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[RP LOG] A lucky meeting
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lolboy4's Scraps (111)

[RP LOG] Trials of the sunken temple

[RP LOG] A Christmas rescue
Keywords male 1194534, pokemon 191582, dragon 149488, feral 92638, transformation 43043, underwater 8878, dolphin 3693, gardevoir 3518, dragonite 1780, rp 651, giratina 482, rp log 218, gabite 126
S: one day while at home, a blue dragon named blubby was watching the local news, and saw on there that there's a challenging underwater temple that has all sorts of different challenges and trials waiting for them deep down, and the first 2 people to clear it fully get a HUGE reward, and obviously blubby can't say no to that, so he decided to call up one of his new friends he made recently, a Gabite to see if they wanted to tag along

L: "Hey, Gabite, are you free today? I just heard about this cool underwater temple where apparently you get a huge prize if you can get through it, do you want to come with me for it?"

S: the gabite's eyes go wide at what blubby just said
"An underwater temple??? I mean that sounds awesome!! But are you sure it's a good idea for me to come with you? I mean you just taught me how to swim 3 days ago...im still relatively new to this whole thing... I am free today tho, I've got nothing else to do"

L: "It'll be fine, I'll help you through it! Heh, it's probably gonna end up feeling like cheating, with how much air I'll be able to give you, but I don't mind."

S: "Heh, yeah but I don't mind either... I'm pretty nervous but, I'm in! I wanna do it!"

L: "Alright! It's not all that far from here, so let's head on over there!"

S: "Alright, sounds good! This is gonna be interesting!" the gabite gets himself ready, he grabs a pair of goggles and puts them over his forehead, hoping he won't end up getting too scared from this

L: Blubby grabs his own goggles as well, even though he doesn't need them, and goes with the gabite to the shore nearest the temple. "Right, it won't be far once we get down there."

S: "I certainly hope so... I still get shooken up about submerging tho, so I'm hoping I don't chicken out..."

L: "I'm sure it'll end up being fine... Get yourself ready." Blubby starts taking in a huge amount of air, filling his enormous lungs.

S: "Oh boy..." the gabite's fear was slowly creeping up on him, but he tries to shake it off as he starts to take deep breathes

L: As Blubby finishes inhaling, he wades into the water, looking back to make sure the gabite's coming with him.

S: slowly but surely, the gabite waded into the water as well, already having to swim with how deep it is, he's trying his hardest to stay calm

L: Blubby doesn't bother tilting his head back, just letting himself go entirely under. Smiling up at the gabite, he continues walking on the bottom.

S: when the gabite realized he's gonna have to submerge, he puts his goggles over his eyes...but he doesn't dive under right away, noticing how far down this goes is making him feel scared

L: After continuing to walk for a few seconds, assuming the gabite is coming with him, Blubby realizes he's alone. He walks back to just under the gabite, looking up at them as he recognizes what's happening.

S: the gabite clearly has fear in his eyes, unsure if he can actually make the swim down to the temple, even tho he really wants to do it, whimpering a little

L: Blubby heads into shallow enough water that he can just barely get his muzzle above the surface. "I can tell you're scared. Just try to stay calm, we're gonna be fine!"

S: "I mean I know I shouldn't be worried about drowning since you can give me a lot of air...but I'm still scared of going down deep and all... I did tell you I still get shooken up to submerge"

L: "Yeah, going deep kind of gets me worried too... But you don't have as much reason to be afraid of that as I do, you can swim!"

S: "That's true, and you can't... still, I'm afraid of going down that far... and I don't know if I'm ready..."

L: "I wish I could say we could do this some other time, but that prize is only for the first two people to get through the whole temple. By the time we get back, it might be taken... We have to get down there pretty soon."

S: "Ugh... I know I know... I'm just so hesitant, I didn't expect any of this so soon... I'll be fine...I'll be fine...I can do this!"

L: "Yep! Think about how worth it this is gonna be too, that prize is really big!"

S: "Yeah! I-i can't turn down something like that! Ok, I'm gonna try this again then... but could we try going down at the same time?"

L: "Alright, we'll give that a shot. Get ready again while I get a fresh breath." Blubby starts exhaling all the air he'd gotten, making room for another breath.

S: "Alright..." the gabite takes some deep breathes again, hoping this time he'll go underwater

L: Eventually, Blubby has entirely taken another huge breath. "Okay, ready. 3, 2, 1..." He lowers his head again, hoping the gabite will dive this time.

S: the gabite pinches his nose shut and takes a final deep breath before finally diving underwater with blubby!

L: Blubby smiles at the gabite, letting a few little bubbles loose, before he starts heading for the temple with them again.

S: the gabite let's some bubbles loose as well, nervously looking around as they head deeper towards the temple

L: It's a bit of a trip to get there, taking a couple minutes, but the two arrive. Blubby looks up and down at the temple, wondering what's going to be inside.

S: the gabite's face is turning fully red already just from the trip down here, he also looks around the temple as well

L: Still confident, Blubby starts heading into the temple, ready to get started with whatever might be inside it.

S: the gabite however isn't feeling as confident now as he doesnt follow blubby in, and that he's getting lower on breath, he whines loud enough for blubby to hear as his face starts to go blue

L: Blubby stops as he hears the gabite's whine, and he quickly comes back out to them and blows a big bubble for them to breathe.

S: remembering what blubby taught him, the gabite carefully grabs the bubble and brings it closer to his mouth, then he slowly inhales the whole thing, his face returning to normal, but he's still unsure about entering the temple, his face still acting fearful

L: Blubby nods in understanding, giving the gabite a hug to try to help them feel better about the situation.

S: the gabite smiles a little at the hug, giving blubby a hug back and resting their head against their body for a bit, trying to get calm as let's a few tiny bubbles loose

L: After relaxing with the gabite for a little while, Blubby looks at them and gestures toward the temple, wondering if they're ready to go in.

S: the gabite looks at the temple then back at blubby, deep down he was still afraid but that hug was all he needed to feel a lot better, so he smiles a little more and nods his head yes

L: Blubby nods back, letting go of the gabite and heading back toward the temple again.

S: the gabite slowly follows blubby close behind into the temple, wondering what sort of trials they will have to do to get through this

L: Blubby goes into the first trial room with the gabite, ready for whatever might happen.

S: the first room looked like an escape room, the door locked behind them as they both went inside, which caused the gabite to yelp out bubbles in fear

L: Blubby jumps a little at the sound, quickly getting nervous at the prospect of being trapped... But, seeing all the things around and knowing what an escape room is, he tries his best to make it clear to the gabite that the two will be needing to solve puzzles to continue on.

S: but the gabite was so nervous about being trapped they suddenly couldn't focus on what they had to get done, whimpering and whining again

L: "Mm!" Blubby looks over at gabite, knowing that they're both going to have to work together to have the best chance of clearing the temple. "Coblme obln!"

S: "Mmm mm!" the gabite shook their head no, too nervous as they looked at the locked door, their face flushing red

L: Blubby looks around, wishing he could talk clearly right now. "Thblis shbloulbld ble sablfe, bublt wble miblght enbld ublp brbleatblhinblg wablter iblf wble loblse thblis chblallblengble..."

S: that only made the gabite yelp more at what blubby just said, he didn't wanna drown in here at all, having never experienced it before

L: Only then does it occur Blubby probably shouldn't have said that... As much as he wants to get back to the puzzles, he can't just leave his friend being scared, and he gives them another hug.

S: the gabite hugs blubby back, trying to calm down as a very quiet grunt of strain can be heard since he's so close to blubby

L: Wanting to get them as relaxed as possible, Blubby blows out another bubble for them, even though they're not really struggling yet.

S: seeing the bubble, the gabite inhales a little bit of it to get his face back to normal, then let's blubby have the rest, continuing to hug him

L: Blubby breathes in what's left of the bubble and goes back to hugging the gabite, nuzzling them some.

S: the gabite's whimpers slowly falter, closing his eyes and nuzzling blubby back calmly as tiny bubbles escape him

L: Blubby soon smiles at the gabite, happy they're feeling better. "Webl shbloulbld geblt obln wiblth thble roblom..."

S: the gabite was still unsure, he's never even bubbletalked before and was scared to do it for the first time as they looked around the room and all the puzzles

L: "Dobln't thblink yoblu'll nebled tblo tablk..." Blubby lets go of the gabite to get on with solving the room.

S: the gabite worriedly looks around as he goes over to try and solve some of the puzzles...but one of them seemed to require both blubby and the gabite to say a certain sentence out loud, which ment the gabite would have to bubbletalk

L: "Mm... Wble hblave tblo tablk foblr thblis onble. Dobln't woblrry ablout loblsinblg aiblr, wble hblave plblentbly."

S: the gabite's eyes go wide, he shook his head no fearfully, he doesn't wanna try to bubbletalk

L: "Itbl's thble onbly wably, oblr webl're jublst gobling tblo ble stbluck hblere!"

S: the gabite still didn't couldn't bring himself to talk down here, covering his mouth to make sure he doesn't speak

L: Blubby whines, thinking about what's going to be happening if the gabite never ends up talking... "Ibl dobln't wablnt tblo jublst stblay hblere, coblme obln..."

S: "Mmm mmm..." this was really hard on the gabite, he just couldn't bring himself to talk

L: "Plbleasble, Gablite, ablt leblast trbly iblt onblce! Thblat miblght ble albl wble nebled!"

S: the gabite whines a bit, eventually he knew he had no choice... so he sighed out bubbles and spoke
"T-tblesting... t-tblesting..."

L: "Thblere yoblu gblo! Yoblu jublst nebled tblo sably whblat iblt sablys hblere, anbld wble cabln moblve obln."

S: the gabite whines, he didnt like this, then he goes over to the puzzle to see what he has to say
"Pinbleapple doeblsnt beloblng on piblzza"
after he said that, a little green light appears and now blubby has to say it now

L: Blubby quickly says it as well. "Piblneablpplble doblesnbl't beblong obln piblzza."

S: there was a second green light, and soon that particular puzzle was solved finally

L: "Okblay, jublst abl liblttlble moblre..." Blubby quickly glances at the gabite's face to judge how they're doing on air, as a blue tint is now visible at the base of his horns.

S: from all the talking, the gabite's face is fully red, grunting in strain once more as he covers his mouth, lots of bubbles escaping him

L: Blubby makes another bubble for the gabite to breathe, then gets back to working on more puzzles.

S: the gabite inhales the bubble, his face back to normal as he also gets to work on the puzzles...thankfully it's nothing too hard they have to do and they get it done pretty quickly, after the last one was solved there's a big red button that says "Escape" on it, meaning they completed the escape room successfully

L: Smiling and wagging his tail, Blubby presses the button. "Onble doblwn! Fiblnalbly!"

S: the gabite smiles and wags their own little tail a bit too
this was only the first trial and it's bound to get harder as the two go further...

L: Blubby motions for the gabite to follow him to the next room, leaving the escape room behind for whatever might be next.

S: the gabite nervously follows blubby to the next room, very scared as to what challenges may be in store for them next

L: Up ahead, there seems to be a few different ways the two could go... The next trial is a maze. Rolling his eyes, Blubby takes the leftmost path, planning on following the left wall the whole time.

S: "Wablit stoblp!" the gabite was getting a feeling the left path was wrong, looking at the right one, he wants to go with his instincts and take the right path instead

L: Blubby looks back at the gabite. Not having much to go off of and not wanting to split up, he heads over to the right path instead.

S: the gabite follows blubby close behind on the right path, deeply hoping he made the right choice

L: The hall goes on and on, occasionally turning... There's no indication of any kind that the two are going the right way, but nothing saying it's the wrong way either.

S: the gabite starts to get worried, this hall is going on for way too long, his face returning to a slight red color in nervousness, pinching his nose shut to keep from losing anymore air

L: Blubby keeps glancing at the gabite every now and then to make sure they're doing okay, wishing there were any sort of sign that they were making progress...

S: the gabite starts to whimper again, but they then finally come across another split path

L: "Hmmm..." Blubby looks between the options, before looking to the gabite, wanting them to take the lead again since it seems to have worked out.

S: the gabite studies the two paths closely, and this time his heart is telling him to go for the left path, so he points to it

L: Blubby nods, and starts heading that way. From all that talking earlier, he doesn't have quite as much air in him, meaning the blue tint of his horns is climbing faster, maybe about 5% of the way up now.

S: noticing the blue tint climbing faster made the gabite worried, knowing what it ment...he tries to swim a bit faster through the maze, there is an air pocket somewhere in this maze, but it would only be helpful for the gabite since he can swim up to reach it

L: Fairly soon, the two reach that air pocket! Blubby props himself up on a wall to try to reach it, stretching upward as much as he can... But, it's still a few inches away, and he grumbles in disappointment.

S: "Oblh no..." the gabite honestly felt bad for blubby, he couldn't breathe in that air pocket even if he wanted to, he decided to try to help, moving underneith to lift up blubby, to hopefully give him som extra height, he was struggling but it was manageable

L: Blubby struggles a little harder, and just barely manages to get only his nostrils into the air pocket. He knows he doesn't have a whole lot of time, so he just exhales for a few seconds, gasps back in, and drops down to let the gabite up to the pocket. The blue on his horns has gone down some, being only just above their bases now.

S: the gabite quickly swims up and gasps into the air pocket, panting a bit as he's relieved that he's able to breathe freely in here

L: Blubby sits down and smiles up at the gabite, waiting for them to catch their breath.

S: the gabite almost doesn't wanna go back under, but he doesn't wanna keep blubby waiting, so he takes a few deep breathes before holding on in and diving back underwater, sinking back down to blubby

L: Nodding at the gabite, Blubby gets up again and resumes the trek through the halls, hoping it won't be a whole lot longer.

S: the gabite slowly follows blubby, hoping this will indeed end soon

L: As they continue, the path gets more and more narrow... Eventually it gets to the point where Blubby has to duck down to keep walking.

S: the gabite whines as he was very claustrophobic, he keeps going as normal trying not to think about it

L: Thankfully, that only goes about for about half a minute before the hall widens back out to normal. "Cabln't ble mublch leblft noblw..."

S: "Ybleah..." and eventually they finally find the exit of the hall, completing the 2nd trial!

L: Blubby wags his tail as he realizes that one's over. "Webl're dobling abl loblt bebltteblr noblw, hbluh?"

S: "I-i gbluess so..." the gabite was relived that one was over, there were still 2 more trials they had to face

L: As they go to the next trial, they find a message written on a wall: "Your previous trials required little more than participation. However, for the next, you require the body of a cetacean." There's some kind of strange energy field up ahead.

S: "Whaaaaabl????" the gabite was definitely unsure of this next trial, really scared about this new thing

L: Blubby doesn't know what to make of the message, but upon looking around, there's only one way forward. "Gubless webl'll ble fiblndiblng oublt whblat thblat meblans..." He cautiously approaches the energy.

S: "Blubby!!!" the gabite tries to stop him but he holds himself back, his face turning red again as he watches what blubby is about to do

L: "Itbl's thble onbly wably!" As Blubby touches the energy, it briefly surrounds him... And when it returns to how it was, a dolphin is where Blubby was! After a moment, it looks extremely confused and surprised, looking itself over.

S: this made the gabite's mouth drop open, letting out bubbles before he quickly covers his mouth
"Whblat....thble... blubby????"

L: The dolphin looks over at the gabite with a quick bit of squeaking and whistling, before seemingly realizing something. It nods... Somehow, it's Blubby!

S: "Omg... hbles a frbleaking dolblphin!? Oh no no hbleck no I'm nblot dobling thblat!" the gabite backs up a bit, he's stunned at what's going on

L: Blubby doesn't seem able to talk, but he awkwardly swims to the gabite, trying his best to make it clear that he feels fine.

S: "Ublgh, hble canblt evblen comblmunicate wiblth mble... I'm nblot dobling thblis, nblo wblay!"
he whimpers out bubbles, his face slowly blushing a bit more red

L: Blubby looks down at his new flippers for a moment, before doing his best to hug the gabite with them, whistling a bit.

S: "Thblis....doblesnt feblel riblght..." the gabite whines as he hugs blubby back, it feels different but it's not unpleasant, still...he has no courage to go through that energy and be transformed into a dolphin himself

L: Blubby glances back and forth between the gabite and the energy... But, he knows he can't just resort to forcing his friend into that. He blows a few bubbles from his mouth as he tries to think of some way to help the gabite.

S: but there was nothing else around, and time was ticking, if blubby wanted to get back to normal then he has to act fast before the gabite gets too low on breath, his face is already almost fully red again

L: Holding the gabite's hand with a flipper, Blubby gestures toward the energy, trying to make it clear he'll let them hold his flipper as they go.

S: "No...n-n-no nblo no!" the gabite was freaking out, he really doesnt wanna go through this, but knowing they have no choice he sighed out bubbles, defeated... he did blush a bit more when blubby would let him hold his flipper through the energy like a mother caring for their child

L: Blubby nods to the gabite, squeaking some, though these squeaks seem more just to be cute than an attempt at talking.

S: the gabite does smile a little at blubby's squeaks, noticing how cute it is, so with another sigh they carefully swim forward, holding tightly the blubby's flipper as they finally go through the energy

L: Just like with Blubby, the energy briefly surrounds the gabite, turning them into a dolphin as well! Once it's done, Blubby lets out some more squeaking and whistling, but this time they somehow have meaning to the ex-gabite... "Oh, please tell me you understand me now..."

S: the former gabite looks at themselves for a brief moment stunned at themselves, before squeaking back with more meaning

"Wait, yeah I can understand you now! And I can talk clearly?? Must be a dolphin thing, this is WEIRD!"

L: "Oh, good! I was really worried we wouldn't be able to talk like this... This is SO cool! I had no idea magic like this existed!"

S: the former gabite looks at themselves again, noticing their flippers and sleek body, they can't help but smile a bit more, they both still have their goggles on which make them look even more adorable
"...yknow this isn't so bad! I kind of like this! I look so cool as a dolphin!"

L: "We both do! And I can swim like this, too! Not very well yet, but still!" Blubby happily does a flip in the water, before blowing some bubbles and getting a bit confused. "Huh... I can't blow big bubbles like this..."

S: the former gabite also does a happy little flip in the water too
"Well that's not good... we better get a move on and get this trial done then.... as much fun as it is being dolphins we've still got a job to do"

L: "Yeah, let's get going. We should at least have a pretty long time before you need air." Blubby does his best to swim through the hall.

S: "Right, since I'm a dolphin I should be able to hold my breath for a bit longer now, guess being one has its perks!" the former gabite swims forward through the hall as well gracefully, as if he was made to be a dolphin

L: Blubby watches the former gabite swim to get an idea of how to swim as a dolphin, and soon enough he's able to keep up with them, swimming pretty much naturally.

S: "This still feels weird, but hey...I'm enjoying myself!" eventually they get to the actual trial

L: It seems like it might be a test of dolphin abilities. For the first one, a strong current pushes back against the two, keeping them from continuing onward at their casual speed. "Looks like we're gonna have to just power through this..."

S: "Oh boy, that's quite the current... we're gonna have to go super fast in order to get through this"

L: "Hopefully I've got a good enough idea of how to swim in this form. It's a bit mean of them to put something like this so soon after the thing that changed us..."

S: "I completely agree... it is a bit mean of them, but that's what makes a trial a trial...we gotta get through this unfortunately"

L: "Yeah, better get going before we run out of breath." Blubby starts swimming against the current, doing his best to overcome it.

S: "Right...let's do this" the former gabite starts to swim faster against the current, surprisingly having a much easier time then blubby and able to push against it

L: Blubby is struggling though, only barely able to make any progress. "Mmmh! I-I'm gonna get too tired!"

S: "Uh oh" seeing blubby struggle, the former gabite quickly gets an idea, holding onto blubby's flippers and pulling him along with him, it's a bit slower but it's certainly faster then what blubby was trying to do

L: Glad for the help, Blubby keeps kicking his tail as hard and fast as he can to keep helping out, hoping he'll manage to keep going long enough to get to the end.

S: the former gabite tries to give blubby a reassuring smile as they keep it up as fast as they can

L: Just as Blubby is beginning to falter, the two finally get to a point where the current lets up! "O-okay, did it... M-man, never been this tired underwater before..."

S: "M-me neither, that was a workout, hopefully it doesn't get any harder from here" the former gabite's face is blushing red from the intense current

L: "I-I'm sure they knew to give us a break..." He continues ahead with the former gabite, starting to blush some... "Wait, I'm already feeling a need to breathe..." He puts a flipper to his chest, confused.

S: "Uh oh, I guess your 6 hour breath hold doesn't apply to you as a dolphin, that's certainly not good... we better get moving to next thing quick then!"

L: "Y-yeah, I just noticed, my lungs feel different... They're normal size for a dolphin, they're not huge like with my actual body!" Blubby speeds up his swimming.

S: "Yeah, jeez..." the former gabite speeds up as well, hoping they can get through the next few sections a little faster

L: The hall is gradually getting darker and darker... Eventually, it's about to get so dark the two can't see! "Uh oh... Is it even supposed to be like this?"

S: "I-i don't know, but I don't lime how dark this is! I hate the dark!"

L: "Hm... Oh, hang on..." Blubby lets out a few clicks. "I think we're meant to use echolocation! It feels really weird, it's like I'm seeing with my ears somehow..."

S: "Echolocation? Right, I forgot that's a thing with dolphins...let me try..." the former gabite let's out a few clicks as well, now able to see by using Echolocation
"This is very strange...but at least I can see"

L: "Alright, let's head in there. Stay close, and go slow, we can't be hitting any walls while we're doing this." Blubby cautiously swims into the darkness.

S: "Ok..." the former gabite slowly follows blubby, being extra careful and cautious, his red blush now completely covers his face as he grunts a bit from strain

L: Blubby's face is entirely red now as well, though it's not visible, his little grunts joining both the former gabite's and the clicks each of them are using to navigate the darkness.

S: thankfully it doesn't take too long for them to find the end of the darkness, a large air pocket greeting them both up above, which the former gabite quickly swims up to gasp for air

L: Blubby quickly swims up to breathe as well, gasping through his mouth. "This is so cool, everything's so different like this!"

S: "Yeah! I'm still getting over the fact that we are dolphins right now! This is crazy! Although, I'll admit I kind of want us to go back to our regular bodies soon... so then you can be a living air tank again, heh..."

L: "As much fun as this is, yeah, I don't want to stay like this. We'll probably get back to normal before much longer." Blubby starts doing some repeated deep breathing to get ready. "Heh, this is my first time doing this..."

S: "Well you kind of have to here, haha" the former gabite chuckles a bit before taking some deep breathes as well to get ready

L: Blubby eventually holds his breath and dives back under, waiting for the former gabite to join him.

S: the former gabite holds his own breath and dives back down as well, and eventually they continue forward, hoping this will be over soon, but they have one more thing they have to get through

L: Before long, another current forms, this time from behind the two, and it quickly starts getting stronger! "W-woah, something's pushing us!"

S: "What the?!" the former gabite looks behind, seeing nothing and he knows it's another current
"Whoa! I think it's another current! It's making us go fast!"

L: Blubby quickly holds the former gabite so they don't get separated. "Hold onto me, we're not gonna be able to fight this one!"

S: "Ok!" the former gabite quickly holds onto blubby tightly, making sure they don't get separated

the current gets stronger and faster, it's actually really thrilling as they get carried at high speeds through a maze like section, like a roller coaster

L: Blubby's initial fear soon fades, and he starts to actually enjoy being pushed along! "This is awesome!"

S: the former gabite's fear fades away as well, replaced by a happy smile
"Whoa!!! This is so cool! It's like a roller coaster! Wheeeee!!!!" he giggles out bubbles happily as the currents speed up even more, going super duper fast!

L: "Even flying on Cirrus isn't this fun!" Blubby happily squeaks and lets some bubbles loose from his blowhole.

S: the former gabite squeaks happily as well, enjoying the roller coaster like experience, but unfortunately all good things must come to an end, as the currents stop and let go both of them, then they are faced with a similar kind of energy, which seems like it may turn our two friends back to normal

L: Blubby gets his bearings as the current stops. "Aw, that's it? Alright... Oh, it looks like we might be able to change back over there!" Blubby motions toward the energy.

S: "Lame! The ride is over...but at least we can get back to normal, hopefully...your going first again, just be sure...heh heh"

L: "Yep, I'll test it out first." Blubby swims to the energy, briefly being surrounded by it again. Then, it clears, and he's himself again! He smiles back at the former gabite, happy to have his own body back.

S: the former gabite smiles as blubby returns to normal, then he slowly swims forward to the energy themselves

L: Just like Blubby, the energy surrounds the former gabite for a moment, returning them to their original form.

S: the gabite looks at themselves and smiles as they are back to normal
"Yblay! Mmm!" he covers his mouth as his face unexpectedly flushes red, mainly since he's back to his old lungs again

L: Now that he can again, Blubby walks to the gabite and blows a bubble for them to breathe, even having as much air in him as before.

S: the gabite smiles and gently takes the bubble and inhales it slowly, his face returning to normal, nodding to him as he was ready to continue onward

L: Blubby nods back, and resumes walking farther into the temple. Eventually, there's another message on the wall: "You've come quite far, your goal is near... But lastly, you will face your greatest fear."

Blubby: "Mm... Dobln't liblke thblat..."

S: "Yblour gblreatest feblar?! Uh oblh...I doblnt likble thblat eiblther... I dblont evblen knblow whblat yblour gblreatest fblear is blubby"

L: "I'lbl tebll yoblu afblter iblf iblt geblts iblt wrblong..." Blubby nervously continues forward.

S: and little does blubby know, it's not gonna be wrong at all, it's gonna be starting with his fear first, the gabite also nervously continues forward as well, pinching his nose shut again

L: The two turn a corner, revealing the next hall has a bunch of jellyfish in it! Blubby freezes for a moment, and starts slowly backing away, shivering a little.

S: the gabite's eyes go wide at the jellyfish, noticing blubby backing away
"Whbloa! Thblats a loblt of jebllyfish! Thblat is yblour gblreatest fblear ainblt iblt?"

L: He nods, whimpering a little. "Ibl-Ibl dobln't wablnt tblo gblo thblroublgh thblere..."

S: "Oh dblear, hblow thble tablbles havble tublrned..." the gabite frowns then swims over to give blubby a big hug, rubbing their body soothingly
"Iblll be oblk...I problmise, I'll prbloteblct yblou frblom the jellyfiblsh, I promblise..."

L: Blubby hugs the gabite back, but shakes his head. "Nbl-nblo, jublst... Jbl-jublst gblo ahblead, gblo geblt thble prblize foblr yoblursblelf..." He's starting to cry a little both from fear and thinking about giving up.

S: the gabite frowns and even tears up a little himself at the sight
"Whblat?! Blubby! Cblome obln mblan! Wble've comble too fblar to gblive ublp! Yblou cblant! Wblere gbletting thblat prblize togblether! Nblo matblter whblat! I'm nblot gbloing anblywhere ublntil yblou cablm doblwn anbld comble wblith mble!"

L: Blubby nervously looks at the hall of jellyfish, knowing the gabite isn't going to give up on him... He holds the gabite's hand and tightly shuts his eyes. "Dbl-dobln't leblt thblem stbling mble, obl-oblr Ibl'm goblnna scblreablm..."

S: the gabite smiles a bit, knowing blubby is gonna face his fears, he squeezes blubby's hand gently
"Dblont woblrry...I wblont... noblw lblets gblo..." slowly, the gabite starts to lead blubby into the jellyfish filled room, he glares at the jellyfish hoping they will keep their distance

L: Blubby keeps his eyes closed, constantly whining as he knows the jellyfish are all around him... But, he trusts the gabite to lead him in a way that won't get him stung.

S: the gabite can hear the whines from blubby, frowning...then he tries to lighten up the mood
"Iblf yblou jellyfiblsh tobluch my beblst friblend, ybloull be anblswering to mbly fiblst!" he growls out bubbles as he continues to navigate through the hall of jellyfish with blubby, constantly glaring at the jellyfish

L: That does make Blubby feel at least a little bit better. One of the jellyfish does seem to be floating closer to him, though...

S: the gabite notices it and immediately shields blubby from the jellyfish
"Hbley yblou! Gblet awblay fblrom hblim!"

L: Blubby gets more nervous again as he hears that. The jellyfish doesn't seem to care much, reaching for the gabite!

S: "Ublh oblh! Hbles gblonna stiblng me!" the gabite quickly pushed blubby forward as fast as he can, trying to avoid getting stung himself

L: "MMM!" Without thinking, Blubby rushes forward, ending up going straight toward another jellyfish!

S: "Whbloa!! Watcblh oblut blubby!" the gabite quickly blocks blubby's way just in time before he could run into the jellyfish

L: Blubby stumbles a bit, but just barely manages to avoid being stung. "Pbl-plbleasble hblurrbly ublp..."

S: "I'm trblying!"
the gabite goes as fast as he can now, and thankfully they finally make it out of the hallway of jellyfish!
"Phblew, we madble iblt, yblou can opblen yblour eybles nblow!"

L: Blubby slowly opens his eyes, and sighs out bubbles in relief as he sees there's no more jellyfish. "Obl-oblh mabln, sblo glblad thblat's ovbler..."

S: "Yblou dblid a gblreat jblob!" the gabite hugs blubby tightly
"I knblew yblou coubld dblo iblt!"

L: Blubby hugs the gabite back, slowly calming down. "Hblopeblfulbly wble onbly hblad tblo dblo onble, anbld thblat's iblt..."

S: "Ybleah... webll lblets moblve obln..." the gabite gulps a bit, hoping he doesn't have to face his fears next, but little does he know, he will

L: Mostly calm now, Blubby continues onward, wondering if the trials might already be over.

S: but it wasn't... the next hallway approaches, and there was something or someone in there, giratina! As soon as the gabite saw them, he yelped in fear and backed off before they could see them
"Oblh no! No no no no!!! Mbly woblrst nighbltmare comble trblue"

L: Blubby pauses for a moment. "Dablrn, okblay..." He carefully looks around the corner as sneakily as he can, seeing Giratina, then going back to the gabite. "Ibl dobln't liblke thble loblok oblf thblat thbling eibltheblr..."

S: "Y-yblou doblnt undblerstand! Girblatina...tortublres mble in my nightblmares! I-i dblont wablnna reliblve thblat in rbleal liblfe!"

L: "Whblat!? Thblat's awblful... Bublt, Ibl thblink thblis ibls yoblur chblancble tblo geblt bablck ablt thblem!"

S: "Dblo yblou sblee hblow poblwerful thbley ablre?! I dblont stbland a chblace..." but there is a slight weakness in giratina, they can't breathe underwater, so they have to resort to holding their breath, but with how serious they look, you can barely tell they are doing that

L: "Thblis cabln't reblallbly ble thblem, thblerebl's nblo wably. Whblateblver iblt ibls thblat foblund oublt oublr feblars publt thblese hblere, thblat thblingbl's fablke."

S: "I dblont knblow blubby... thblis is scblary...i mblay hablve gblotten yblou thblorugh thble jellblyfish, bublt i doblnt knblow if youblll gblet me thblrough thblis..." the gabite's face turns fully red again, covering his mouth briefly

L: "Ibl'm goblnna gblo tablk tblo thblem, anbld geblt thblis fiblgurbled oublt. Yoblu cabln stblay oblr coblme wiblth mble, eibltheblr wably ibls fiblne." Blubby blows another bubble for the gabite, then looks over at Giratina again.

S: the gabite inhales the bubble, then he decides to be brave
"Fiblne...i-ill coblme"
they both slowly walk towards giratina, their own face flushing a bit red as they see the gabite, growling at them

Giratina - "YOU!!!!"

Gabite - "Ahhhblh!!!!" he huddles close to blubby in fear

L: Blubby quickly gets in front of the gabite, glaring up at Giratina while trying to hide how nervous he is. "HBLEY! Yoblu leblave mbly frblienbld alblone!"

S: Giratina - "Look blubby this does NOT concern you!" he somehow knows his name
"Get over here you stupid gabite! Its torturing time!" giratina charges forward to grab the gabite

Gabite - "Nblo!!! Doblnt leblt hibln gblet me!!"

L: "Nblo yoblu dobln't!" Blubby gets ready to bite Giratina, even though he's not sure it'll do a whole lot.

S: giratina growls out bubbles angrily before he manages to grab a hold of the gabite!
Giratina - "Gotcha!"

the gabite screams out bubbles in fear
Gabite - "Ahhhblblhh!!!!"

L: Blubby runs to Giratina and bites them as hard as he can, trying to shake his head some so it's more painful for them.

S: surprisingly the bite seems to be effective, causing giratina to yelp a lot of bubbles out in pain as he let's go of the gabite

Giratina - "Oww!! You little...mmmm!" giratina covers his mouth as his face fully flushes red, which may give blubby and the gabite an idea on how to by pass them

Gabite - "P-pheblw...cloblse oblne" he returns to blubby's side, his face a little red from the screaming

L: Blubby lets go, switching back to protecting the gabite, when he notes Giratina's blush. "Hble nebleds aiblr... Iblf wble mablke hblim rubln oublt, webl'll beblat hblim!"

S: the gabite notices an air pocket high above them, smirking a bit before whispering to blubby, getting an idea
"Hmm seble thblat aiblr pocblkent? Iblf wble cabln gblet hblim ublp thblere wble cblan mablke oblur escblape! Wble jblust gblotta convlince hiblm tblo gblo brbleathe...thblats thble fblun pblart!"

L: "Anbld Ibl dobln't thblink Ibl'd miblnd hblim sublckiblng ibln soblme wablter, toblo..." Blubby looks at Giratina. "Hbley! Wble albl knblow yoblu nebled tblo brbleatblhe!"

S: the gabite giggles and turns to look at giratina too
"Ybleah! Yblou rbleally nebled tblo breathble!"

Giratina - "...what are you talking about?! I don't need to go breathe! I'm perfectly fine!" he uncovers his mouth, trying to act like everything is ok

L: "Yoblu sublre yoblu dobln't wablnt soblme oblf thblis?" Blubby blows out a big bubble, not letting go of it, and pulls it back in after a couple seconds

S: giratina's eyes go wide at the bubble, air does sound nice right about now, but he shakes his head, even as his face turns more red
Giratina - "I-i don't need that!"

Gabite - "Mmm iblts temblpting aiblnt iblt? Hblehe!"

L: "Anbld I'vble goblt loblads oblf aiblr, Ibl cobluld giblve oublt abl loblt oblf thblose... Bublt, noblt tblo yoblu, oblf coblursble. Hbley, gablite, hblere." He blows a bubble for the gabite to breathe, even though they're still doing well on breath.

S: "Thblanks bublddy!" the gabite takes the bubble before turning to face giratina and inhaling the bubble right in front of him
"Ahblhh... reblfreshing..."

giratina growls, covering his mouth again as his face turns slightly blue
Giratina - "I-i-im fine! I don't need that stupid a-air!"

L: "Oblh, yoblu dobln't? Thblen hblow's yoblur fablce chblangbling coblor? Cabln't imblagiblne yoblu're liblke abl chblamebleon anbld cabln jublst dblo thblat..."

S: Gabite - "Hblaha! Gblood onble blubby!"

Giratina - "Hey! I'm not a chameleon... I swear I'm fine...mmmmm!!!!!" giratina whines as he now covers his mouth and nose, he's starting to look up at the air pocket above

L: "Webll, gblo ahblead anbld keblep publshiblng yoblursblelf... Beblt yoblu're febleliblng soblme bublrniblng ibln yoblur chblest noblw, hbluh?"

S: Gabite - "I blet thblat dbloesnt fbleel gblood..."

Giratina - "Grrr..." he wants to reach out to grab gabite, but he's too focused on his own air, whining louder as constant bubbles escape from him, his cheeks finally puffing up

L: "Tebll yoblu whblat... Iblf yoblu leblt ubls pablss, I'lbl leblt yoblu brbleatblhe onble oblf mbly bublbles. Whblat dblo yoblu sably?"

S: giratina had to think long and hard about this, he was getting really close to his limit, but in the end he shakes his head no

Gabite - "Oblh wblell, gbluess hble wanblts to publsh himblself thblen"

L: "Fablir enblougblh, wble cabln wablit..." Blubby watches Giratina get lower and lower on breath, wondering when they're going to give up.

S: eventually as giratina's face turns purple, he thinks fresh air sounds great right about now, he couldn't take it anymore, and he even inhales a little water through his nose as he quickly launches himself up to the air pocket above, gasping for breath heavily

Gabite - "Quiblck! Nblow's our chblace!"

L: "Riblght!" Blubby rushes for the exit, hoping Giratina won't be coming back down in time to stop him and the gabite.

S: the gabite rushes to the exit as well, and just in time as giratina gasped and dove back underwater, just a bit too late

Giratina - "Ugh! You win this time! But next time I'll be more ready for you!"

Gabite - "Ha! Wble dblit iblt!"

L: "Niblce! Anbld Ibl thblink thblat's iblt, toblo! Wble shbloulbld ble able tblo geblt thble prblize noblw!"

S: "Yably!!! Bublt uhhh...hblow ablre wble evblen gonblna problve thblat wble dblit iblt? Iblts noblt likble noblbody wblas wabltching ubls thble whblole tiblme"

oh but little did they know, they were, by the same news channel who said about this very temple! They are waiting for them on the surface!

L: "...Crblap, riblght... Mablybe thblerebl's soblmetblhinblg wble cobluld tablke frblom hblere thblat'd prblove iblt..." Blubby starts looking around.

S: "I doblubt ilbll woblrk... lblets jublst gblo bablck tblo tblhe sublrface and webl'll fiblrgue iblt oublt thblen...I miblss the frblesh ablir..."

L: Blubby sighs out some bubbles. "Yeblah, leblt's jublst gblo... Thblis wabls albl ablt leblast abl liblttlble fun, otblher thblan thble lablst pablrt."

S: "Tblrue...I enjbloyed myblself foblr thble moblst pablrt"

and with that, they start making their way back towards the surface

L: The two surface again without issue, and Blubby begins exhaling all the air he had in him. Before he can say anything, he hears someone else. "And here are our winners now!" A dragonite with a microphone gives him a wave.

Blubby: "Wait, what's going on?"

S: the gabite gasps for breath and looks at the dragonite with a microphone
"What the?!"

the dragonite's assistant, a gardevoir is right beside him with a microphone of her own

Gardevoir - "This is Channel 5 news and we have some breaking news for you, these two lovely people right in front of me just got through the whole underwater temple and they are the first ones to do it!"

there is a camera shining down on them as this is all live on tv

L: Seemingly not having been on camera before, Blubby doesn't really know what to do, and just sits down watching the two reporters.

Dragonite: "So, what are your names?" He holds out his microphone to Blubby and the gabite.

Blubby: "Um... I'm Blubby."

S: the gabite has never been on camera before either, sitting down next to blubby
Gabite - "And I'm gabite..."

Gardevoir  - "Blubby and Gabite, nice!"

L: Dragonite: "Alright! Did you two enjoy your time down there?"

Blubby: "Mostly, yeah. There was a part where we turned into dolphins, and I think that whole section was my favorite part."

S: Gabite - "Same here, it was quite an experience to say the least and I enjoyed it"

Gardevoir - "Well that's certainly good to hear!"

L: Dragonite: "Now, I imagine you two are curious about what about sort of prize is on offer..."

S: Gabite - "Yeah! What's the prize?? I must know!"

L: Blubby: "I bet it's gonna be big, that wasn't easy..."

Dragonite: "It sure is big: An all-expenses-paid trip to anywhere you want... And 10 million dollars!"

Blubby: "W-wait, SERIOUSLY!?"

S: "Excuse me...WHAT?!?!?! Are you for real?!!?"

the gardevoir giggles

L: Dragonite: "Yep! Anywhere at all, with more money than you'll know what to do with!"

Blubby is rapidly wagging his tail. "Th-this is awesome!"

S: the gabite is rapidly wagging his own tail too
"Awesome? No this is AMAZING!!!! I can't believe this..." the gabite tears up happily before giving blubby the biggest hug he could give him

L: Blubby hugs the gabite back.

Dragonite: "Aw, look at that..."

S: Gardevoir - "Aww check it out for yourselfs folks, these two had some incredible teamwork, and for all you folks watching at home, you'll be able to see their adventure fully uncut on YouTube as we've already uploaded it, and it's getting a ton of attention, already 10M views in less then an hour!"

Gabite - "Say....WHAT!?!?"

the gabite's mouth drops open in shock, he knew what youtube was and how special that makes him feel

L: Blubby: "Wait, we were being recorded the whole time? Glad I didn't do anything embarrassing..."

Dragonite: "Yep, you guys are gonna be pretty popular now!"

S: "Popular?! Oh my goodness! Am I gonna have fans?! That's always been my dream!!"

Gardevoir - "Hehe, I think you've already got a couple of fans already!" the gardevoir gestures to a few pokemon acting giddy towards the gabite and blubby

L: One member of that group is a treecko. "I'm totally gonna be watching that video when I get home!"

S: another member was a snivy
Snivy - "Yeah! Me too!"

Gabite - "Wow! Awesome! Hehe!"

L: Dragonite, to Blubby and the gabite: "See? I'm sure there'll be plenty more like them out there!"

Blubby: "Man, I never thought I'd be famous!"

S: "Me neither! This is quite amazing!!!"

Gardevoir - "I'm glad you guys like it! Anyways, we will have your prizes delivered to you very shortly!"

L: Dragonite: "Yep, just go ahead and relax for now, you've earned it!"

Blubby: "Alright, thanks for all this!"

S: Gabite - "Yeah! Thanks!"

Gardevoir - "This is has channel 5 news, and we're signing off!"

L: Dragonite: "See you again sometime!" The cameras are turned off. "Alright, you two will hear from us fairly soon."

Blubby: "Yep, got it."

S: "Alright! Sounds great! Thanks again!"

L: The dragonite and the gardevoir both leave.

Blubby: "Man, I heard the prize was good, but I had no idea it was this good!"

S: "I know right?! Jeez! This was incredible! But we couldn't have done it if we didn't have each other blubby!"

L: "Yeah, there's no way I would've been able to bring myself to go through that jellyfish hallway without your help..."

S: "And there's no way I could have faced giratina without you, I'm so happy we became friends!"

L: "So am I!" Blubby happily nuzzles the gabite.

S: the gabite giggles and nuzzles blubby back happily
"Alright, now let's go for a rest...I'm tired"

L: "Same here, changing back and forth from being a dolphin and dealing with whatever that monster was really got me tired out..." Blubby gets up, starting to look for a place to relax for a while.

S: "Same..." the gabite gets up too, and soon the two find a comfortable spot to relax, the gabite laying down and closing his eyes

L: Blubby lays down next to the gabite, closing his eyes as well. "Think I'm gonna be having myself a nap..."

S: "Me too... I really need one, well...goodnight blubby" Soon, the gabite falls asleep

L: Blubby thinks about where he could go with that free trip... And soon, he falls asleep as well.

S: the gabite was also thinking about that trip as well
by lolboy4
6 hours and 2 minutes
Breathless in anticipation (+short story)
[RP LOG] A lucky meeting
[RP LOG] A Christmas rescue
Hearing about an underwater temple that had a huge prize for whoever the first two people to go through it would be, Blubby hits up a gabite friend of his to try to get through it with them. Will they manage to make it?

An RP with squirtlerocks07

male 1,194,534, pokemon 191,582, dragon 149,488, feral 92,638, transformation 43,043, underwater 8,878, dolphin 3,693, gardevoir 3,518, dragonite 1,780, rp 651, giratina 482, rp log 218, gabite 126
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Rating: General

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