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[NMA] Aquadex photoshoot
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by lolboy4
Tail testing
Cheeky practice
Super forms 3 - Nox
[RP LOG] Flood or Fact episode 3
Night is the perfect time for Nox to be out and about on Earth, and tonight he's decided to go for a swim. With a deep breath in him, he dove underwater, swimming all the way down to look around the bottom as he swam. After a little while, he flipped upside-down and let himself sink onto the bottom, laying on the soft sand and looking up at the surface, smiling at his bubbles shining in the moonlight. Nothing in the Shadelands could really compare to this...

male 1,195,567, monster 25,347, underwater 8,894, lying 6,203, on back 5,527, original species 2,285, umbrakin 11
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Rating: General

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3 months, 3 weeks ago
What a big cutie
3 months, 3 weeks ago
He sure is! In my opinion, he's the cutest of my characters.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Would certainly dive with!
3 months, 3 weeks ago
squirtlerocks07 and I did an RP based on this.

S: It's around midnight on Earth, and a rather brave Umbrakin named Nox was on his way to go for a nightly swim in the ocean, as he was getting ready to enter the water, someone speeds into view, a grovyle named Zippy, one the fastest running pokemon alive due to a unique power he possesses, he speeds to the edge of the beach and stops, taking a look around the beautiful night sky, not yet seeing Nox

L: Nox stops just short of the water as he sees them. "Oh hey, Zippy! Certainly didn't expect to see you out here!"

S: Zippy notices Nox and waves at him with a smile
"What's up Nox! Good to see you!" he speeds over to them and stops just a few feet in front of them

"Well my parents are asleep, so I figured I sneak out and go for a little night run, it's such a beautiful night after all, what are you up to bud?"

L: "I was just about to go for a dive, since I still don't know a whole lot about Earth's oceans. Maybe you could come with me? You probably know more than me, you could sort of be a guide."

S: "Well...I definitely wasn't planning on doing any diving this late at night, but eh...what the heck ill come with ya! I still got my goggles on me just in case this kind of thing happens
Zippy pulls out his pair of blue goggles and puts them over his eyes
"Still not entirely sure about the oceans myself since you've introduced me to swimming not that long ago, but I'll try my best to guide you"

L: "Right, yeah, that was your first time back in the Shadelands... Well, still, you've been on Earth your whole life, you must know more than I do."

S: "I suppose that's right... I mean I do know all the cutest sea creatures now, I did a little studying on them and I'm pretty sure I remember where most of them are...and I even know the best relaxing spot too"

L: "Perfect! Then let's get going, I want to see those things!" Nox starts wading into the water.

S: "Alright!" Zippy wades into the water too, a big happy smile on his face
"Haven't gone underwater since Halloween, so I'm looking forward to this!"

L: "And I haven't dove with a friend since then! I bet we'll have a great time down there!" Nox starts taking deep breaths as he begins swimming.

S: "That's my biggest hope!" Zippy starts swimming as well, taking deep breathes

L: After a little while longer, Nox holds his breath and dives under, looking around as he waits for Zippy.

S: Zippy takes a final breath and holds it before diving underwater as well, joining Nox

L: Nox smiles at Zippy, and motions for them to take the lead, planning on following them.

S: Zippy nods and smiles between his little puffy cheeks before swimming down and taking the lead

L: Nox swims after Zippy, happily looking around the aquatic environment as they go. With how unfamiliar he is with Earth's oceans, just about everything is interesting to him.

S: Zippy looks back and notices how happy Nox is, nodding in approval as he continues swimming down, pointing at all the different fish that swim by

L: Continuing to follow, Nox smiles at all the fish, taking in the sight of each of them. Most of them he's seeing for the first time!

S: eventually, Zippy leads Nox to one of his special spots in the ocean that he found, and they both start to hear little squeak noises as dolphins appear!

L: Just hearing them at first, Nox isn't really sure what to think. But, once he actually sees the dolphins, he smiles even more at how cute they are!

S: "Hbluh? Yblou liblke thblem?? Hehble!"
Zippy giggles out bubbles as the dolphins come closer to them

L: "Yeblah, thbley'rble cublte!" Nox watches them approach, hoping that his appearance doesn't end up scaring them off.

S: the dolphins looks at each other, they definitely seem a bit scared at Nox's appearance, unsure if he is friendly or not

"Hmm... seblems liblke thbley are sblcared"

L: "Ablw... Mablybe, ublmm..." Nox tries to act cute, flipping upside-down and blowing some bubbles.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
S: the dolphins seem to feel a bit better knowing Nox is trying to act cute, they slowly swim closer to him

L: Nox continues to do his best to look as non-threatening as possible, and he slowly holds out one of his spiked legs for the dolphins to inspect.

S: the dolphin sort of sniff at his spiked leg, and seeing that it's non-threatening they squeak happily, nuzzling against nox's body

L: Nox lets out a bubbly giggle. "Nblo idblea whblat thblese arble, bublt Ibl reblallbly liblke thblem!" He happily nuzzles them back.

S: "Thbley ablre called dolpblhins, onble of thble moblst adoblrble cblreatures oublt thblere" Zippy's face turns slightly red

L: "Ibl cabln deblfinblitebly beblievble thblat!" He pets the dolphins some more, before noticing Zippy's blush. "Yoblu dobling okblay?"

S: Zippy pets a few of the dolphins himself
"Ybleah...I'm gblood"

L: Nox nods, and lets himself sink, soon landing on the bottom. He sits down there, slowly getting a blush of his own, but certainly not minding yet.

S: Zippy goes over and sinks down next to him, sitting down as well, he pinches his nose shut as a few more dolphins come up and nuzzle them, they are also content to stay with them

L: As much as he wants to stay, over time Nox starts to get a bit uncomfortable from holding his breath so long, his face eventually fully red. "Shbl-shbloulbld prblobably hblead ublp..."

S: Zippy's own face turns fully red too

"Yeblah...g-goobld idblea"

Zippy starts to swim up to the surface

L: Nox hops off the bottom to start going back up as well, letting out little grunts and occasional clusters of bubbles.

S: Zippy let's out some little grunts as well as he swims up

the dolphins seem to sense their urge to breathe and they all follow Nox and Zippy up as well

L: Thankfully, Nox and Zippy reach the surface before too much longer, and Nox gasps. "Man, this has been great so far!"

S: Zippy gasps as well
"Hehe! Glad your having a good time!"

the dolphins also surface, gasping a little themselves

L: Nox is surprised at the sound of the dolphins breathing. "Wait, what did they just do?"

S: "Oh right, well some sea creatures also need air like you and me, and the dolphins are one of them... so they are probably getting some air now"

L: "Huh... Never heard of something aquatic needing to breathe air before. I wonder why they're so different from fish even though they live in the same place..."

S: "Honestly I don't know, it's just how their ecosystem works I guess, they have little blow holes on top of their heads so they can get air, but dolphins can hold their breathes for a pretty long time"

L: "THAT'S what those things are... I've seen aquatic umbrakin with those before, I've always been curious about them."

S: "Aquatic umbrakin? Hmm well if they have those blow holes then maybe they are related to dolphins somehow?"

L: "Maybe... The ones I've seen with those were a lot bigger than these dolphins though. They kind of freak me out, too... One of those big ones tried to eat me once."

S: "Whoa! That's scary... well maybe I should stay away from them then, heh..."

the dolphins swim over to check on us to make sure we were ok

L: "At least they won't be on Earth anywhere." Nox looks over at the dolphins, noticing their concern and giving them a smile. "Don't worry about us, just having a quick break."

S: "Yeah nothing to it! Thanks for checking in on us tho"

the dolphins squeak happily knowing we were ok as Zippy gave them another pet

L: Nox pets them a little too. "How about we head back under and see what else is down there? Not sure it'll be better than these guys, but still."
3 months, 3 weeks ago
S: "Of course! That'll be great! I'm sure they'll be plenty more sea creatures for us to discover"
as Zippy begins to take some deep breathes again, the dolphins sense that Nox and Zippy are gonna go back under, one of them goes to Zippy and another one to Nox, almost gesturing to hold onto them
"Oh! Seems like the dolphins want us to hold onto them so we don't have to swim back down, that's nice!"

L: "Thanks! Sorry in advance if I poke you, my legs kinda do that." Nox starts taking deep breaths as he carefully holds onto the dolphin.

S: thankfully nox didn't poke the dolphin and they smile

Zippy holds onto his own dolphin while taking a few more deep breathes

L: Eventually, Nox holds his breath again and taps his dolphin with the side of one of his legs, letting them know he's ready.

S: the dolphin nods and takes a breath themselves before diving underwater...taking Nox with them

Zippy holds his own breath and his dolphin also dives under as well

L: Nox keeps holding the dolphin as they swim down with him, and he once again starts looking around in curiosity.

S: Zippy keeps holding onto his dolphin as well and looks around too

L: In the distance, the two can start hearing something... Whale calls! Nox looks around, unsure where it's coming from. "Woblah, whblat's thblat?"

S: "Oooh!...tiblme to meblet yblour neblxt sebla creblature, thblat cabnl alblso breatble aiblr...a whblale!"

L: As he looks around, Nox can see the whales in the distance... And his enjoyment quickly fades. "Ubl-ublmm... M-mablybe wble dobln't hblave tblo gblo clbloseblr..."

S: "Hbluh? Whblats wroblng? Whblales ablre frbliendly!"

L: "Thbl-thbley'rble... Abl LOBLT liblke thblose biblg umblrakblin Ibl meblntiblonebld..." Nox starts to consider getting off his dolphin to swim away from the whales.

S: "Oh...webll thblese gublys ablre diffblent! I'll shblow yblou!"
Zippy tries to get one of the whales to come over

L: One whale does indeed start approaching, and Nox lets go of the dolphin he's on. "N-nblo, nblo thblank yoblu!" He starts fearfully swimming away to keep some distance.

S: "Hey hbley! Iblts ok!! They wblont hblurt yblou!" Zippy frowns as Nox retreats, looking up at the whale and hoping they will be able to convince nox they are safe

L: The whale seems confused, and keeps swimming for Nox. Still, though, Nox tries to stay away from it, but the whale is swimming faster than he can. "N-nblo, gblo awblay!"

S: Zippy gets off his dolphin and swims after them
"I'll be oblk!!! I swblear!!"

L: As the whale gets closer, Nox finally just gives up and closes his eyes, whimpering out bubbles as he already starts to blush. "Lbl-leblave mble alblone..."

S: Zippy let's a few bubbles loose as he floats in place next to the whale, giving them a concern look and trying to usher them to show Nox they are cute and friendly

"Oh nblox..." his own face turns a bit bed

L: The whale moves one of their big flippers under Nox to sort of hold him. He jumps a little at that, and nervously looks back at them, expecting something bad to be about to happen. But, the whale just puffs out some bubbles.

"Obl-oblh jeblez... Ybl-yoblu're sblo biblg..."

S: "Sblee? Thbley are frbliendly!" Zippy pets the whale a bit and smiles

L: "...Ibl gubless itbl's noblt trblyinblg tblo eablt mble..." Nox begins to calm down a little, starting to figure out that the whale really does mean him no harm.

S: "I tblold yblou sblo! Thbley mably be a blit intimblating, bublt thbley meblan no hablrm to ybla!" Zippy smiles as he continues to pet the whale a bit, grunting a tad from his growing need to breathe as a red blush starts to cover his face

L: Nox finally looks over the whale, and calms further. "Anbld yoblu're noblt acbltuablly albl thblat siblmilblar tblo thblose umblrakblin..." He smiles a little, and the whale smiles back.

S: "Mmhm!" Zippy gives the whale a big hug, thanking them for helping Nox out and smiling at them as well
3 months, 3 weeks ago
L: After a moment of hesitation, Nox hugs the whale as well, and it puts its flippers around the two in a hug of its own, seemingly not minding the spikes on Nox's back.

S: *Zippy giggles out some bubbles as the whale hugged them back, nuzzling them a little as the little grunts become a bit more audible from him

L: Soon, Nox is reminded of his own need to breathe, his face fully red. The whale recognizes the two need air, and they gesture to their blowhole, trying to make it clear they're willing to give the two some of their air.

S: "Oblh! I thblink thbley ablre wiblling to shblare thbleir aiblr wiblth ubls! Cblool!" Zippy heads up to the whale's blowhole, though is not entirely sure how this whole thing works

L: "Oblh, niblce!" Nox swims up to there as well. Once the two are ready, the whale starts exhaling a thick stream of bubbles, and Nox swims to that and carefully breathes some in, his blush fading. "Ceblrtablinlbly neblver doblne thblat beblforble..."

S: Zippy does as well as his own blush slowly fades too

"Me neiblther!"

L: The whale's bubbling stops, and Nox sits down on their back. "Ibl wiblsh Ibl cobluldbl've alblwaybls beblen obln Eablrth, thblis ibls wably bebltteblr thblan thble Shbladeblandbls!"

S: "Hblehe!!" Zippy sits down as well next to Nox, blowing a few bubbles
"It ibls prbletty cblool"

L: The whale swims with Nox and Zippy on them, heading back toward the group they were previously in. Nox does get a little nervous again when he sees the other whales, but this time, he trusts that it'll be fine.

S: Zippy wraps an arm around Nox to let him know that I'll be fine

L: Nox stays put as the whale the two are on rejoins the group, and he looks around at all the whales as he calms down once more. "Whblo wobluldbl've thblougblht sublch biblg thblingbls arble acbltuablly hblarmbless..."

S: "Hbleh...ybleah... but thbley ablre sublper niblce and gblentle tbloo!"

L: "Mabln, Ibl alblmosblt dobln't wablnt tblo leblave..." Nox lays down on the whale, closing his eyes and just listening to all the whales.

S: "Mble tbloo..." Zippy lays down as well, his face turning a bit red again, his own eyes closed

L: After a little while, Nox speaks up again. "Mablybe wble shbloulbld hblead bablck, webl're geblttiblng fablr frblom shblore noblw..."

S: "Gblood ibldea.... hbleh" Zippy blushes a tad more bit as he pinches his nose shut

L: Nox pats the top of the whale. "Webl're goblnna ble gobling. Hblope yoblu gublys hblave fubln toblgetblher!" The whale nods in understanding, and Nox hops off their back to go to the surface.

S: "Bblye blye!" Zippy gives the whale a final hug before hopping off as well and head for the surface

L: Nox lightly gasps once he surfaces, having been just starting to blush again. "Man, this has already been such a great night!"

S: Zippy gasps lightly as well
"It sure has! This has been really fun! And you got to meet all kinds of sealife"

L: "Yeah! Everything I learn about Earth makes it more and more clear to me just how awful the Shadelands are... Even with needing to worry about sunlight, this place is WAY better!"

S: "Haha, yeah...the shadelands are definitely much worse then earth, that's for sure... now you know that creatures from Earth, aren't like the ones in the Shadelands"

L: "It's really nice to not have to constantly be on the lookout. I imagine there's still dangerous creatures on Earth, but I haven't seen any yet, and it's been a while!"

S: "Yeah, they are definitely some dangerous ones out there for sure, glad we didn't run into any sharks, those guys are ruthless"

L: "Not looking forward to eventually meeting one of them, then... But anyway, let's start heading back." Nox starts swimming along the surface toward the shore.

S: "Alright then"
Zippy follows and before long they eventually get back to shore safe and sound
3 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Nox shakes some of the water off himself once he's back on land. "Glad to spend some time with you, Zippy. Not a whole lot of people are out at night..."

S: Zippy shakes some water off too before he puts away his goggles

"Yeah same here! But now I should probably be going...I don't want my parents suspicious of me being not there at our house where i should be asleep...heh"

L: "I was just thinking that, yeah. At least it won't take you very long to get back home, huh?"

S: "Hehe nope! With my super speed I could get back there in a matter of seconds! Nothing to worry about!"

L: "Well, don't want to worry them, right? We can hang out again some other time. Besides, you're missing out on sleep!"

S: "I'm not even that tired!" Zippy proceeds to yawn after he said that

L: "Oh yeah? How come you're yawning, then? Get to bed soon, Zippy, or when morning comes you'll end up regretting being out so late."

S: Zippy blushes and giggles nervously
"Heh, guess I am tired then...fiiine...I'll go to bed" Zippy rolls his eyes before he give Nox one more hug

L: Nox hugs Zippy back. "Good night, Zippy. Don't worry about me, I'll be careful out here. Already got a place in mind to go to once the sun's coming up."

S: "Good night Nox, that's good you have another place, I'll see you around!"
after another yawn, Zippy speeds away back to his home

L: Nox waves goodbye to Zippy, then resumes wandering about, exploring the area while the night allows him to.
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