I'm redesgining my character I wanted him to look more of a cabbit. Let me know which one these is it. 1st http://prntscr.com/lev90q 2nd http://prntscr.com/levcf3 3rd http://prntscr.com/levlhq
This is what happens when I don't think fast enough. Sorry, got the names swapped around in my head. O_o I think it was the various professor ze's on FA @_@. I wanted to edit the comment, but - then IB just went and blew everything up. Now it's all gone and replying would be even more awkward. Hooray!
This is what happens when I don't think fast enough. Sorry, got the names swapped around in my head.
There's roughly less than two weeks left for the below contest. Please let me know if you're still interested and if so if more time will be required to make your entry. Be realistic in your reply in letting me know if you really can make the deadline so I can situate the prize money. Thanks I'll look for your reply via my page or in the journal below.