I'm sorry my last picture set a argument in motion on a drawing of a young german, kraut or what ever. THUS its been removed. I didn't draw it as a mud slinging drawing. And for those who know history it world war one was fought by thousands on young men who beleave the glory and grand stories their government told them French , German , British , American and every other nation that fought in it. I had family fighting on both sides and being able to hear their stories first hand and see how it was hard for them to talk about as they remembered what one called hell. I'm not saying any war isn't bad for those who have fought in it and I will always stand beside those who have and offer them a handshake or more if I can. The drawing Fallen was inspire by a story I read and a story my great grandfather who was german told me about being hunkered down in a foul pool of water in nomans land and seeing his friend beside him crying as he realized he was shot.
I'm sorry if I seem upset but ..............I hope THIS picture won't cause trouble ................nuff said bye
11 years, 6 months ago
16 Aug 2013 07:12 CEST
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