That's good boys already wearing a diapers! Thanks you and if you say so I would also look cute in that pumpkin costume I'm already kind of pumpkin looking all i need to do is paint my belly orange and paint good looking a face for it x3
That's good boys already wearing a diapers! Thanks you and if you say so I would also look cute in t
That reminds me of a Halloween when I was in the 1st grade. I was attending a special private school at that time. The school had a Halloween play that year, which was the following school year after my family immigrated here to the U.S. A week before they had the play, the different teachers were discussing plans for their class participation in the play. The 1st grade teacher of the class I was in, Mrs. Hildergrant, said all her students were going to be pumpkins in the play. I immediately retorted, "Noooo. I wanna be a black cat". Well, I didn't get to be a black cat in the play. However, they did let me be one of King Cole's three fiddlers. T During the play, two of the boys and I were dressed up in red and green leotard outfits like they wore in the Robin Hood days of the middle ages I remember it like it was yesterday.
During our part of the play, a teacher recited the Old King Cole rhyme.
Ole King Cole was a merry old soul. And a merry old soul was he. He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl. And he called for his fiddlers three.
On the queue of, "And he called for his fiddlers three", we pretended like we were playing fiddles.
Well...At least, I didn't have to be a pumpkin. As I recall, it was a really nice play and went well.
That reminds me of a Halloween when I was in the 1st grade. I was attending a special private school