A Fluctuation in Time
Drenshire had remained the primary base of operations for the Layrence Agents, operating entirely under the Maxim Chronology Regulatory Administration. After a particularly worrisome period in which the unregulated manipulation of time and space had led to disastrous results, the very existence of man and anthro kind was threatened by a myriad of factors converging on their presence. Unfounded events and unpredictable consequences led to domino effects that wreaked havoc upon not only the environment, but the social climates in relations between the masses.
It was the formation of the Maxim Chronology Regulations Administration that managed to ensure a level of stability through prolonged efforts, between the past, present, and future. Through actions such as calculated interventions, predicted disruptions, and even violent apprehensions of key individuals, the administration has allowed for the continued progression and development of the city and region as a whole. The time continuum itself was largely kept stable and relatively free of anomalies, but faced the very likelihood of stagnation in the future.
In spite of such concerns, Drenshire itself has benefited from the services of its favored agents for the length of a little over a century. The mechanical workings of such technologies as clock-work and steam driven engines were integrated in the beauteous architectural works during the turn of the century. Magic maintained its presence in spite of such developments, seen as a necessity by the city-planners and the local Arcane Universities. The benefits of both at once were fast felt and remained desirable by and large, but with the armed conflicts against those of the new ways to that of the old centuries ago, there were mild disagreements and prejudices still felt in the current age.
The magical means of time transference were largely integrated into more mechanical means, allowing for enhanced precision and informational accuracy. Time lines were thereby discovered and created, with noticeable “trails” detected by specialized sensing technology. Unauthorized individuals or anomalous entities, flora, and fauna could now be detected, and then removed or eliminated as necessary.
In truth, apart from the news articles from local papers printed after the Agency's approval, the populace was left somewhat in the dark. It was deemed unnecessary and potentially ruinous to release information of the Agency's activities in “the field”, the field being separate timelines that had the potential of intersecting with those that would directly affect Drenshire (and the surrounding area.) This was to ensure the mental health of the populace, and mitigate the potential for homegrown “saboteurs”. What information was released captured the interest of all sorts of individuals, and remained something for enthusiasts to fixate themselves upon. The Agency was lauded time and time again for its efforts, and received lavish support from the local Government and related parties. Decorated with a reputation as just, fair, and competent, the Agency remains ever vigilant and wary of what the future and the dangers that lurk just out of sight.
Near the reflection pond in the Albrecht District, Agent Akamoto cannot help but look from his Temporal Processor's screen with mild concern after a noticeable fluctuation in the local time signature. Behind him, the citizenry go about their daily pursuits, marked with all the pomp and circumstance that city's norms had imparted upon them. However, the vast majority were left completely unawares of the very real dangers that lurked on the separate planes of existence just beyond their own. Overhead, the blue skies and clouds of white helped to impart a feel of serene calm on ones mind, but Koishi knew better. A fluctuation could indicate the coming of a relatively harmless event, or the coming of a cataclysmic disaster of epic proportions. He can't help but daydream in place, standing amidst the cobblestone street as passerby wandered around him, lost to his own reflections.
Koishi Akamoto, a promising young agent of the Perrywell Faction within the agency, believed wholeheartedly in the agency's cause. Past the isolated incidents that left him feeling less than just at the end of the day, it was a necessary mode of action to engage in as crises arose. A means to ensure the safety and well being of not only the citizenry of the city, but those of the entire region as well. With the Temporal Processors informational database at his disposal at present, or in adverse conditions within divergent timelines, he could have some means of factual support in the field. Out of sight, hidden within his blue overcoat, his badge of authority and Agents sidearm hung from one hip. His appearance was somewhat less than formal in contrast to the majority of the Agency. An out of place leather cap of brown contrasted greatly with the the long blue overcoat, a simple waist-coat vest worn over a white collared shirt, buttoned up to allow for the crimson tie at his neck. At his legs were cream colored slacks worn just above socks of black and leather shoes of brown.
As an individual, Koishi came off as a rather unlikely Agent not only his peers, but to the community as well. The typical Layrence agent was described as a reserved individual, with social norms focused on their polite manner in speech and a level of affluence evident as they carried out their duties. Koishi came off as a playful and personable individual, best characterized by his joking manner of speech and a more open minded outlook on life as a whole. His chipper personality had a touch of linguistic tendencies that were uplifting and admirable to some, but deeply annoying to others.
As far as how he conducted himself throughout his duties, Koishi had always shown a propensity for a bit of an unpredictable manner of approach to his work. Regardless, he showed a fair level of loyalty and commitment to his station in life, and a willingness to go beyond the call of duty. Perrywell Faction Overseer Henry Peterson has commented on this, publicly stating at a local ball that Koishi was a “dyed-in the-wool Layrence Agent,” and “a man that could be relied on in times of overwhelming adversity.”
Commentary: Another creation from the ipad, this one took quite a while, mostly because of all the little details that an entire city-scape would entail. I actually wanted to start yet another comic series where time travel was the focus, and Koishi would be among the main characters to have a focal influence on the stories events. I have a seriously bad habit of taking characters established for one setting / time period, and putting them in a modern one, usually with the same (or similar) name and appearance. I fully admit this. I guess some characters I like so much, they won't stand alone in one story line; they'll span multiple story lines. Usually, though, their role doesn't differ too much. Kind of hard to explain, but ah well.
As far as the picture itself, it came off as a lot brighter than I initially imagined it to be. It was meant to have a steam-punkish feel to it, but I sort of scaled back in that regard. Maybe the next one will have a greater focus in that area.. Hope the quality is fair enough, but coming from the ipad, there is a serious dip in quality after transferring a picture over. Enjoy, everybody!
12 years, 1 month ago
23 Jan 2013 04:56 CET
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