A while back a friend of mine had shown a pic he made where he had this fun idea of a power rangers like team in considerably kinkier costumes. After some talking about it I made this image of Artemis. I can't help but feel that he looks naughtier in that outfit than if he was butt naked like he always is.
Pfff nah. He has a mask that barely hides any of his face, no one can figure out it is him. It totally works for Robin and hell look at Superman. He doesn't even wear a mask he just takes off his glasses! lol
Pfff nah. He has a mask that barely hides any of his face, no one can figure out it is him. It total
As someone else put it, I have an obsession with giving my characters thunder thighs. xD I can't take much credit for it. Filter forge has a way of doing awesome things at the touch of a button.
As someone else put it, I have an obsession with giving my characters thunder thighs. xD I can't tak
Oh, I know, I know! Ive slummed about japanese sites to know what you mean, but you still breathe new life into the thematic choices. Theirs look like those european stone venuses in "13th warrior" only, you know, made of vinyl ;3
Oh, I know, I know! Ive slummed about japanese sites to know what you mean, but you still breathe ne