L: As Charmy wandered around outside one day, something above her that was a different blue than the sky caught her eye... Articuno was flying overhead!
S: as soon as charmy noticed that this could be articuno, she stopped walking, her eyes widening as she rubbed them a bit, not believing this
"What?! Is that articuno?! No...no there's no way...this has to be a trick... they probably wouldn't even see me!"
L: They seem to actually be coming down, and indeed, it's definitely Articuno. She lands fairly close by, resting after what was likely a long flight.
S: charmy was absolutely starstruck at the sight of articuno, unsure what to say or do, but she decided to come closer to articuno, wanting to get a better look at them
L: As Charmy gets closer, Articuno happens to notice her. "Oh, hello. You seem more than a little excited to see me... Is that because of me specifically, or just because I'm a legendary?"
S: "Omg.....omg!!!" charmy's eyes go wide as articuno spoke to her "She's talking to me...I can't believe this!" her tail starts to wag like crazy "It's most certainly because of you specifically!"
L: Articuno smiles. "Well, always nice to meet a fan. Can't say I've ever heard of a fire type liking me this much... What's your name?"
S: "I-i'm charmy!!" charmy smiles very cutely at articuno "I actually don't even like moltres all that much, your much cooler then everyone else! No pun intended! Hehe!!!"
L: "Haha, yeah, I'm not such a fan of Moltres myself... Well, Charmy, what were you up to before I landed here?"
S: "Honestly I was just walking around, it was a nice day today so I went for a little walk, I certainly didn't expect to meet you on that walk!"
L: "Well, I could come with you for a little while if you want, I should be able to stay for an hour and a half or so before I have to be somewhere."
S: "Really?? I would love that!! Thanks articuno!" she giggles very cutely
L: "Alright then, no problem!" Articuno pats Charmy's head with a wing.
S: charmy blushes at that then starts to walk away, hoping articuno will actually follow her
L: As she said she would, Articuno follows Charmy, going a little bit slow so she doesn't outpace them due to the size difference between them.
S: charmy then walks with articuno happily, deciding to lead her to charmy's favorite ocean spot
"Check it out Articuno! The waters look great today! There's something about me you should know that makes me...unique, hehe... I LOVE to swim and dive in water"
L: "...Huh... I've never heard of a fire type enjoying swimming before. But, it's not like most of them can't safely swim, after all. Anyway, I actually like swimming too, maybe we could head out into the water together?"
S: "Wait, you like to swim too?? That's awesome! Yeah I would love to head into the water with you! Good thing I'm prepared"
charmy pulls out her pair of goggles and puts them over her eyes, making her look cuter
L: "Those look pretty good on you! I didn't bring mine, but I can see fine underwater without them, so it's not a big deal."
S: "Awww, I bet you would look cute with a pair of goggles on too, your in luck...I happen to have an extra pair you can borrow!" charmy pulls out another pair of goggles and hands them to articuno
L: "Oh, perfect! I don't know if they'll fit, but let's see..." Articuno puts on the goggles, and while they're a bit small on her, they do fit. "Alright, how's it look?"
S: "Awww you do look adorable in them! They fit good on you!" charmy smiles
L: "Well, glad you like them! Now, how about we get out there and have some fun?"
S: "Sounds good to me articuno! This is my dream come true! I've always wanted you to be my swim buddy!"
charmy happily hops into the water and starts to swim out
L: Articuno gets in as well and swims with Charmy. "I think I'll really like this too!"
S: "Awesome!" charmy then leads articuno to charmy's favorite dive spot
"Down here is my favorite spot to go diving, how long can you hold your breath articuno?"
L: "My best is about 23 minutes, so don't worry about me. Can't imagine you're anywhere near that good yourself, though."
S: "23 minutes is really good, and actually I'm not that far behind, my record is about 17 minutes believe it or not"
L: "Woah, really? For a fire type, that's really impressive! Guess neither of us have to worry that much, huh?"
S: "Nope! And I wanna get better at breath holding too, my goal is 20 minutes after all! Hehe!"
L: "And my current goal's 25. Who knows, we might both end up reaching those out here!"
S: "With you by my side? It's possible I guess but we'll have to see!"
L: "Well, how about we head on down there and get started on that, then?" Articuno winks, and starts doing some deep breathing.
S: "Sounds good to me!"
charmy giggles at articuno's wink then does some deep breathing as well
L: After a little while, Articuno holds her breath and puffs up her cheeks before diving underwater, waiting for Charmy just below the surface.
S: charmy then holds her breath as well, puffing up her cheeks before diving underwater as well, giggling as she notices articuno's puffed cheeks
L: Articuno smiles at Charmy, letting a few little bubbles loose, before she starts heading deeper to see what's around.
S: charmy let's a few bubbles loose as well and then follows articuno down deeper
L: Upon reaching the bottom, Articuno lets herself sink down to stand, happily looking around the aquatic environment.
S: charny sinks down as well to stand next to articuno, looking around happily
when charny sees the happy face on articuno, she smiles even more at them
L: Articuno smiles at Charmy before starting to slowly walk along the bottom with her, wondering if they'll be finding anything interesting.
S: charmy floats with her walking, but does manage to stay on the ground for the most part, looking around as well
L: The two soon come to a reef, with lots of fish around. Articuno happily walks into it, looking at all the fish nearby.
S: charmy follows articuno, letting a few bubbles loose, her face just the tiniest red color
L: Articuno hasn't gotten a blush yet, but she's not far off. After a bit more walking, she sits down to just relax for now.
S: charmy sits down next to her, smiling and wagging her tail as a few fish swim by
L: The fish don't really pay the duo much mind, not particularly afraid of either of them. There's a wave from one every now and then, but that's it.
S: and when there's a wave, charmy would wave back happily, then the duo recognize something else approaching them, finizens!
L: Articuno's face lights up as she sees the finizens, and she gives them a wave with one of her wings. She's finally blushing now, but she doesn't mind yet.
S: charmy gives the finizen a happy wave as well, her face a bit more red then articuno's but she doesn't care
L: One of the finizens comes right up to the two. "Hi there! Man, a legendary AND a fire type... This is gonna be a pretty cool day!"
S: charmy giggles out bubbles at that
L: Articuno can't help but laugh a little too, and she nods.
Finizen: "Must be pretty good at holding your breath to be just hanging out down here, huh?"
S: "Mmhm!" charmy gives the finizen a thumbs up, smiling warmly at them
L: Articuno nods again, wanting to save her air.
Finizen: "Nice! Any chance I can hang out with you two for a while?"
S: "Yeblah!!" charmy didn't hesitate as she nods her head eagerly, her red blush becoming a bit visible
L: Articuno: "Oblf coblursble!" She decides she can give up at least a little air.
Finizen: "Alright, cool!" He swims to Charmy, giving her a hug with his flippers.
S: charmy wags her tail even more as he hugs the finizen back tightly
"Wblow, yblou gblive gblood hublgs!"
L: Finizen: "Yep, don't need arms to do a good job of that!"
Articuno decides to join in on the hug, wrapping her wings around the two.
S: charmy blushes a bit more and hugs both of them warmly, tiny bubbles escaping her nose
L: Eventually, Articuno and the finizen let go again.
Finizen: "Hey, charmander... How about we turn this into a breath holding contest? I think we both might've last breathed at about the same time..."
S: "Brbleath hblolding conbltest?? Oh iblts obln!!!" charmy looks at the finizen with determination
"Oh, nablmes chblarmy by tblhe wblay!"
L: Finizen: "Alright, let's do this! And, my name is Flynn!" Flynn settles onto the bottom next to Charmy, now focusing on saving energy.
Articuno nods, and watches the two to make sure they don't go too far.
S: charmy nods as well, getting comfortable while she rests her head against Flynn, closing her eyes as she moves to pinch her nose shut and focus on saving her remaining air, even as her face turns more red
L: Flynn is blushing some as well, though he's still doing fine, closing his eyes and trying to relax.
S: for a while, charmy doesn't let loose of any bubbles, she's determined to relax and hold her breath for as long as possible
L: Flynn doesn't let out any bubbles either, though for him that's easier, being aquatic. Eventually, as his strain slowly grows, he puffs up his cheeks.
Articuno's blush has spread across her face by now, and she holds a wing to her beak to keep her air in.
S: charmy grunts a tad from strain, her cheeks puffing up a bit more as tiny bubbles escape her mouth
L: Flynn's face is soon fully red as well, and he shifts in place a little, trying to stay comfortable, though it's clearly a losing battle.
S: charmy is still going strong, her face not even fully red yet, but she's getting there, moving her hand to cover her mouth too
L: Little grunts are eventually audible from both Flynn and Articuno, though neither move from where they are.
S: grunts become audible from charmy too, starting to struggle a bit
L: Over time, Flynn starts to squirm a bit in discomfort, with an occasional quiet squeak of strain. Articuno's doing a bit better than them, but not by a whole lot for the moment.
S: as charmy's face turns fully red, she also squirms a bit in discomfort as well, letting out some bubbles to hopefully ease her lungs, she turns to Flynn with a concerned look for them, but she knows it's a contest so she doesn't have that much sympathy for now, but when she turns to articuno, that's where all her sympathy goes to, seeing how much charmy's favorite pokemon was struggling made her frown
L: When Articuno notices Charmy's concern, she gives them a pat on the head and a reassuring smile. She loses a few more bubbles after that, and puts that wing against her beak as well.
S: charmy smiles a bit at the pats, feeling a little better as she moved closer to articuno to give her a hug, her face still fully red and little grunts being audible
L: Articuno's face is still staying red for now as well, her grunting being more audible to Charmy as she returns the hug.
Flynn notices the two are hugging, and he gets up to join in, his chest heaving from strain.
S: now all 3 of them form a group hug, charmy wraps her little arms around both Articuno and Flynn, even during a contest they all try to stay calm together
L: Flynn's whines are getting a little more common, and every now and then a few little bubbles slip from his blowhole. He tries to cover it, but he can't reach it with his flippers.
S: even tho charmy knows it's a contest, she decides to help, reaching up to cover flynn's blowhole for it, while keep her own hand over her mouth
L: Flynn smiles a little at Charmy, before focusing on relaxing again, returning to the hug. Articuno is still doing the best of the 3, just not by a whole lot.
S: charmy's face turns a tad bit blue, but she smiles back at Flynn a bit, focusing on her breath and the warmth of the hug, little does charmy know, she's unknowingly beating her breath holding record!
L: Flynn's face is a bit more blue than Charmy's, though he tries to stay calm. Articuno's face is still red for the moment, but as she's struggling as well, it won't be long before her face is a deeper blue than the rest of her.
S: charmy seems like she may win against Flynn as she's very determined here, growling a bit of bubbles out in determination
L: Now starting to shiver a little, Flynn whimpers and covers his mouth, which he can just barely reach. He watches Charmy, impressed by how well she's doing but hoping she'll be going up soon.
S: charmy isn't giving up in the slightest, determined to win now even as her face turns more red as the minutes tick by...
L: Seeing that Charmy is still going strong even as Flynn's face is beginning to go purple... He whines, bubbling out a lot of air as he bolts for the surface!
Articuno notices him leaving, and smiles at Charmy, happy they've won.
S: charmy sees it too and smiles, wagging his tail
"Yblay!!! Mmmm!!" charmy covers her mouth as her face is slowly turning fully blue
L: Articuno moves one wing from her beak to cover Charmy's mouth for them, even though she's now sometimes losing some bubbles. Above the two, Flynn gasps at the surface, eventually catching his breath and returning down.
Flynn: "Man, you two can hold your breath SO long!"
S: charmy smiles a bit at that, but now her grunts are more loud as her whole face is blue, she's not stopping now, she's determined to test her limits
L: Flynn: "Going even longer? Alright, I'll do what I can to help." He rejoins the group hug.
Articuno is letting out more grunts over time, starting to occasionally whine a little bit as well.
S: by now, charmy has surpassed the 20 minute mark, beating her previous record! But her face slowly turns purple, whining loudly
L: Articuno's closing in on her own record as well, and she closes her eyes as she tries to focus on staying calm, though that's not working very well.
Flynn: "Hang in there you two, I'm sure you can get to whatever goal it is you're going for!"
S: charmy nods, hugging articuno tightly as she closes her own eyes to try and stay calm for a bit longer, grunting more and more in strain
L: As more time passes, Articuno's face is finally going purple, and she's starting to shiver a little from how badly she needs to breathe.
Flynn: "...A-are you two sure you should be going this long?"
S: even charmy doesn't know if she should keep going, but even as her face is a bit more purple, she keeps going for now, shivering from how badly she needs to breathe too
L: Flynn: "Well, I'll be ready to help once you want to stop..."
Articuno nods. Her chest is constantly heaving as her lungs burn, and she's continually losing bubbles now, her face fully purple.
S: eventually charmy's face is fully purple too, she doesn't know how much longer she'll last, she presses her face against articuno's to try and keep the air in
L: By now, Articuno's beaten her own record! Still though, she stays where she's at, despite her body begging her to breathe at this point.
S: charmy looks like she's gonna inhale water at any moment, looking up at articuno with a pleading/concerning gaze
L: Articuno doesn't notice, too concerned with her own struggles as her bubbles begin to trail off...
Flynn: "Y-you're going too far, you need to surface!"
S: charmy knew she and articuno needed to surface, she tries to get articuno's attention, constant bubbles escaping her
L: Articuno fearfully squawks out a cloud of bubbles as she can only barely hold back from inhaling, and she jumps off the bottom to frantically swim for the surface.
Flynn swims next to Charmy, offering a flipper. "Hold onto me, I'll get you to the surface!"
S: charmy quickly nods and holds onto flynn's flipper, covering her mouth and nose with the other hand
L: Flynn quickly swims upward with Charmy. Articuno accidentally ends up gulping a bit of water, but she manages to surface safely, gasping hard and struggling for a few seconds to stay on the surface as she heavily pants.
S: eventually charmy gets up to the surface as well, gasping in the air heavily and coughing a bit, holding onto Flynn to make sure she doesn't go back under
L: Articuno gradually calms down, smiling over at Charmy. "Th-that has to be a new record... F-for both of us..."
Flynn: "It certainly wouldn't surprise me!"
S: *charmy smiles back*
"W-well... I actually got a stopwatch here and I was timing how long we were down there, I haven't looked at it yet..." charmy pulls out the stopwatch and her mouth drops open in shock
"O...m....g!" she shows the watch to Flynn and articuno, a time of 31 minutes!
L: Articuno's eyes go wide. "TH-THAT long!? I wasn't sure I'd EVER break half an hour!"
Flynn: "Woah, I've never met anyone that can hold their breath that long before!"
S: "Unbelievable... maybe it was because I had my favorite pokemon with me that gave me so much confidence!! Not only did I break my record, passed my goal of 20 minutes, but I managed half a freaking hour?!?! Whoa..."
L: Articuno: "I guess us spending time together has been a pretty huge help, huh?"
Flynn: "Sure seems that way, even I did pretty well!"
S: "Yeah! That was the best dive I've ever had! And that's saying something since I've done a LOT of dives in the past"
L: Articuno: "I definitely need some time to rest after that, I nearly started choking on the way up..."
Flynn: "Even I could use a bit of a break, but I should be fine fairly soon."
S: "Yeah, I almost choked myself, I definitely need a break... but at least I had a good time with both of you guys!"
L: Articuno: "Alright, let's head back to shore and just hang out for a bit." She starts swimming back to shore.
Flynn: "I can't come onto the shore with you two, obviously, but I'll be nearby." He follows for as long as he can.
S: "Alright!" eventually articuno and charmy get back to shore, charmy immediately giving articuno a big hug
"Thanks for being my swim buddy articuno! This was awesome!"
L: Articuno hugs Charmy back. "I had a lot of fun too! I really ought to swim with fans more often!"
Flynn: "And whenever either of you are in the area, we can swim together some more!"
S: "Yeah! Most definitely! If a fan like to swim you should totally swim with them for sure articuno!"
L: Articuno: "Absolutely! For now though, definitely gonna just relax..." She sits down on the ground.
S: "Me too..." charmy sits down next to articuno, leaning against them to relax
L: Articuno wraps a wing around Charmy, closing her eyes. "Think I might actually end up having a nap..."
S: charmy closes her own eyes too
"I wouldn't mind that, I don't want you to go so soon anyways... I wanna make this encounter last..." charmy wraps her arms around articuno in a hug as she slowly relaxes, looking like she's gonna fall asleep at any moment
L: Articuno: "Yeah... See you when we wake up, Charmy..." She soon falls asleep with Charmy.
S: "See you, articuno..." charmy said that in her sleep and soon both of them sleep peacefully together