Well, I finally caved and got an account here. I probably won't be posting any art here, as my Internet is extremely limited at best and I'll be using this mainly as a watcher account. If you want to see my art, the best place to look is my FA gallery, here: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/demonwerewolf110 or my DA gallery, which gets more literature, but isn't updated as often, here: https://demonwerewolf110.deviantart.com
If you want to hear my music, I post demos of my newer songs into my FA gallery, but I also have a myspace page here: http://myspace.com/miseryfieldsmusic
I guess that's all for now, but I may update this later.
One last thing, this site kind of sucks a lot on an iPhone. I have to hit each link about ten times before it goes through, and that's still on full bars of 3G. Nicely done, coders...nicely done.