Well, here is another toilet pic of mine. I'll admit, given the multiple characters going to the bathroom at once, the multiple dick jokes, and the emphasis on Mickey and Donald's butts(yeah, I kind of like butts),this is kind of pushing the limits for me in terms of graphic content so this is about as NSFW as I'll likely ever get. This is also probably the last toilet pic you'll see for a while as my drawing schedule for the next several months is comprised entirely of SFW ideas so I apologize to those who wanted to see more NSFW work from me. Anyways, inspired by this controversial Dodge Durango commercial, ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VicZxd9Ts9w ) Goofy is in the bathroom stall doing his business when he overhears Mickey and Donald at the urinals right next to him. Due to a massive misunderstanding, Goofy thinks that Mickey is bragging about his penis but in reality, he's bragging about his magical Sorcerer's Apprentice hat. I wonder how awkward things were between them after this scene?
Thank you, did you notice that this was also the first toilet pic of mine that doesn't show an actual toilet? Goofy's body and newspaper completely cover where the toilet would be so there was no need to draw one.
Thank you, did you notice that this was also the first toilet pic of mine that doesn't show an actua
Anyways, like I said in the description, this will likely be the last NSFW artwork that you'll see from me for a long time. While I still do have some ideas and I might make some more in the distant future, I think I'll stick with my non offensive content for the sake of appealing to broader audiences. Not only that, there's only so many scenarios you can come up with that revolve around a toilet and the ideas are starting to get a little old for me whereas SFW art allows me to do so much more variety. The next project is based on a request by finalmaster24 from DeviantArt who wanted a fusion of Crash Bandicoot, Coco, Tawna, and the Trophy Girls - sort of like the Megamix character that appears at the end of Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure.
Anyways, like I said in the description, this will likely be the last NSFW artwork that you'll see f
I understand that this is quite tame compared to some other work on this website but by my standards, this is NSFW. My rule of thumb is that if it's something you wouldn't show to a Kindergarten student, I consider it NSFW. And some of the more risque artwork that is classified as "Mature" or "Adult" is just content that I could never see myself creating. My kinks generally don't go anything beyond what would be considered mildly suggestive and as a sex repulsed asexual/aromantic, the more explicit content generally doesn't interest me.
I understand that this is quite tame compared to some other work on this website but by my standards
Thanks, I figured it would work best to have Goofy on the toilet. As I mentioned in the description, it was inspired by a commercial featuring 2 guys at the urinals and a third guy in the stall and since Mickey and Donald are roughly the same height, it would make more sense to have them together for the sake of aesthetic balance. And on a separate note, notice how I was able to pull off a toilet pic of Goofy without showing an actual toilet. His body and newspaper cover up where the toilet would be so there was no need to draw one.
Thanks, I figured it would work best to have Goofy on the toilet. As I mentioned in the description,
Anytime :3 And yup I read that & I absolutely understand why you made it this way. Because yeah that does make more sense lol.
And yeah I did notice that, and yeah given he's a full adult yeah it's all the more likely that yeah, his size would absolutely cover the entire toilet lol. The only piece of the toilet you can see is in between his legs lmao. Unless of course you showed an adult character with a side shot (like what I like to make), then you could see some of the toilet. But yeah front shots like this, there's not much to see lol
Anytime :3 And yup I read that & I absolutely understand why you made it this way. Because yeah that