NNude Sleepover
a FranPaul fanfiction
Harvey Beaks belongs to C. H. Greenblatt, Nickelodeon and Paramount
Fanfic written by ArchieFox203
After their first adventure together without clothes on, now Francois and Paul became good friends and the chubby fox boy invited Fran to a sleepover at his house and he accepted the invitation. It was a cold night in Littlebark Groove but it was still summer and Paul prepared everything for his sleepover party with Francois “snacks? check, blanket tent? check, pillows for pillow war? check. with everything prepared for me and my friend Francois we’re gonna tell some scary stories until we wet ourselves *hears his dad calling his son to attend the door* i’m coming dad” said Paul as he rushed to the door because Francois have arrived earlier than expected “hi Paul, i brought my sleeping bag for our sleepover” said the fox boy to his friend, “c’mon, the party has just started so please head to my bedroom” said Paul as they headed to his bedroom despite the mess with comics, toys and even games spilled on the room but what matters was the blanket tent for their sleepover party “sorry for the mess, my dad always blame me for not cleaning up my room”, “it’s ok, at least your bedroom is more messier than mine” said Francois making a compliment about Paul’s bedroom, then Paul takes off his lucky green tank top “why are you naked?” asked Francois, then Paul gave him an explanation “this is a nude sleepover because it’s hot even at night so take off your clothes as well”, “well i’m starting to feel sweated anyways *takes off his blue long sleeve shirt leaving him bare naked* good, now we’re both naked”, “alrighty then, let’s get this party started” shouted Paul as they began their sleepover butt naked, they ate some snacks, did a pillow fight and Paul even started to tell some scary stories about the creatures of Bigbark Woods making Francois shiver in fear about those tales but at least they’re having fun at the best night they ever had.
some hours have passed and Paul’s father told they boys it was 9PM and they should have gone in bed, after they turned off the lights, both the fox boys lay on their blanket tent together in the nude, as Francois was about to close his eyes to have a good night of sleep Paul asked his friend “hey Fran, since we’re good friends now, how about we stay up late and play some scary games on my computer”, “but Paul, i’m starting to feel tired”, “c’mon, my dad is asleep so we turn down the volume a little without waking him up”, “well alrighty then” said Francois as Paul turned on his PC, “alright Fran, what scary game should we play today? we have Midnight Week at Teddy’s, Ambience: the Deep Dark and my favorite Resistance Evil Devastation 2, what game do you want to pick?”, “well, i choose Midnight Week at Teddy’s because it’s my favorite series and i also played the Markiplayer Edition on my computer”, “wow, you’re more fan than i, anyway let’s get playing” said Paul as they started playing Midnight Week at Teddy’s, it was raining outside and it was a perfect time to play a scary game. as they tried to pass night 3 when the lights turn off in the game, after a jumpscare from Teddy Topbear the power on Paul’s house went off after a lighting hit the ground, Francois started to feel scared “ahh, the power went off, did Teddy jump out of the screen?”, “calm down it was just a black out. anyway, let’s check the generator, it's close to the laundry”, “but i need to go to the bathroom”, “here have this flashlight” said Paul after he gave a flashlight to Francois to take a piss in the bathroom. after the bathroom break, Paul asked his friend “ready for a very scary adventure pal?”, “will you protect me?”, “c’mon, there’s no monster who can scare me and my pops, i’ll be on your side buddy” said Paul about protecting his friend from any danger. as they ventured across the house during a blackout Paul bumps his toe into the visit table “AH SHUCK”, “what happened Paul?”, “I stubbed my toe into the visit table, I always forget that my dad always moves the stuff to achieve perfection. anyway let’s get moving the generator room is next to the laundry”, “okay pal” said Francois as they crossed the living room heading to the kitchen until they headed to the basement entrance “are you sure the laundry is that way?” said Francois about the laundry being in the basement “yes it’s here, but we gotta hurry cuz the batteries are running low” said Paul as they carefully go down the stairs but they end up falling down the stairs into the basement.
“uuuuh… are you okay Fran?”, “ugh, remind your dad to not buy cheap batteries next time” said Francois about the batteries running low. as they ventured to the basement they carefully avoided bump into something, they passed through some old stuff to cobwebs, they ventured in the dark until they reached the laundry but they needed to pass the laundry machine and head to the generator, but a lighting strikes the laundry machine becoming alive and starting to attack the boys “aaaahhh, it’s alive! RUN PAUL!”, “what about the generator?”, “TEDDY POSSESED YOUR LAUNDRY MACHINE, I DON’T WANNA GET CAPTURED BY IT AAAAHHH!!!” screamed Francois as they’re being chased by the haunted laundry machine, they quickly avoid the water jets but they headed to the generator, as Paul was going to put back the power on the house, the laundry machine grabbed Francois “aaahhh, HELP ME PAUL”, “HOLD ON, I JUST NEED TO- *gets grabbed by the haunted laundry machine* uh oh”, “guess this is our end Paul, at least we’re on this together”, “Fran, before we meet our demise, there’s something i need to tell you from the bottom of my heart”, “what is it? but hurry up, HURRY UP!” said Francois as he was about to enter inside the laundry machine to get washed to death, “i lo- *hears his dad entering the room* DAD!”, “stay back kids, i’m dealing with this monster” said Paul’s dad as he quickly turned on the generator making the power go back to his house and the laundry machine went back to normal, “why are you kids naked? it’s getting cold here”, “sorry about we did dad, i just invited Francois to a sleepover party and we saw a monster enter our house during a blackout”, “it’s alright mister, me and Paul are good friends”, “well, it’s getting late, you kids should go to sleep” said Paul’s dad as he takes the kids back to Paul’s bedroom. him and Francois started to sleep on his sleeping bag, both said good night to each other as they started sleeping, and the two fox boys of Littlebark Groove had the best sleepover party which they’ll never forget.