A doodle I drew of Ambia's Pokemon character, *cough* Ambia, dominating a mega Ampharos. As a bonus to go along with the picture enjoy a nice short written up by the Flaaffy herself to help set the scene.
In the darkness of the night, the glow of taillights of a flaaffy flock could be seen for miles. The cloud of tri-colored beacons had led Stormfall across hills and through valleys, his eyes and nose leading him until his legs tired and his stomach grew empty.
When he arrived, though, he knew it'd been worth it. Ewes aplenty, mostly Flaaffies and Mareep, swarmed around a few nearby structures in such a great flock as he'd never seen, and the few rams his eyes could find looked downright cowed. Nothing he couldn't beat with ease.
For a moment, he let himself imagine the upcoming reward as he let his gaze trail along the many tail-lit rumps mulling about, until he finally saw a brazen little Flaaffy ewe approach him. She seemed to be looking him over quite unselfconsciously. Understandable, considering his excellent physique.
"Well, hello there, little lady. That's a lovely rump you have there. Where's the dominant ram of this flock? I'm looking forward to showing you how things are going to be in my flock."
The Flaaffy smirked as she set down her bag, "What a coincidence. So am I."
Mmm, didn't Glee or Faithry write a story similar to this? The Flaafy farm run by female flaafies, who milk the males daily to provide the milk they sell?
Mmm, didn't Glee or Faithry write a story similar to this? The Flaafy farm run by female flaafies, w