S: on a quiet day in the ocean, a quadruple blue dragon named Blubby was getting ready for a dive underwater, along side him was one of his good friends Squirt the Squirtle, both of them wearing goggles as they get to the shoreline of the ocean...Squirt looks up at blubby was a smile
"Man, it's been forever since we went on a dive together! I'm super excited to go on one with you again"
L: "Yeah, this is gonna be great! I bet we're gonna find something pretty cool down there today!" Blubby starts taking in a huge breath to fill his internally giant lungs.
S: "I sure hope so! I've been getting much better on my breath holding since we last met, so I'm looking forward to this!" squirt starts to take some deep breathes to prepare his lungs for the deep dive ahead
L: Eventually, Blubby's lungs are full, and he holds his breath as he waits for Squirt to be ready to dive.
S: eventually, squirt lowers his goggles over his eyes and takes a last deep breath and holds it before diving underwater, swimming down just a bit and waits for blubby to come down
L: Blubby walks forward to join Squirt underwater, smiling at them as he continues on into deeper water.
S: squirt smiles back and swims down deeper alongside blubby, making sure to stay close to him since blubby can only walk underwater and not swim
L: The dragon happily wanders the seabed with Squirt, looking around to see if anything interesting might be nearby. Even if there isn't, he's still happy to be spending time with his friend.
S: squirt also happily looks around with blubby, letting some bubbles loose from his mouth, there's nothing really to see except for some fish and a very small cave that neither of them could fit into... but little do they know, bad things are gonna happen to both of them soon
L: Blubby pauses to look into the little cave, but not finding anything, he resumes walking, still staying close to Squirt.
S: squirt also looked into the tiny cave and doesn't find anything either, he then sinks down to stand on the bottom and skip around joyfully, blowing some bubbles without a care in the world
meanwhile somewhere far away, some jellyfish were on the horizon, which blubby hates and fears a lot... those jellyfish seem to be up to something... neither blubby or squirt can see them
L: Seeing Squirt skipping makes Blubby smile, and he starts doing little hops as well, occasionally blowing out an oversized bubble.
S: as squirt turns around to see blubby do little hops, it makes him smile as well, they both continue to skip and hop around happily, blowing bubbles as well... eventually they get tired and squirt climbs up to a large rock to rest for a while, his face turning red from all the bubbling he's been doing
L: Blubby climbs onto the rock as well and lays next to Squirt, blowing out a bubble for them to breathe. There's some blue visible near the base of his horns now, but he clearly doesn't mind the lack of air yet.
S: squirt takes the bubble and inhales it, his face returning to normal as he rests his head against blubby's body to rest up, smiling as he closes his eyes, occasional bubbles leaving his nostrils
L: Blubby cuddles up to Squirt as well, relaxing with them as he also closes his eyes.
S: eventually the two of them seem to fall asleep, squirt managing to keep his air in as they both sleep soundly, the only thing audible being their bubbles that rise to the surface...
L: Napping peacefully and without a care for breathing for the moment, Blubby practically seems aquatic despite the blue on his horns very slowly creeping up.
S: squirt naps peacefully as well, and they both keep this up for a while, even as squirt's face turns slightly red again...but suddenly, a voice appears
??? - "Well well well, what do we have here??"
squirt suddenly wakes up to the voice, his face more red as he covers it for a brief moment, trying to see where that voice came from
L: "...Mm?" The voice wakes Blubby up as well, and he groggily looks to see who spoke.
S: a big jellyfish comes in front of them, looking very intimidating
Jellyfish - "Wow it looks like we scored here boys! It's the bubble dragon and even a Squirtle!"
squirt's eyes widen with fear as he looks at the jellyfish, he's definitely pretty spooked by them, they are also not on the rock anymore either...
L: "AABLAHBLH!" Blubby screams out bubbles as immediately shoots fully awake and scrambles to get away from the jellyfish, terrified of it.
S: Squirt - "Mblama mibla! I'm oblutta hblere!" squirt scrambles to get away too, but some smaller jellyfish have completely surrounded them, there was no way for them to escape, squirt could swim up...but he doesn't wanna leave blubby behind, so he just stays put
Big Jellyfish - "Cant believe we just found them asleep like this! Such a perfect find...now you two, come with us...now!" some of the jellyfish get ready to sting them if they don't get a move on
L: Blubby quickly looks around, realizing just how bad things are... And as much as he doesn't want to, he nods, ready to follow the jellyfish wherever they intend to lead him and Squirt.
S: squirt refused to move, but once a jellyfish stung him, he yelped out bubbles in pain and started to move along with blubby and the jellyfish to wherever they are gonna go, he whimpers as he swam slowly...worrying what's gonna happen to them, he tries to reassure blubby as he's the most scared out of the two of them, although squirt was still just as frightened
L: Shivering from fear, Blubby tries to stay in the center of the group to minimize his chance of being stung, nervously glancing at Squirt and whimpering.
S: squirt tries to stay in the center too, not wanting to get stung again, whimpering just as much as blubby...but the jellyfish are cruel and stings blubby anyway to tease him
L: "Ablahbl!" Blubby jolts away from that jellyfish, nearly touching another one in the process, and he gives the one that stung him a fearful look.
S: Squirt - "Blubbly ablre yblou okbl??!"
the jellyfish laugh as they keep ushering blubby and squirt forward, deeper and deeper they travel which starts to make squirt very very scared
L: Blubby nods to Squirt. Physically he's fine, but certainly not mentally. He looks up toward the surface every now and then, hoping the group won't be going much deeper...
S: squirt also looks up at the surface as well, whimpering and whining...his face is back to being pretty red as he lets a lot of bubbles loose, and the group keeps going even deeper, the pressure starting to become an issue for poor Squirt
L: Knowing he should probably only sparingly give Squirt air because of the situation, Blubby keeps it to himself for now, but stays next to Squirt to try to help them stay calm.
S: squirt looks at blubby with fearful eyes, he pinches his nose shut to try and keep his air in as they go even deeper, it starts to get dark...but in the distance they can see some lights, and a stage of some sort
L: The confusion of seeing the stage-looking thing briefly makes Blubby calm a little, but he quickly goes back to the same terror he's been stuck in this whole time.
S: the pressure gets intense down here, the jellyfish usher the two of them to go up the stage, the curtains are closed at the moment
Big Jellyfish- "Get up there, or we will sting you!"
Squirt - "I-i doblnt wanblna gblo ublp theblre!" squirt's whole face at this point is fully red
L: "Wbl-webl're goblnna hblave tblo..." Blubby slowly makes his way onto the stage, wanting to do everything he can to not get stung again.
S: "Nblo!!" squirt once again refuses to move...and that just makes the jellyfish really sting him this time, yelping and crying out in pain as he finally goes onto the stage too, tears visible in this eyes as he covers his mouth, his face now bluer then normal
L: "Lbl-leblave hblim alblone!" Blubby gets next to Squirt, and seeing how low on breath they are, finally makes a bubble for them to breathe.
S: squirt immediately sees the bubble and inhales it, his face returning to a slight red color, nodding to blubby before continuing to whimper
meanwhile, the curtains open up to reveal a vast crowd of jellyfish ahead of both blubby and squirt, the big jellyfish comes up next to them with a little bowtie on
Big Jellyfish - "Welcome everyone! We are pleased to inform you of our two newest catches, the one and only bubble dragon! And even a squirtle to compliment it! What do you think of that?"
L: Blubby entirely freezes up in fear as he sees all the jellyfish, staring out over the crowd and only really able to move his eyes.
S: squirt freezes up in fear as well as he sees all the Jellyfish too
the crowd begins to cheer as they already start placing...bets? The numbers climbing up higher and higher by the minute
Big Jellyfish - "Whoa! I haven't even started to the bidding and they are already going at it! They must really want these guys as slaves"
squirt yelps when he heard that word slaves
L: Blubby just barely manages to talk a little. "...Sbl...Sbl-slblavebls?" He still keeps staring out at all the jellyfish...
S: Squirt - "O-o-oh nblo!!"
Soon, the bidding comes to a screeching halt as someone bidded $100,000!
Big Jellyfish - "Going once....going twice.... SOLD to the Jellyfish rich couple there!"
L: Finally, Blubby manages to force himself to move, and just lays down and covers his eyes, whimpering and hoping this'll just be over soon.
S: squirt was just as scared, covering his own eyes as well
"Oy! You two! You got sold! Get over to that rich couple there! They own you now" the big jellyfish stings both of them and this time even tho squirt yelped, he absolutely refuses to go over there, despite how scared he was
Squirt - "Nblo!!! Neblver!!"
L: "MMMG!" There's a muffled yelp as Blubby is stung, but he just can't bring himself to get up and go.
S: many jellyfish then gather around both of them, all of them getting ready to sting then hard if they don't move, but squirt was being defiant and shaking his head no, tho clearly scared of all the looming jellyfish
"Y-yblou cablnt makble ubls moblve!!"
L: "Pbl-plbleasble... Jbl-jublst leblt ubls gblo..." With his eyes covered, he doesn't notice the jellyfish gathering around.
S: squirt doesn't notice either as his own eyes are covered, his face fully red again
Squirt - "Ybleah! Sbltop scblaring ubls you bublnch of jblerks!!"
well that triggered the jellyfish as they all come in and sting blubby and squirt really badly, squirt yelling out some much bubbles in pain that his face turns slightly purple now
L: Blubby screams out bubbles in pain, he too losing a lot of air and bringing his horns to about a quarter of the way blue. He quickly gets up and tries to get away, forgetting about Squirt in his panic.
S: squirt tries to get away too, but both of them just get stung again
Big Jellyfish - "We're not gonna ask you again! Get up and go over there or do we have to drown you instead?? Cause that can be arranged..."
squirt whimpers loudly as he keeps getting stung, crying even as he wants this all to stop, his face fully purple and he's about 5 seconds from inhaling water right on the spot!
L: Hearing the threat of drowning reminds Blubby about Squirt, and he quickly blows another bubble for them just in time. He gives up on trying to get away, as well, just accepting his fate.
S: but squirt was so careless about needing to breathe he accidently pops the bubble and inhales the water around them!
Big Jellyfish - "Ah well, the squirtle seems done...guess the bubble dragon is the only one the couple is getting... I'll have to make their charges less..."
as squirt starts to drown, visible tears are in his eyes as he chokes on the water, managing to just barely look at blubby, as the jellyfish try to escort him away
L: "SQBLUIRBLT!" Blubby tries his best to force past the jellyfish and get to the squirtle, trying to ignore the stinging.
S: surprisingly the jellyfish didn't expect such strength from blubby, but they continue to sting him which also continues to use up blubby's own air before he gets close to squirt
Squirt - "Blglubby!!!!" squirt tries to reach for blubby, closing his eyes as he's getting weaker and weaker...
L: Blubby grimaces as he constantly bubbles in pain, trying to grab Squirt's hand as he starts to cry a little, watching his friend drown.
S: Big Jellyfish - "Were just gonna keep stinging you if you don't come with us, bubble dragon"
Squirt - "Blblglgl!!" squirt weakly starts to pant at the water around him, he just manages to grab blubby's paw before he sinks to the bottom, shuddering at the drowning sensation as the last tears start to escape his eyes
L: "Ibl-Ibl'm noblt leblttiblng hblim drblown!" Blubby pulls Squirt toward him and tries to blow a big bubble directly into their mouth.
S: Big Jellyfish - "Alright, suit yourself" the jellyfish all back up and prepare for a giant sting attack together
squirt loses consciousness meanwhile, he can't inhale the bubble no matter what blubby tries to do
the jellyfish then release their huge sting attack on blubby, which is gonna drain most if not all of his air...
L: Blubby stops, distraught at watching Squirt pass out... Then he screams out even more bubbles as he's stung again, the blue on his horns visibly shooting up to about 80% of the way up.
S: as the jellyfish keep going, eventually once they see blubby's horn 100% up, they stop their attacks...it's seems like both of them are gonna drown and inhale water...
however, just before blubby could inhale the water, the scene changes to black, and when it reveals itself again, we find blubby and Squirt on the shore of the beach safe and sound, they had a dive previously that actually went uneventful and together they took a nap...and soon both of them wake up screaming in fear as they just woke up from this horrible nightmare
L: "AH!" Blubby shoots fully awake, panting and shivering. He looks at Squirt and quickly gives them a hug, relieved that they're alright.
S: "AHHH!!!" squirt hugs blubby back tightly, panting and shivering as well
"Omg!!! That was the worst nightmare I ever had!!"
L: "D-did you have it too? Th-there were so many jellyfish, I thought I was gonna faint from fear..."
S: "Y-yeah... I think we both had to the same nightmare! I drowned!!! That was horrible!!!" squirt shivers in fear some more
L: "A-and I almost did too... I-I felt so horrible about not being able to help you..."
S: "Yeah...I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight after that horrible experience! And I'm gonna stay away from water because I don't want those jellyfish in the dream to actually be real and such! L-lets just get outta here... I'm glad we had a fun dive and all but, I need to recover from this... great...and just when I actually started to like being in the water..."
L: "Same here, I don't want to be anywhere near water right now... Hopefully we're gonna feel better soon..." Blubby gets up, nervously looking at the water.
S: "Same with you blubby..." squirt gets up and well, hopping up onto blubby's back and nervously looking at the water too
"H-hope you don't mind me being up here, I'm that scared right now...."
L: "That's fine..." Blubby starts walking away from the water, carrying Squirt with him and trying to get the nightmare out of his head.
S: squirt also tries to get the nightmare out of his head too as they both go away together... they are both just glad that it was just a dream and it wasn't real...or was it? Nah, it wasn't real...heh