we're asking $40/page (up from $30/page last comic). that extra $10/page goes to XPFOddball, who is now inking for us! --- thanks again to vaildname1313 for donating and making this page possible :b
they meet on page 15; erotic things happen on pages 16, 18, and 19; and sex happens pages 23 through 34 : ) pages 18 and 19 have sexual cameos with other B-K characters. i'm not gonna reveal which characters those are, though.
i'm trying to tell a better story this time and make the sex feel good backed by that story. i know it's a ways down the road, but what i'm trying to say is that it'll feel better when we get there :3
they meet on page 15; erotic things happen on pages 16, 18, and 19; and sex happens pages 23 through
Awwwwww...this is actually really adorable, and I love how you made the dialog work like it was in the games. I have to say your style fits REALLY well for these characters especially so this is perfect.
Awwwwww...this is actually really adorable, and I love how you made the dialog work like it was in t