Length: 5,000 words
Contains: Age Regression, Diaper Wetting, Diaper Messing
Mmmm……hm? Awake already? Even when my alarm is off the hook, I just can’t seem to sleep in, huh? My students, they can conk out in the middle of class, yet…here I am…awake before seven-thirty…..on a Sunday….
Nngh…even so, the sun usually gets me hippity hopping out of bed, but I’m…yaaaaawn…still not feeling any less sleepy. Well, staying up past midnight….again…..will do that.
Mmmm….at least it’s nice outside, right? Those kids are probably out and about already, as they should be over their well-deserved spring break.
But….me? I’ve gotta stay….right here….with twenty-two total essays to grade…..and hundreds of pages writing to read.
I know this is exactly what English teachers sign up for, I know, but…
Oh, and I’m sure many of my students will have written amazing work, the kind so….in-depth…..that it’d be such a disservice to simply skim them over, the kind so thought provoking that I’ll probably have to reread them all……at least once…..
Or………….three times………
Man…..I’m proud of them for working so hard. Really, I am. They deserve all the down time they can get. But….…it’s because of them that I won’t have any sort of spring break…..as if I don’t already work so much outside of seven…..whole…..hours of school, as if I’m not already on the clock on weekends….
I….can’t believe I’m saying this as a Cinderace of all things, but I’m……..so………burnt out.
Oh…..it’s Gloria. Sheesh…as those Ice-type youth like to say, I….need to take a chill pill.
But…who is she again…?
Ah….right, the Gothitelle two doors down, the one married to the Meowstic…whose name I’m still blanking out on. I know we’re neighbors and all, but…when was the last time I spoke to Gloria, actually? What’s she calling me of all people for?
“Ah! Arzure! Thank goodness you picked up!. We need someone to help our daughter out.”
Woah, woah woah. Hold up. Daughter? Since….when did she have kids with….right, that’s the name, Gabriel.
“Yes, please come over as soon as possible! We’re running out of options!”
What’s….going on here? What do I have to do with any of this? What…do I even say to any of this?
“Uh…..sure thing.”
…….Shoot. Why did I say yes? Why……did I say yes? I’ve already got so much on my plate…..so much to do….
Well….what’s done is done. There’s my reason to get out of the house….I guess. Let’s just….get this over with.
Here I thought Psychic-types always had everything under control. Here I thought there was no problem those amazing minds of theirs couldn’t solve…
Y’know, I bet they don’t even need my help in the first place! Yea, I bet they just want me to be their babysitter so they can go on their dream vacation, so they just let all their worries wash awa-
“Oh, Arzure! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for coming on such short notice!”
Oh…..that’s not the sound of elation towards vacations. That voice, it sounds so….desperate. Before I even have to knock on their door, before the thought of forcing a smile even comes to mind…there they are. And…those eyes….they look even baggier than mine….
Geez…here I was assuming the worst when those weary faces say it all. All this stress….all this work, it’s got me on such a short fuse. I really gotta snap out of this…
“Yes. We’re so sorry to inconvenience you. Gloria and I know you’re a busy man, but time isn’t on our side either. Please, come in. We’ll tell you everything.”
Well….I’m glad I’ve got no reason to be mad at them, but…now I’m just confused. If this is about their daughter, then…where is she?
“Alright, so, Gabriel and I, we love our little Genevieve to pieces, but she’s gotten too high-maintenance for us to handle. We want to spend every second with her. Really, we do. But, with the both of us still needing to pay the bills, even when we’re able to work from home, that’s just not possible. It’s no wonder she wanted a little brother for her third birthday.”
“Yes, and we’ve promised she’d have that ever since. We can’t put her in preschool until the fall, and there’s only so many times we can keep arranging playdates and calling for babysitters. Having a sibling she can spend time with would do wonders for all of us….but…the adoption process has been such a struggle…”
Well then…..no wonder they’re so stressed.
“I’m…sorry to hear that.”
But, I’m not sure what else to even say. This is…..so much to take in, and that burning question in my mind isn’t helping either.
“So…..um…I’m needed for this because…
……Uh…..Why are their faces getting so red? This is an urgent matter, no? What’s
suddenly got them so sheepish? What’s……going on here?
“We’re…about to address that part, Arzure.”
Thanks for breaking the silence, Gabriel, but I still see those scarlet blushes. Seriously, why are they acting so strange?
“Because we’ve yet to find a baby brother for Genevieve, as a last resort, we’re wondering if…….well…….you can be her baby brother.”
Ummmmmm……what? Did I hear that correctly? There’s no way they just said…..baby brother, right?…………….Right?
Uh……..why has it gotten all quiet again? No….there’s no way….there’s NO way they want an answer out of me.
Oh…….my…..god. Ok….wow……they’re serious.
“I…don’t follow…” are the only words I can muster at the moment. But, at this point, do I even want to know the rest of the details? From the reluctant looks on their faces….I’m not sure I do.
“You see…once our adoption prospects started going south, I had to make a back-up plan while Gabriel kept trying to get this settled. So, I spent the past four months developing a different kind of psychic ability, one that can manipulate the age of living beings.”
Well…..then…..that definitely connects the dots, but…..I…..really don’t know how to feel about all this. Should I be…..angry? Concerned? Flabbergasted? All of the above? None of the above? Sheesh….my morning isn’t getting any less hectic, huh?
“Look, Arzure, I know we’re asking for a lot, and I don’t fault you for not knowing what to say….sniffle….sniffle….It’s just….sniffle…it’s just that we’ve all waited months for this! We’ve spent all this time, all this money….and….how could we disappoint our dear daughter?
Oh no….and now Gloria’s crying. Yes, I feel bad for them, of course I do…..but, more pressure is the last thing I need right now. I really don’t need another reason to be stressed out. Gabriel…please give me something to work with. Please….please don’t just look at me with those desperate eyes….
“I’m….also nearing my wits end with all these roadblocks, and I don’t know who else we could turn to. But……at the end of the day, the choice is yours to make, Arzure. We know we can’t force you into doing this. I’m…..so sorry if we wasted your time.”
Well, there it is. That’s my shot to leave, right? It’d be so easy to say no, to just forget any of this ever happened. Besides, I’ve got work to do. So….much…..work…
God….but that word alone is driving…..me……insane. Why I’ve hardly been holding it together, why I haven’t gotten to spend time with people beyond students and staff, among so many other things, it’s all because of….work. And…uggh….so much tension in the air. For once…CAN I JUST HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT?
Nothing to worry about…..nothing to worry about…nothing to worry about…
……….Wait a second
Babies….they’re the ones with nothing to worry about. Their schedules…..nothing but eat, play, sleep, repeat. On the surface this offer sounded so far-fetched, so bizarre, and yet…..this could be…..no…..this IS the only chance I have to make all that stress disappear. Why wait until a retirement that may not even be in reach to take it easy when I can do that….right now? Yes, I know, my absence may shake up my students a bit, but my body, my mind….they’re been screaming for a break well before spring. I’d much rather have someone else take my place than hold those kids back with a teacher who’s not getting any less tired.
And, Gloria, Gabriel, their daughter….they deserve to be a happy family, do they not? Maybe there’s a whole lot more to think about, but….geez….as if my brain hasn’t already felt so fried. Look…they’re burnt out, I’m burnt out…I think I need this just as much as they do.
“I’ll do it. I’ll be Genevieve’s baby brother.”
Phew…….just like that…..such a massive weight off my shoulders. I know it’s so strange that, in a split second, the people I hardly considered acquaintances are now my new parents….but…that felt so good to say. I’m sure Gloria and Gabriel feel just as goo-
Oof! Yep…okay….they’re huggers,
“Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Arzure! Oh, you’re a lifesaver!”
“Yes, words truly cannot describe how grateful we are.” I then hear Gabriel say before he walks away. “Alright, I’ll get Genevieve ready while you do your thing, Gloria! Oh, she’s gonna be so happy!”
And with that, I see him swiftly scurry off. So…..this is it. The neighbors whose names I had nearly forgotten, are now the ones I’ll be calling “Mommy” and “Daddy”. The daughter who I didn’t even know existed will now be the one I call “big sis”. But, y’know, when was the last time I didn’t have to provide for myself, actually? I’ve lived on my own for so long, haven’t I? To think it’s been decades since I’ve had the luxury to depend on others.
“Alright, all you have to do is hold still. This won’t hurt a bit.” Gloria then instructs. “Physically, you’ll be two years old, but mentally, you’ll still be your regular self.”
Ah, that’s good to know, and….ahhhh…now I feel so relaxed. This aura around me…so…cozy….It’s like all those months of mental baggage are….melting away.
“So, how long until this starts taking effe-
Ah…..there we go. My whole world is getting bigger…and bigger….and bigger by the second. Just like my body, the amount of those tiresome tasks I once had to do is only getting smaller….and smaller….and smaller until it’s even lower than the age I’m about to become. Two….hah, the same number of years I spent grinding my way out of graduate school….
Woah…..and now, Gloria…..she’s……huuuuuge. Compared to the colossal figure before me, I may as well be the size of an ant! And yet, I have not a single fear of being crushed, overwhelmed, overpowered, by any sort of weight. No, no burdens even the least bit heavy, physical or mental, are my concern any longer. Wow….just the thought has me feeling light as a feather.
“Alright. It’s done.” the now gigantic Gothitelle soon tells me.
If these soothing feelings have anything to say, then there’s no doubt the spell was a success. Still, why not give my new body a little loo-…..Ah! Never mind! Between my blue furred legs is all the proof I need that I’ve become a baby bunny.
A diaper. Pure and white like the blank slate babyhood has now brought me.
Maybe it’s because I can’t even recall the last time I wore one of these, but, my goodness, no kind of clothing has ever felt so…..comfy. Truly, it’s like my waist is being wrapped in such a warm and loving embrace.
Wow….and it’s so soft to the touch too, so comfortably cushiony. It’s like….a pillow for my posterior. No….even better, actually. It boasts more comfort than blankets and pillows combined.
“Ok, little guy! Wait here just a sec!”
Hah…neither can I remember the last time I was called little. Even if the smallest part of me wants to feel patronized by that title, from Gloria, with her voice so full affection, with her words purely coming from a place of love, a love whose warmth I still feel teeming through my body long after she’s made her way to the living room, how could I feel even the least bit condescended?
“Ohhhh, Genevieeeeeve! Are you ready to be a big sister?”
BOUNCE! BOUNCE! BOUNCE! “You guys really got me a little brother? Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Where is he, Mommy? Where is he, Daddy? I wanna see him! I wanna see him! I wanna see him!” BOUNCE! BOUNCE! BOUNCE!
I…..I don’t think anyone, not even my favorite students or closest colleagues, has ever been so……happy, so extremely excited, to see me before. Hahaha….I know children are easy to please, but…..wow……I can’t help but feel so flattered.
“Come on, buddy! Say hi to your big sister!” Gloria then says as she looks back at me with eyes just as ecstatic.
Okay, that’s my cue!
Wobble! Wobble!
Woah…woah! Don’t fall! Don’t fall…….phew. There’s more to being a two year old than I thought, huh? Alright…let’s try that again.
Left foot…and…right foot. Left foot…and…right foot. In hindsight, I should have known little kid coordination would have its limits. Never has putting one foot in front of the other required so…..much….focus. Still, even the limitations of being little, they’re so….liberating. When there was always work to do, both before and after hours, it scarcely felt like I could ever take it slow. When the day was done, it was as though work was still tapping me on the shoulder, insisting I stay ahead as it stoked my fears of falling behind. But, now…..here I am…..taking baby steps in both senses of the word.
No deadlines to dread. No schedules to be filled. No need to rush….whatsoever. Right here, right now, even for the simple task of walking onto the carpet, I can take…all…the time…I need.
“There he is, sweetie! That’s Arzure, your new baby brother!” I hear Gabriel say once I come to a stop.
Ah….and there she is! That Gothorita girl constantly jumping for joy, staring at me with light blue eyes aglow with glee and a smile all the brighter, that must be Genevieve. Let’s see….a pair of yellow bows on her head, a yellow t-shirt with a rainbow decal…..mmhm, yep, par for the course clothes for a kid her age.
Oh! I didn’t expect her to also be in diapers. I’m not one to judge for….obvious reasons…..but I’m just a bit surprised she-
Woah! Why do I feel even lighter than before?……WOAH! Why am I floating off the floor? Woah….wooooah….okay…and now I’m moving up….and down…..up and down…..up and down. Haha, strange as it is to be jostled around like this, it’s also kind of….fun. It’s almost like I’m riding a roller coaster. Hahaha, when was the last time I even rode one of those?
“Weeeeee! Hehehehe!”
Hearing my voice be so high pitched is just as strange…but….ah, who cares? Just roll with it!
“Awwww, he likes you already!” I hear Gabriel say.
“Haha, I’m glad you’re already having fun, but be careful with him, Vivi dear!” I hear Gloria add with a chuckle.
Huh? The adults aren’t the ones doing this to me? It’s all…her? Incredible…I’ve never seen a Psychic-type of toddler age have such a strong grasp on their telekinesis.
“Hehehe! Welcome to the family, Arzure! We’re gonna have so much fun together! I promise to be the best big sister ever!”
And, her parents say they…haven’t even put her in preschool? I would have never guessed, because….she speaks like she’s already in grade school.
“Oooh! The baby’s hungry! Can I feed him? Can I?” the Gothorita says a second after my stomach rumbling as she slowly seats me back on the floor.
“Well, look at you being such a good sister!” Gloria says as she affectionately pats her daughter on the head. “Sure thing, sweetie pie!”
Right on cue, the girl speedily makes her way to the fridge while I simply idle about, something I’ve seldom been able to do at this time of day. Alright, what’s on the menu, Genevieve?
“I know! Baby carrots for Arzure! Bunnies love carrots!” I hear the toddler say with such triumph, as though that in itself is a stunning revelation.
“Yes, I bet your brother would love baby carrots! Isn’t that right, cutie pie? You want some yummies in your tummy?”
Hahaha….alright, Gabriel. The baby talk, the silly voice, the pinching of my cheeks, you’re going the whole nine yards, huh? Well then, it’s only fair I fully commit to my role.
“Yesh, Daddy!” I respond with not the littlest concern of my lisp.
Moments later, there’s Genevieve with a blue bowl of baby carrots and a white plastic spoon, a utensil I now have no need to bother with as big sis scoops a spoonful.
“Open wide, Arzure! Here comes the train! Choo choo!”
Mmm…so many bites I gotta take with these baby teeth. But…mmmmmmm….it’s like food has never tasted any better. Every taste….every texture, I can feel them swimming around my tastebuds.
“Now here comes the airplane! Nyyyyoooom!”
Crunch….Crunch….so crisp….Crunch…Crunch…so crunchy….
“And here comes the race car! Vroom! Vroom!”
Crunch….Crunch….so sweet….Crunch…Crunch…so earthy…..
“And….here comes the rocket ship! Blast off!”
“Yay! You ate all your carrots! Now, let’s play! Let’s play!”
I’m then reminded the girl doesn’t even need her telekinesis to lift me off the ground as she suddenly takes me outside and sets me down. Ah…grass. Feels like forever since I’ve touched it. So….soft…so
Oh! She’s got a bouncy ball ready to go! It’s just one thing to the next with her, huh?
“Catch, Arzure! Catch!”
“Woah!” CLAP!
Hah…that also smacked me right in the face. Still need to get used to little kid coordination.
“Hooray! Hooray! Good catch, Arzure!” Genevieve says as she happily jumps on the grass.
Hahaha….I also gotta get used to being praised for…well….everything now that I’m little. But….enough about that! It’s playtime!
“Catch, big sis!”
Back and forth….back and forth….back and forth…back and forth. Catch, such a simple pursuit….with such simple motions….and even simpler objects. Why, you could say it’s one of the simplest games to ever exist. Heh, but Genevieve….look at her! I don’t think she’s stopped giggling ever since we’ve started! Haha…to think I’d be learning from a little kid of all people. To think it took being little again to realize I haven’t been enjoying the little things enough.
“Hehehe! Ok, little bro! Here I….oh!”
Huh? Why’d she stop? Surely, it’s not because she wants to stop playing, right? Oh…but, her face, it looks so focused all of a sudden. Hm, maybe she’s just thinking about something. Those Psychic-types are quite the brainy bunch, after all. Now, I wonder, just what kind of complexities is she trying to wrap her head around? What kinds of amazing insights is Genevieve-
Oh….never mind. She’s just….wetting herself. Eugh….can’t help but cringe just thinking about it, and….now that I am thinking about it, I can’t say I’m exactly looking forward to doing the same in my diaper.
Or…maybe I’m just misjudging it all. Sure, her diaper swelling….sagging…..staining while I watch its butterfly designs fade away, not a pretty sight to say the least. But, Genevieve herself? Somehow, she looks so….content.
“Hehehehe! Pee pee! Pee pee!”
Um…..huh? Now what am I witnessing? She’s got the smarts of a grade schooler, but here she is….shaking her bottom and singing some silly song about….peeing her pants? Wow….talk about whiplash. For someone with such a vast vocabulary, for someone with such insane cerebral prowess, it’s so odd that’s she’s suddenly acting so….sooo
Actually, she’s just acting….her age. Haha, right, she’s still only three years old at the end of the day. I guess even the brightest ones still think potty humor is peak comedy.
“Hehe, I think you need a diaper change too, Arzure!” she then says to me with that silly smile still on her face.
I mean, it’s only fitting that I have accidents, but, no, I don’t need a change at all. My diaper’s still spotless as-
Urrrk….w-what the? I know babies have sensitive bowels….but there’s….gah…there’s no way those carrots are coming out already! It must have been hardly half an hour since I ate….how is that….nggh!
Never mind….I gotta….I gotta……
Ahhh….phewwww. I’m….well aware of what I just did, but…sweet relief….I’m just glad that pressure’s gone. But, did…did Genevieve seriously just predict that I’d poop my diaper? Even at age three, she can see into the future? That’s….that’s….
“Hehehehe! Hahahaha!”
Wait….that’s not it at all! She made me make a mess! Haha, I see how it is! I’m no Psychic-type myself, but I should have known shenanigans would ensue when a kid’s got that kind of power!
“Uh oh! You made a poopy, Arzure!” she says before suddenly scooping me and carrying me back inside. “Now we can get new diapers together!
Haha…still, I don’t think she’s broken that promise of being the best big sister, not one bit. Even when she’s causing mischief, it’s all because….she wants to spend more time with me. That’s so sweet of her…..even if the smells are anything but.
“Mommy! Daddy! Arzure pooped!” Genevieve then proudly exclaims to her parents, as though my filthy and stinky state, as though my diaper drooping down to my feet in all its dumpy dirtiness, is some shiny trophy to show off.
“Yes, he did! Thank you for telling us, Vivi dear!” Gloria says to her before staring at me with another one of those affectionate smiles. “Peeyew, Arzure! Did a stink bomb go off in your diaper?”
“Haha, and it looks like he’s not the only one needing a change!” Gabriel adds. “Alright, lay on the carpet while we get the supplies, ok, sweetheart?”
“Okay, Daddy!”
Moments later…I’m laid on my back, she’s laid on her back, and…..aaaaah. Dirty diapers aside, I appreciate the chance to just….relax….to just chill out and-
“Hey! Hey, Arzure! What else do you like? Besides carrots, of course! Hehehe!” Genevieve suddenly asks as she looks back at me.
Oh! How kind of her to ask! I…don’t actually get asked that a lot. Hmm…what do I say though? What do I like that’s also in line with a two year old’s taste? Well…for a kid like her, this should be good enough.
“I…I wike books!”
“Yaaay! I love books too! Ooh! Ooh! I know! I can read you one! I can read lots of books!”
“Ok, kids! Diaper change time!” I then hear the adults say as they head back with several supplies in hand and slide changing mats under the both of us.
Part of me wants to apologize to Gloria for my mess she must clean up, but, the rest of me is all the more….relaxed. With nothing I even need to do…..with nothing to really do at all, I can just quietly….observe. Haha…sounds like that’s not on Genevieve’s agenda though.
“Daddy? Why is the sky blue?”
“Well, sweetie, the sky is blue because of how sunlight reaches the Earth.
Our eyes see that sunlight in waves, and because blue light waves are shorter, they’re the easiest ones to see.”
“Oooh, okay! Oh, Daddy, can I change Arzure’s diaper next time? I like doing big sister stuff!”
“Why, yes you can, Vivi girl! How thoughtful of you!”
“And…all done!” Gloria and Gabriel say.
Now then…I wonder what story my sis is gonna read me. Wait….but….now her face is telling a totally different story. What’s that goofy grin on her face for?
Urk….this…again? How can she even…nggggh…
Phew…..sheesh….I know babies make big messes and all, but….even this feels excessive. Did she really have to make me fill my diaper THAT much? And….I still can’t really wrap my head around how she did that? You’re telling she can, quite literally, make something out of nothing?
“Um…..Vivi, darling…when did you…..how did you….even learn how to do that?” Gabriel asks with my same shock towards this kid’s seemingly unparalleled psychic power.
“Hehehe, you said I could change his diaper next, Daddy! I wanna do it now! Genevieve then says with a sillier smile.
“Well….um, I’m glad you’re being so responsible, sweetie pie.” Gloria adds. “I’m also glad I’m not the one changing that.” I hear her whisper under her breath before the both of them head to the sink.
Well…back on my back I go. At least I don’t gotta worry about what’s lurking down there…
There goes that loaded diaper, telekinetically making its way to the trash.
“Wow! You’re such a stinky baby, Arzure!”
Haha, gee, I wonder why, Genevieve.
Squirm….squirm. Sheesh…those wipes aren’t getting any less colder either.
“Hehehe! Hold still, silly!”
“Yay! I did it! I did it!” Genevieve then says before sitting me back on the floor seconds later. “Okay! Now it’s story time!”
A thinly covered book suddenly comes flying into her hands, seemingly already on the page she has in mind. Sheesh, physically or mentally, she’s always on the move, huh?
“This story’s called The Three Little Tepigs!”
Funny…I’ve written so many essays on so many books, based my whole career on books….and yet, it feels like forever since I’ve been able to just….enjoy a book. It’s…..actually so surreal not having to analyze anything….not having to think even the least bit critically towards a piece of literature. Instead…all I have I to do…is simply….listen…..simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
“Once upon a time, there lived three little Tepigs. One day, it was time for them to go out into the wide, wide, world!
The first little Tepig found some straw.
‘I’ll build a house of straw. I can build it fast!’
The first little Tepig built the house quickly and went inside for lunch. Down the road, the second little Tepig found some sticks.
‘I’ll build a house of sticks. It’s stronger than straw and I can build it fast!’
Down the road, the third little Tepig found some bricks.
‘I’ll build a house of bricks. It’ll be strong and safe!’
Soon, the Big Bad Zoroark went to the house of straw. He was hungry!”
“‘Little Tepig, little Tepig, let me in!’
‘No! Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!’”
“‘Then I’ll huff….mmmph….and I’ll puff….mmmph….and I’ll blow your house down!’ Mmmmmph!”
Oof…right…I’m not the only kid who’ll be dropping those stink bombs on the daily. Still, it’s almost…..admirable that, even when she’s doing that dirty deed, she’s not any less focused on her reading. Haha, no denying she takes full advantage of still being in diapers.
“The Zoroark blew his house down! The little Tepig ran to his brother’s house. The Zoroark ran after him!
‘Little Tepig, little Tepig, let me in!’
‘No! Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!’
‘Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!’
The Zoroark blew his house down! The little Tepigs ran to his brother’s house. The Zoroark ran after him! He was really hungry now!
‘Little Tepig, little Tepig, let me in!’
‘No! Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!’
‘Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!’
Big Bad Zororark huffed and puffed, but he couldn’t blow the house down! He tried again, and again, and again, but he couldn’t! Then, he got too tired and went away!
‘Hooray! Now the Big Bad Zoroark won’t bother us again!’
And the three little Tepigs lived in the house of bricks happily ever after! The End!”
Mmmm….I feel so….exhausted….all of a sudden. Hah, those two sure weren’t kidding about Genevieve being so….yaaaaawn…high…maintenance.
“Mommy! Daddy! I pooped!” Genevieve suddenly says after closing the book shut, as though wanting to further validate that very idea.
Haha, and there’s another one of her silly diaper dances. Since the first second we met, she’s been such a…yaaaawn…ball of energy, huh? No wonder those two tried so hard to get her a sibling.
“Sounds like you need a nap, Arzure!” I then hear Gloria say as she scoops me up.
“Haha, and you need another change, Genevieve!” I hear Gabriel say as he swiftly lifts her above his head, before slowly laying the giggly Gothorita down. “Back to the mat you go, you little goofball!”
Mmmmm…they look so….happy together. I’d love to spend more with them if I wasn’t…so….tired….right now. Feels like…I could…fall asleep any…..moment
“Awwww, are you falling asleep already? Hehe, now you know how we’ve felt having to constantly keep up with the kid.”
Ahhhhh….there it is. There’s the bed I’ve been waiting for. It feels like my head could just…sink right into this pillow. Ahhh…yes….and there’s the warm blanket next. I’m gonna…hah…sleep like a baby.
“Oh, Arzure, you’ve already done wonders for us. Gabriel and I….we’ll be able to do so much more for our daughter…for this whole family….with you keeping her company. And, Genevieve……gosh, she’s never been happier. It’s all because of you, my little bundle of joy, that she’ll be able to make the most of her childhood when it feels like she’s growing up so fast. Thank you so much….my son.
“Sweet dreams….”
Mmmm….so warm….so comfy. For the first time in years….I can sleep without worries of work in the back of my mind. For the first in years….I don’t have to worry….at all….not even over the most basic bodily needs. No more stress….no more loneliness….no more anxieties. Haha, if anything….I should be the one who’s grateful for all this…for this new family of mine.
Eat…play…sleep…repeat. Eat…play….sleep….repeat. Eat…play…sleep…repeat. Haha….those are all my duties in this new job of….baby of the family. Yea….I can get used to this….If I’m happy….if they’re all happy….I could do this….forever.