Witness ye wizardry! I speaketh words into a mystical box of silicon and wire, whereupon software of the vilest devilry of heck doth spew forth an endless cascade of perplexing and unholy imagery! Sights to turn even the sternest men into quivering, chalk-faced whelps! Visions of an inhuman eye, so unseemly they could uncurl the very armpit hairs of the underworld's most malevolent denizens! Then I put them in GIMP and add funny names to 'em.
This is not affiliated with Topps. I just puked it up myself.
Images made with box-standard, browser-version Bing AI. Images tweaked and elongated by OpenArt's inpainting. Prompt: "Garbage Pail Kids" art of a cute [handsome/pretty] anthropomorphic [species][situation], 1980s airbrushed trading card art, big head, expressive eyes, [details], [background],