Somebody, put a picture of What-a-Twist here! XD Now i feel bad for Angel.. Would he be able to get some smexy sammich of sneaking inbetween this two hot kitties, again? ;9c
Somebody, put a picture of What-a-Twist here! XD Now i feel bad for Angel.. Would he be able to get
I do hope.. That this does not turn out to be some sort of fantasy. This seems sudden, unexpected, and quite a jump from where the last left off.. Also did not start with Audrey who never seems too happy with what is going on. More over, having looked back, I didn't see anything she said that she needed to apologize as if we missed something There was only that minor scene in the hospital but she didn't say much there.
I do hope.. That this does not turn out to be some sort of fantasy. This seems sudden, unexpected,