Pokemon Scarlet/Violet is only days away and of course, leaks abound. One of those leaks being the unfortunate reveal of the ill-fated evolutions of this generation's starters and for my money, I think Fuecoco suffered the most in terms of it's final evolution, Skeledirge as it is yet another case of a Pokemon whose evolutionary line saps it of any charm and personality it previously had. Disagree all you like but you can't just give me a cute, chonky croc wearing a sombrero only to rip it from me and replace it with 'FIRE CROCODILE'. Not saying a firey crocodilian isn't cool in it's own right, but if you were just gonna go that route, why did you make it's second form the way you did in the first place? So, in one of the quickest cases of Pokemon: My Way, I took it upon myself to re-imagine it before the game has even come out officially. Keeping in line with what they clearly established in Crocalor's design before dropping it entirely, I drew what I felt Skeledirge should look like and nothing will convince me otherwise... unless of course this is somehow perceived as being culturally insensitive, which was certainly not mt intention here. (though I suppose it's just about as 'bad' as Ludicolo and Hawlucha and no one dislikes them)
2 years, 4 months ago
16 Nov 2022 23:48 CET
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