This piece pissed me off to no end. First off I (for some unknown reason) drew and painted out of order so I had to go back and repaint everything, THEN when I went to save it and close down for the night apparently my SAI trial ended (even though I have the keygen for it) and it refused to let me save so I had to screen capture it and save it from Microsoft paint :P by doing so lost a huge chunk of the resolution making it look like I went wild with the photoshop sharpen tool. So finally when I got SAI to work again I got to load a single layer .jpg added some finishing touches in and then washed my hands of it.
By the way this character has no name so I'm dubbing him Nemus the male version of Nemo, for those of you who don't know, Nemo means 'one with no name' so I figure it's fitting. This character is (c)