When my younger siblings and I were kids, we use to roll toy Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars along a long window counter at a Krispy Kream donut shop the family use to go to. We would pretend the long counter was a major highway. A few times, we'd bring some of the homemade toy cars we had brought to the U.S. Those would run rather rumpity bumpity on that fomica top counter.
When my younger siblings and I were kids, we use to roll toy Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars along a lo
That's something I'd do but at mc Donald's, I had a box of hot wheels id take everywhere with me and a few tonka trucks, 🚒 was so much fun I sometimes wish I could be 5 or 6yrs old again.
That's something I'd do but at mc Donald's, I had a box of hot wheels id take everywhere with me and