Well it's not really coming outta the closet if you're bi, it's more coming to the conclusion you don't give a shit if they're a boy or girl. That's all it means. Really isn't something that'd be closet worthy. XP Not to me anyway. I told my parents about my bisexuality ages ago.
Well it's not really coming outta the closet if you're bi, it's more coming to the conclusion you do
Telling people that you're willing to have sex with the same gender is an issue to people whether it's bisexual or homosexual. You dont just get a get-out-of-jail-free card from some people, be they parents or whatever, just because you'd also be willing to be with a member of the opposite sex. The basic "I'm into the same gender" is still there, not to mention the added stigma from morons who think bisexuality is just an excuse to be a whore.
Telling people that you're willing to have sex with the same gender is an issue to people whether it