Kanya was never a fan of clothes. Lacking anything to even bother covering up, she preferred just remaining natural as she was born. So, when the empire of Talkar, under the direction of Emperor Niro, reached his hand of conquest out towards the elder races, she was captured during the many raids and imprisoned. For centuries she was the prisoner and concubine to several succeeding emperors during their reigns. The enlightened Flôriana was the last female emperor of Talkar, and although she did treat Kanya with more respect and dignity, she had the irritating habit of dressing Kanya up on social outings like one would a pet. Kanya had to make her 'master' look good. If it weren't for the collars of restrainment, her powers suppressed, she would have escaped centuries over and decimated them all. It was thankfully during Flôriana's successor's reign, the crafy Iundai, that Kanya was rescued from her enslavement by the elder races themselves. She stripped herself of clothes immediately after to much merriment!