe how hard it was to be potty trained, it was so simple and yet his son made it seem like the end of the world. At this point in the fight Aurora had enough and was about to pull down her son’s pullups and make him sit on the potty, but then something happened. Her son lunged out and clinged onto her legs sobbing heavily. “Please don’t take my diapees away mommy they make me feel happy and close to you when you change me. I love de feeling of walking around in a poopie diapeee, I hate the sound da potty makes when you flush it, and……and it makes me feel close to my daddy pail” said Yue in a sob filled plea. Yukon couldn’t believe what he was hearing his son was actually begging to his wife about staying in diapers and to Yukon’s absolute horror, it was working. He witnesses Aurora starting to cry as well as she bent down to hug her son. “Oh Yue, I never knew using your diapers made you feel this way” she said “Does this really make you feel close with your daddy?” asked Aurora who was met with a nod from Yue. “Come on Aurora don’t buy into his crap make him use the damn toilet, I DON’T WANT TO KEEP SWALLOWING AND TASTEING HIS SHITTY DIAPERS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE” Yukon screamed at the top of his non-existent lungs. Unfortunately for Yukon, Aurora had already made up her mind “Ok Yue as soon as the Pull-ups are all gone I promise to buy you diapers again” she said while rubbing her son’s back. He couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed, all kids get potty trained at one point or another but it seems that his son was the rare exception. “This…..this is torture” he thought to himself “The universe is torturing me”. If Yukon thought that scene was torture then the sudden smell he caught a whiff of only confirmed what he believed: and seeing the large bulge in Yue’s training pants only confirmed he would truly experience torture in about a minute or so.

After the potty training incident that left Yukon still employed in his current job, life returned to normal in the Novo household. The mages guild, feeling guilty that they couldn’t help turn their former leader back to normal, agreed to help the family in anyway they could. One of these ways was to provide Yue with all the diapers he could ever use, removing any lingering incentive for potty training. The potty chair itself though was never moved as it collected dust in front of Yukon: a constant reminder of what could have been. The only remote hope that Yukon had now was the source of all the fowl tastes and flavors: his son. He had overheard conversations from Aurora that Yue had started training in magic. This meant that Yukon had a chance to return to normal; although it would take years of training before Yue would be remotely ready to undue his magic.

Yue was now six years old, six years old and still in diapers. Although it might be an issue for most people Yue was quite small for someone his age so he passed as a tall toddler. Aurora was busy gathering up clothing and toys and loading them into a suitcase that was on the floor next to his crib. Yukon couldn’t be more excited for his wife and son were going on vacation for the first time since he was turned into a diaper pail. The guild had been able to secure enough money to send Aurora and Yue to the beach for two weeks and their plane left tomorrow morning. Yukon couldn’t be happier as a vacation for them meant a vacation for him, and more importantly a vacation from diapers. The trip was tomorrow so Aurora was making sure Yue had all the things he needed: besides diapers of course. “Remember sweetie we need to get up early tomorrow so you gotta go to bed now” Aurora said. After finishing Yue’s luggage case, Aurora lifted him into his crib and tucked him in for bed. Yukon was almost gitty for their vacation and although he was stuffed to the point of bursting he knew he would be changed before the two left.

“COME ON YUE GET UP I OVERLSEPT” Aurora shouted as she dashed into her son’s room. The morning of the trip had finally come but as Yukon looked at the clock he saw that it was almost 9. “YOU NEED TO GET DRESSED SWEETIE MOMMY OVERSLEPT” said Aurora in a frantic tone as she tossed some close out of the closet. “But mommy I’m poopy” Yue said in a whiny tone. Aurora grabbed her son and rushed over to the changing table not wasting any time. The tabs were ripped off and Yue was quickly cleaned and re-diapered. Aurora threw the poorly balled up diaper to Yukon. To Aurora and Yukon’s dismay, they both found out that Yukon was too full to fit anymore diapers inside him and was stuck around his mouth opening. “Come on FIT IN THERE” she said while trying to shove the diaper in her husband: although this only made Yukon’s situation worse as she caused some poo to ooze out onto his tongue flaps. “EWW AURORA STOP YOU HAVE TO CHANGE MY DIAPER BAG” shouted Yukon with a mouth full of diaper. Aurora, still trying to get the diaper inside her husband, was greeted with a car horn honking outside of her house. “OH GOD THERE HERE” she screamed scooping up her barely clothed son and his bag and bolted out the door.

The screeching of tires was an indicator that Aurora was long gone and there vacation had already begun, and in her haste she had forgotten one minor thing: to empty out her husband. Yukon stood where he always stood filled to the brim with used diapers, but this time he had a messy diaper firmly lodged in his mouth and more importantly on his tongues. “Aurora please come back,… I DON’T WANNA BE STUCK WITH THIS SHITTY THING IN MY MOUTH” cried Yukon.

Two weeks, two weeks before Yukon’s family would return and two weeks he would have to taste the poopy diaper that was in his mouth. The first day of his “vacation” and Yukon had discovered that poopy diapers tasted much worse with age. After about the second day he noticed a significant change in taste as the diaper lay in his mouth. He quickly came to the conclusion that the diaper was decomposing in his mouth, and Yukon got to savor all the flavors that came with the process. The second thing he learned was that the smell of a diaper pails worth of rotting diapers was almost as bad as the rotting diaper he tasted. The combination of wet and messy diapers rotting inside him created a smell that burned when he smelt it and was the vilest thing he ever smelt, and the worst part about it was he got to taste the fumes 24/7. Days past and the smells and flavors kept getting worse and worse. Yukon kept begging for his wife to come and end his torture. It was during this period that Yukon made a realization: That this was his personal hell. Yukon was now convinced that the universe was torturing him and his a lifetime of diapers.

Just as Yukon was about to go crazy he heard the sound of a door being unlocked. “Oh god what’s that smell” he heard his wife say as she walked into the room. Almost immediately she took a step back and let out a loud gag “Oh god… I forgot to change your daddy pail”. She left the room and came back wearing a pair of rubber gloves. Immediately she went over to the source of the stink and changed out her husbands full diaper bag while tossing the week old poopy diaper in. After wiping Yukon’s tongue flaps clean she ran outside holding the full bag in front of her, freeing her husband from his vacation. Just like always she put a new liner in her husband and got him ready for future use. “Lets get rid of this smell” said Aurora as she opened up a window. Her eyes started to glow white as she summoned a gust of wind to blow out the noxious fumes from Yue’s nursery. Yukon watched as Aurora and Yue unpacked their bags from the beach and saw how much fun they had. The only chance Yukon had to be free from his personal hell for a while was ruined just because his wife overslept and in a few hours he would be put back to work swallowing diapers, just like a good diaper pail.


Daddy Pail
Last in pool
First in pool
Daddy Pail
It's been a while since I wrote the first Daddy Pail but here's the long overdue continuation of the series, with plenty of trials that Yukon has to go through.

Like the first one this is a present for my mate Yourfur whose birthday is today. Happy Birthday Yue *nuzzles*

PS: And yes I know the irony of releasing this story on Father's Day

transformation 43,460, wet 31,465, diapers 22,040, messy 17,451, humiliation 12,822, punishment 4,668, inanimate 1,859, pull-ups 726, potty training 665, personal torture 1
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 9 years, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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9 years, 9 months ago
As a major fan of diaper transformation Id consider him lucky for his currant position. I hope there will be a chapter 3~
9 years, 9 months ago
I'm sure Yukon wouldn't mind trading positions with you ;) and I do have an idea for chapter 3
9 years, 9 months ago
I'm up for it anytime he is, though it would only be fair to warn him, he wouldn't be the diaper pail but he would likely just be a diaper if he did switch with me ^w^
9 years, 8 months ago
I think that might be a downgrade in Yukon's situation
9 years, 8 months ago
Perhaps though I rather like it~
9 years, 8 months ago
So being first diaper at bottom of daddy pail be fun i think. Lovely story. hehe
9 years, 3 months ago
This story is great. You never see diaper pail tf's. Can't wait for part 3.
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