Adventuring Without Clothes On
a FranPaul fanfiction
Harvey Beaks belongs to C. H. Greenblatt, Nickelodeon and Paramount
Fanfic written by ArchieFox203
it was a normal day like every other normal day in Littebark Groove and a sunny summer day around Bigbark Woods, the forest where Harvey and his friends live, but we’re not gonna focus on him, Fee and even Foo, no no we’re gonna focus on two fox boys who secretly love each other. Francois is a fox kid wearing nothing but a blue long sleeve shirt after he was befriended by Harvey Beaks during Valentine's Day Festival on Littlebark Groove he’s still one of the blue bird’s friends but he doesn’t notice him now. then there’s Paul a chubby fox kid who wears nothing but a green tank top and he had some conflicts with Harvey in the past but he’s too pure to be hateable so he decided to pass that opportunity and leave the blue bird in peace, he knows that Francois is one of Harvey’s friends since Valentine’s Day Festival so he decided to forget about befriending harvey and going straight to Francois and hoping their chemistry would get along together, and also becoming good friends in the process.
The next day, Paul was heading to Francois House to go on an adventure with him but he said to himself in his mind “hold on, what if he doesn’t like you? What if he hates you? calm down Paul you can do this, just say hello to him and hope we can be friends forever” said the fox boy to himself as he knocks the front door, Francois mother tells his son there’s visit and he goes to it and opens the door, Paul was straight nervous about what he wants to say but Francois decided to calm him down by sending him a friendly hello “hi, i’m Francois, nice to meet you”, then Paul tries to present himself “hi i’m adventure, wanna go on an Paul with me? aw shuck i mean, my name is Paul, wanna go on an adventure with me??”, “you’re kinda funny Paul, nice to meet you. also, i wanna go on an adventure with you” replied Francois with a small chuckle to the shy chubby fox, then they decided to go on an adventure together around Bigbark Woods.
after befriending the chubby but shy fox, Paul has hidden his deep passion for Francois and his personality, feels like he wanna do some snuggles with him but he just befriended him now there’s now way to do that in just one day, for now let them hanging out as they become closest friends and becoming best friends and finally be soulmates.
after they stopped Francois asked his friend “so… Paul… What will be our adventure for today?”, “i… ummm… i dunno…”, “c’mon, i’m very open for suggestions” replied the fox boy, “LET’S GO STREAKING!”, “WHAT?” said Francois, very shocked, “Oops sorry sorry, I mean let’s adventure without our clothes on? the heat is killing me”, “well, anything for a new friend i just made” said Francois accepting his weird request, then Paul takes off his casual green tank top leaving him bare naked, “now it’s your turn Fran”, “but, i… i… I'm too shy, what if anyone sees us? what if i get a cold??” said Francois pretty nervous, “trust me, we’re friends now and that’s okay if you don’t wanna, i’ll put back my tank top”, “NO, OKAY OKAY I’LL TAKE IT OFF ALRIGHT? *takes off his blue long sleeve leaving him bare naked as well* are you happy now”, “oh no, he’s so cute, he’s way more cute even naked” said Paul on his thoughts on Francois naked body, the summer breeze starts to blow kindly refreshing the two fox kids “i gotta admit being naked is kinda fun, most specially during hot days of summer” said Francois, “what did i tell ya? at least it’s kinda fun for us to feel freedom in our bodies”, “brrr, it somehow started to get cold, let’s put back our clothes and end our adventure” said Francois about to put back their clothes but a gust o wind blows them away and get lost deep in Bigbark Woods, Francois starts to panic about him and Paul getting caught by public nudity “oh no, no no no no no no, this is bad this really bad, we gotta get our clothes back”, “ahh, my lucky green tank top i can’t be a card master without it”, “i told you this was a bad idea”, “but on the good side we’re not gonna worry about laundry day *sees Fracois doing a disappointed face* ugh, fine we’re gonna get our clothes back, let’s explore the woods hoping we can find them” said Paul as they wander around Bigbark Woods region in order to find their clothes that went gone with the wind and trying to avoid not getting caught by public exposure, even if they’re just kids they’re still gonna get in a much deep deeper trouble.
After wandering around Bigbark Woods in order to get their clothes back, it started to get dark and they needed to hurry on finding them or they’re gonna spend the night being hungry, cold, dirty and naked. They wandered around the trees but no sign of luck until Paul bumps on a thing on his way, Francois then helps his friend “are you alright pal?”, “i just bumped into something cuz it was getting dark already and… what are you shivering?”, “p p p p p… p-p-paul… t-t-t-t-turn around”, “huh? *they end up finding a creaking scarecrow that scares the fox duo* AAAAAAHHHH!!!!! RUN FRAN!!!” screamed Paul as he and Francois started to run away from that scary creature, they start a whole chase scene but the two kids end up in a dead end. as they thought it would be their end the creature gently gives their clothes as the creature was trying to be a dim samaritan in his territory and means no harm for these two fellas, the two fox boys thank the creature and Paul leads Francois back to his house.
after adventuring in the woods together for their first time on their lives, Francois thank Paul saying to him “that was a fun adventure, i’m so glad i made a very good friend”, “well, you don’t seem too adventurous for me”, “like they said, the opposites can attract to each other” said Francois making Paul blush “well i gotta go, my dad made dinner and i don’t wanna get late next adventure then?”, “Wait, what is your Blockcraft username?” asked Francois about Paul’s Blockcraft gamertag, “well, it’s PaulFoxboy12, anyway see you tomorrow Fran”, “until our next adventure friend”, “Francois, did you make a new friend?” asked his mom, “well, he’s kinda adventurous than me”, “also it’s 8PM time to go to bed”, “oh okay, good night mom”, “sweet dreams dear” said his mom as Francois headed to his bedroom to go to sleep. and that’s the first adventure of Francois and Paul, the two fox boys who had secret feelings for each other. Will they now become soulmates? only time can tell cuz these are the Tales of Francois and Paul. until the next adventure my guys.