I've had very few pictures of Max Thrash being the young protege of his mother, Murana, in his vigilante alter ego alongside her Darkflamewolf. In fact, I never even mentioned what his codename would be in this role. The Darkflamewolf moniker was something given to Murana by the general public based on what she did with criminals and she just adopted it because she liked how it sounded. What would be Max's vigilante name? I don't even go into it in my books because it just isn't a topic that comes up.
However, I do love this mother/son duo. Despite all parental common sense, she trains him to help her on moonlight outings - primarily because he's insanely good at it. He has a natural drive and focus quite unlike anyone else and she saw potential to harness that. Long after her death, he continued to use the skills and training she taught him to save the lives of his friends, family and loved ones. A boon passed down from his mom.