Matt:"Hey Remi,you told me this morning that you were not feeling well and you wouldn't go to school!And when I come home, I find you, modeling g-strings, and worst, your friend taking lots of photos!And now you and your little friend's little fuzzy rear ends will suffer for a while!"
Arineu:"Hold your horses,sir!Let's make a deal!In that box on the floor, I have many g-strings, wear one and I'll take a picture of you too!Do you like the idea?"
Remi:"Oh my gosh!And now, our butts will gonna be roasted!"
Spaniel: hang on the second! Remi was sleeping and arineu was taking g-string photos because Remi had a fervent. just because arineu and i are both boyfriend with Remi that does not means you get to spank us. Remi's and my rear ends was safe but arineu's not!
Spaniel: hang on the second! Remi was sleeping and arineu was taking g-string photos because Remi ha
Spaniel: *holds Remi and walks away* we better talk private Remi... Mist: Matt, Spaniel was my big sister, i don't want to let you spank her or Remi, i was the one who gave arineu an idea...
Spaniel: *holds Remi and walks away* we better talk private Remi... Mist: Matt, Spaniel was my big s
Spaniel: look Remi, Matt spanked Sammy more then you, he's been spanked like 100 times a week, wile you were spank like 20 times a year, within' a nice butt message, i can stamp a paw for some reason. *takes down Remi's pants and underwear and stamp a ink-paw on Remi's left-side butt* this can remember what you were Remi, besides, the book said the ink-paw will be stayed forever on furs and skins, your rear end will know you if it has a warning.
Spaniel: look Remi, Matt spanked Sammy more then you, he's been spanked like 100 times a week, wile
Spaniel: and besides. *rubbing Remi's butt* no one knows when or why i left a paw stamp on you, it will last forever, spankings will not last forever, trouble will not last forever, but love lasts forever.
Spaniel: and besides. *rubbing Remi's butt* no one knows when or why i left a paw stamp on you, it w
oh wow nelson i think remi is lookin cute in that little g-string now if he would turn around so i couklld see his little white furry butt before it turns into a little red roasted furry butt arineu is lookin cute to hehe YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY SPANKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh wow nelson i think remi is lookin cute in that little g-string now if he would turn around so i c
jus slap that rear hard and diaper them up in some very thick diapers heck make it more embarrasing post the photos in adds and all over the boys school so they are even mroe embarrased
jus slap that rear hard and diaper them up in some very thick diapers heck make it more embarrasing