I know in my heart I have it to overcome my phobias. Yet, I also know I been facing challenges. Its been difficult to tell between a bad habit and spiritual warfare. Its also been a challenge to pin point what I must give up in order to change. Though I have noticed the obvious. I have been working on purity.
On the flip side I also found myself clinching my jaw more. My anxeity has become challenging. I find my plushy wallet helps. I use an autistic pacifier every so often. My therapist is working with me on things. Mostly I use my autistic pacifier at night. Although when I am strugalling with anxious thoughts I will use it while I am doing a craft.
I realize I have a need to be held. A sense of toutch in a hug. Yet, its really hard to silence my anxious thoughts and calm my nerves. Some how this fits for this sermon of Super Natural. Prayer is important and very powerful in groups. While prayer is powerful reguardless; getting prayer with people resolves mental issues. You have to rationalize whats going on around you. Which forces you to come to terms. Then the Holy spirit can reach you.
I would like to say I am not bothered by what other people think. Unfortunatly this is not really true. Its very hard to overcome the possibility people are reaching false conclusions. When I am held I get scared I may ruin the moment. However, I need to realize the Holy Spirit is with us and it does not matter if I shudder or lean the wrong way. What really matters is I am joining my faith with others and its up to the Holy Spirit to make this right.
2 years, 1 month ago
31 Jan 2023 05:39 CET
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