I been laging on uploading my sermon notes. Partially because of how things are moving along. I will have my drivers license by the end of the first week next month. My drivers ed instructor has a particular test taker in mind. With my anxiety she thinks it be best.
On another note... My projects are comming along really nicely. I am determined to get a dehumidifier for my garage workshop. Just so... I can finish that guitar. Missouri weather is irritating!
As for this piece above; the scrptures were being thrown out very quickly. So, I took the refference of Jesus's crucification thing. Then went with a bigger meaning taword the end. So, please take careful consideration in the refferences. A lot of people take it the wrong way to mean something dark.
Lastly, I chose to do this for Derpibooru. I am still on it for my other art. I just figured I would at least get this started.
2 years ago
22 Feb 2023 01:26 CET
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