The original YCH was a bit more gladiatorial in nature than what I had intended, but it was such a good look for Taylor and Ahya. So, instead, if you don't mind the human-like skull in the background (it was hard baked into the YCH), we're gonna change up the intent of the piece to something else altogether: Showmanship.
Taylor was tasked by Emperor Vecennia to tour the rising reptilian nation of Talkar, newly reconstructed since the New Hordos War. He wanted to use her fame (and infamy in parts of the north) as the biggest draw to bring crowds down to Talkar to start a new life, build opportunities - and specifically for the rabbits (the workhorse species of this reconstruction), be nearer to their worshiped idol. She understood that she was being used as a tool for the crowds, but as long as Talkar was the safest place to stay with her family, she went along with the emperor's command.
Performing her concerts in a circular arena, Taylor sung her heart out for the crowds. She also choreographed her dance routines, sometimes using props such as poles to vault her way across the stage. During these concerts, the crowd sometimes got a bit rowdy. There were even a few assassination attempts by spies who infiltrated Talkar from the empire of Livarnu. The former church of the Script also sent in their goons during these events - all thinking Taylor would be at her most vulnerable during these mass public appearances. They would be wrong and the imperial guard were immediately on scene to quell such interlopers with extreme prejudice.
This job was a risk Taylor was willing to take for the continued support and protection from the Talkar emperor. Combined with her day job of building and engineering new technologies in support of the country's restoration, she had her paws full. She was invaluable to the country and it would be a very upsetting day should the emperor lose her...