Just when I thought Choko was going to fall asleep because he felt save and sound in the company of his very best friend... something else woke up for the same reasons. :3
Just when I thought Choko was going to fall asleep because he felt save and sound in the company of
We simply do not see any amount of first-person POV work on this site, so Our Host truly brings it with submissions like this. Interesting seeing Choko's cake-icing mohawk in such up-close detail. Also, nice to see that Mr. Jimmy James is still there for our little weirdo, saintly patience and all.
We simply do not see any amount of first-person POV work on this site, so Our Host truly brings it w
i sympathize a lot with jimmy; HOW he has become so important for choko. now, little horny total mess in a donkey form, please, don't throw yourself away. don't lose that rock. just hump him a little... ⟩:ᴗ❳
i sympathize a lot with jimmy; *HOW* he has become so important for choko. now, little horny total
The art style for one, reminds me a lot of some books I would read as a kid, also the dialog is super grounded and realistic, which I've always been a big sucker for >w<
The art style for one, reminds me a lot of some books I would read as a kid, also the dialog is supe
Aaaawww j'aime bien la maniere dont tourne cette BD ... et LOL bien entendu il fallait que la p'tite bête se réveille en dernier de tout XD XD XD XD ... peut-être que c'est le coup a la tête.
Aaaawww j'aime bien la maniere dont tourne cette BD ... et LOL bien entendu il fallait que la p'tite