My grandma on my mom's side of the family was heavy into cartomancy (reading of cards), as well as calling upon our ancestors for powers to perform voodoo. Two aunties and an uncle of mine were into that as well.
About 12 years before my grandma passed away of diabetes here in the U.S., she predicted with a deck of playing cards when we still lived in Kenya the exact day she would die. It was during a cartomancer's session one night sometime around the year 1949 or 1950 with a gathering of friends and family. It was a 3 card spread representing past, present and future. 52 cards representing 52 weeks in a year. During my grandma's cartomancer session, she predicted the attempted suicide of a cousin. This prediction was years before he was even born in 1956. In 1982, my cousin talked seriously about driving his car off a bridge. He was finally stopped from doing it after he was bidding the family "good bye", "I love you all" with tears in his eyes. And it happened the way my grandma predicted more than 30 years earlier. My grandma predicted my mom would give birth years later to a son who is borderline mentally challenged. That borderline mentally challenged man today who was born in 1952 is a brother of mine 2 years older than me. She also predicted my mom would give birth to a son with a learning impairment who will not compete school. That son is me. Born in 1954. I had a learning impairment in school, and never completed the 8th grade. My grandma predicted my dad will be prosperous buying and selling tax distressed real estate, which my dad did very well in. According to the account my mom told me of it years later, my grandma then pulled a card from the future part of the 3 card spread, then got completely quiet, looking like she seen a ghost. My mom, uncles and aunties asked, "What is wrong, Mama?...Pappa, what is wrong with Mama?" After looking like her attention was drawn for a minute, my grandma said in a solemn tone, "No more for tonight. We go to bed now. Everyone else, go home". My mom then picked up the card my grandma had drawn from the spread. It was the ace of spade. "Mama. You drawed the spadille in your future", my mom said told my grandma. "Yes, Aluna. It is the spadille I drawed. It was meant for me", my grandma replied. With my mom, dad, grandpa and a few uncles and aunties present (my older siblings and cousins were made to leave the room), my grandma told of the vision she saw from that card, very real, vivid, and clear as day, of the month, day and year she would pass away of diabetes on April 17th, 1962 in a U.S. hospital. And this was in the year 1949 or 1950. And at the time, none of our family had yet been in the U.S.
And sure enough, on April 17th, 1962, my grandma's prediction from 12 years ago was right on the money. She spent the last 12 years of her life knowing exactly when she was going to die.
My grandma on my mom's side of the family was heavy into cartomancy (reading of cards), as well as c